He is trolling :D
Oh w8, maybe not..
If u don't go tryhard stack anymore, u would lose every game, maybe u r better than everyone in this game, but still, it's a team game, so MM would line u up with shittiest players in the very high MMR, and u would lose :D
U can add all those guys with 45-47 WR (there is lots of topics like that), who say that their team sux (oh yes, ofc). But first of all prepare some pills from butthurt=D
Add me if u want, but
1) I am training CM mode in team for amateur tournament now and playing pub not so much now.
2) I rarely play AP mode in pub.
Though i can add u in stack, when i will play pub.
abandon this account
or else you are going 2 drag innocent players down hard due to extremely inflated rating and kda
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im really bored of tryharding... anyone here can add me for playing together.