General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Stupid Mute System.

Dota 2 Stupid Mute System. in General Discussion

    As topic, they put stupid mute system rather than put option to block player in the same queue with us again, so player doesn't need to team-up with them again.


      ye great idea, i tell valve.
      keep up the good work


        vroky add me!


          I totally agree with this. I would love to have a "block player" option. As more and more people blocked a habitual offender it would become difficult for them to que at all.

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            Isn't that why people report? I don't think it makes it difficult for a player to que at all, in fact wtf does that even mean? que at all? what are you trying to say lol. It makes it so that their finger break and they are unable to que or it makes the find match button unclickable?


              "I totally agree with this. I would love to have a "block player" option. As more and more people blocked a habitual offender it would become difficult for them to que at all."

              I used to think you might have a little bit of smarts from reading your many other posts on this forum, in which you seem to be a permanent fixture, but assuming you wrote this comment in earnest, this proves that you really are clueless about systems such as online matchmaking in Dota 2. Just use your brain and think about it for ten seconds. Within a handful of iterations, such a complex graph of inter-player "blocks" would have developed as to make it difficult for not only habitual offenders to queue, but for any MMR-based match to be arranged whatsoever. We know this intuitively, since we have knowledge about the nature of human relationships and the sort of conflicts which occur in environments like a Dota 2 game, which are almost always reciprocal although they may not feel like it at the time, and as has been demonstrated by the poorly conceived mute system, we have evidence that players will abuse a system to the maximum extent they are able which they believe allows them to punish other players. The "block", as described here, works both ways: the blocked player isn't just prevented from queueing an MM game, you too are prevented from being placed in an MM queue with the target player. Every generation (in which every eligible player for matchmaking had been matched once) the eligible pool would be reduced to a tiny fraction of the one preceding it, until it became impossible to arrange a match at all, first at the extremes of the MMR bell curve, and increasingly near mean MMR.

              Sister Fister

                Captain Crunch is the well of wisdom on this forum.


                  "block player" option. How can we accomplish this option?
                  A blocked B
                  When A and B are searching new game at same time, whom should we kick out from game, A or B?

                  A blocked B1, B2, B3 ... Bn
                  When A and B1 to Bn searching new game at same time, whom should we kick out from game, A or B1 to Bn?

                  I would like to say lets just kick A out from the games, cuz its called "block player" option. More players you blocked, less games you can play.

                  A blocked B1, B2, B3 ... B10
                  B1 blocked C1, C2, C3 ... C10
                  B2 blocked D1, D2, D3 ... D10
                  I guess we need one Matrix Algebra to solve this option. or you can wait 5 hours for one game.

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