General Discussion

General DiscussionAdd hero difference in winning rate for items

Add hero difference in winning rate for items in General Discussion
LL Poroksi

    So basicly it would be very informative if dotabuff would same kind of chart that heroes have for other heroes "Matchups" for items. That way you could see how much does, for examble Blink Dagger, add winrate for every hero so some heroes would be over the basic winrate of blink and some would be under.

    With that chart people could analyze what carries are best to get early bkb and what carries benefit most from lifesteal etc. Nowadays you can't really see on what heroes particular item is great for because you can only see top 7 heroes which most use that item and if you want to compare how it affects to different heroes you have to check "Items" chart of very many heroes.

    Hope many other people would like to get this implement too and info me if this has been suggested already.

    PS. Sorry for rusty English, tell me which parts to change if there is clear mistakes in grammar

    LL Poroksi

      No one is interested in the idea or did I explain it the way nobody understanded what I meant?


        no one cares

        Spinach Rag

          Is it just me, or is winning rate for items more corollary than causative.

          I think a more practical stats application for items is what percentage of users pick what items for a specific hero.

          For example:

          Ancient Apparition: Aghanims's Scepter: 64% (of users who play AA build Aghanim's)

          ...and so on

          Safe Base

            ^ That information is basically already there.

            Spinach Rag

              I don't think so.

              I looked, and it says: "total matches (for hero X and item Y)" "wins (with hero X and item Y)" "win-rate (with hero X and item Y)"

              What I suggested was: "total matches (where hero X is picked)" "total matches (where item Y is picked for hero X)"

              LL Poroksi

                @Australian Water Polo Team
                That addition serves different purpose. My suggestion helps to define which heroes benefit most from items like BKB, Lifesteal and Basher for examble. Your suggestion is good but it has totally different purpose, basicly it should just replace the current way where you see how many times it has been used at certain hero. Least played heroes are never seen at those top7 charts because of way Dotabuff shows it nowadays.


                  It's obvious more expensive items would have higher win rate. I bet dagon5 on supports would have like 99% wins.

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                  Spinach Rag


                    I don't think items themselves are a causative factor in winning. It's the players' (on both sides) skill that allows them to actually buy the items they use on a particular hero. If they suck at last-hitting and killing other heroes, then they can't really buy items they want to begin with.

                    Also, what you're proposing is unclear.

                    LL Poroksi

                      What I'm suggesting is to add chart for every item that shows which heroes benefit most from that item. There would be like "Best at" and "Worst at" and same way there is "Matchups" for every hero there would be "Heroes" which would show which heroes benefit most from that item when you don't count winning rate of that hero. So it seems that you didn't understand what I suggested because winning rate of that particular item is totally irrevelant.

                      I'll try to clear what I am trying to suggest if you don't yet understand

                      Nowadays if you look at BKB for examble you see this

                      Black King Bar

                      MOST USED BY HEROES THIS MONTH
                      Matches Wins Win Rate
                      Spirit Breaker 980,915 678,272 69.15%
                      Sven 645,858 412,016 63.79%
                      Shadow Fiend 534,472 319,697 59.82%
                      Phantom Assassin 513,588 313,612 61.06%
                      Gyrocopter 483,356 278,070 57.53%
                      Luna 474,982 307,563 64.75%
                      Dragon Knight 384,326 234,590 61.04%

                      This only shows which heroes use this and their winning rate with that item.

                      What I would like to see is something like this

                      Black King Bar

                      BEST AT THESE HEROES THIS MONTH
                      Matches Win Rate Advantage
                      Phantom Assassin 513,588 61.06% 17.21%
                      Sven 645,858 63.79% 14.94%
                      Dragon Knight 384,326 61.04% 12.34%
                      Luna 474,982 64.75% 11.39%
                      Gyrocopter 483,356 57.53% 10.99%
                      Spirit Breaker 980,915 69.15% 10.46%
                      Shadow Fiend 534,472 59.82% 9.81%

                      And same for heroes that get the least advantage for this item. Plus a tab where you could see advantage for every hero.

                      With these chart you could actually see how items work at certain heroes. Nowadays you can only see winning rate for item-hero-combo but it's comparable to cost of that item so you can't easily figure out what is best item in paper for certain hero.

                      EDIT: Can't get charts working the way I wanted but hope you get the idea

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