General Discussion

General Discussion1+1 noobs

1+1 noobs in General Discussion

    I hate playing games with people who run away and are like nope theres too many of them part of dota is the strategy of being able to split them up and kill them one by one some people need to learn how to fight against multple people and use the surroundings to throw their vision off and shit ...I know im not explaining myself well I am just upset at the amount of people I meet who dont have confidence in engaging the enemy when we are up on kills and have more gold/levels and yet all they can think of is oh theres more of them we cant win... hate people who slow me down


      I quess you are one those guys who will not back up when i can sense its clearly going to be overwhelming odds on enemy side and call team to back. 48% winrate confirms pretty much that. (im not saying that im any pro either but former happens almost every game)

      And btw not every hero is op as slark and can escape 3v1 situations with going out with a kill on himself.

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        some people need to realize that other heros can die before they can cast their spells lol


          One could imagine the important spell heroes stay back and sturdiest ones would engage first, usually the tanks like axe and bloodseeker have ways to stop you from stopping the wombo comboers initiation on you.

          Like if you engage on any sturdy hero and theres kunkka hiding behind them the boat buff will make him not die even if you are 3 to 1 and the kunkka combo will kill you all around him

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            im not talking about kunkka and I know how far his boat cast is and I know the job of a tank I also know who does what I know who should die first and crap usually the people I play with are dumb lol I wipe out teams by myself running around with slark but when I require someone assistance the are too chicken shit


              ur bad and u should feel bad too


                Your perception of the game is accurate KrzyMoFo, as is your perception of your poor articulation of the problem.

                But you can't hold it against the random bad players in your games, nor expect them to magically improve. Instead you need to work to make friends with every good player you encounter until you have a nice fat friends list from which to choose a team that can and will fight instead of panic.

                To some extent you can teach people to do their job in a team fight...but the fact is most players can't even see what is happening when there are more than a couple heroes doing something at the same time. It freaks people out, especially because their experience...being that lots of heroes = I am about to die horribly. And many can't overcome this because they simply continue to practice doing it wrong, don't know what an opportunity even looks like, and can't perceive such moments and react in time to capitalize them if they did know.

                Instead just try to get people who will at least try to cast everything and use all items on something. That will create opportunities on accident if nothing else. When you see that a team fight can't be won, either because of the other teams wombo combo or your allies incompatenc...don't fight, don't get close to fighting. Split push instead.

                On a side note you are clearly doing something wrong with riki, sven, and especially Lone Druid. Figure out what it is or dont play those heroes and you will win more.

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                  Sign up for some inhouse league, make friends, pub with them.


                    i understand you


                      I like how I play sven and riki although I'll admit I took some advice from people who tried to help me with LD but I have learned from my mistake and the next time I'll play him I'll preform better :P