General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for Australian Teams

Looking for Australian Teams in General Discussion

    Looking for a team to join. Prefer teammates from Australia but can join any.

    Name: Niueanbeast
    Location: Australia, Sydney
    Hero: Invoker, Pudge, Wisp and other ranged heroes.
    Prefered Role: Semi-Carry, Semi-Support.
    Lane: Mid if invoker or Pudge and Top or Bot with other heroes.

    Best hero: Invoker


      Wow, youre invoker is actually pretty pro .. GL on your team


        haha that wasn't axactly a proper invoker build. Just a custom made :P


          "Last online: 6 min ago". Lol.

          Player 103543943

            Bro your Invoker build is some random shit lol, I cannot say if it is good or not but with a KDA ratio like that I am pretty sure you need to rethink your items a little more.
            As Wei_ said GL on your team!


              Thanks . Its a build i came up with that does a lot of damage and attack speed thats it. Its a wex build. Lol the only reason I have so many deaths is cos i was trynna catch up to my mate ( Tusk). Watch the replay and you'll notice XD.


                Do you know the difference between top & bot lanes & who should lane where? Just curious.


                  Yer I do know what they are. If in dire bot is long lane, if in radiant then top is long lane and certain heroes go to each lane accordingly. Jungler with a solo carry go top if in dire. Opposite with radiant in bot lane.


                    You'll actually find more people soloing off-lane, & doing a tri-lane in the long lane (either carry + 2 supports or 1 carry, support & jungler, though I don't see many people jungling competitively anymore)

                    If you are legitimately interested in getting into the competitive scene & learning, you should join the DiH channel & look them up on facebook (Dota IS Hard) It's an Australian in-house community made in an effort to improve skill & create a better competitive scene here.


                      I see thanks for the info man. Appreciate it. Whats DIH (dota is hard)? is that for noobs? hhahah


                        r u a sik kunt


                          Uhh... don't play alacrity invoker like that...
                          if you say your best hero is invoker. go search up grimorum and learn from him


                            It's for anyone Australian / NZ. Plenty of noobs but plenty of decent players to learn from too.


                              I know grimorum, seen him play aswell recently but we have different play types. Learning his playtype atm.

                              @404error: I don't need to learn from other people, I wanna be an original. My own playstyle.


                                That's good & all, but you're saying you want to become competitive. No offense intended by this because I'm fairly much in the same boat... but judging by your statistics, you're still missing some core dota fundamentals. Your main hero is invoker, but you're averaging 292 GPM with him, which just isn't enough. If you want to be a competitive on any hero, you need to be averaging at least 500~600 GPM with these.

                                So pretty much what I'm trying to say is, if you actually want a legitimate shot at being a competitive player, go to those in house matches because that is where you will learn exactly what competitive dota is all about. Pub dota doesn't even compare lol.


                                  games from like 5 months ago or further are my noob games. me learning the game. back then I played on a wooden pc. Watch this short gameplay. i left early cos I was at the internet caffe and had to go lol but it should be a decent game :/

                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                    Player 103543943

                                      Honestly dude, try the cyclone meteor ss wave combo. It does so much dmg, also try building Hex sometime it is the BEST item in the game for intelligence hero's.


                                        I'll try that :) force staff is the best


                                          RE: Niueanbeast, Looking for a team to join. Prefer teammates from Australia but can join any.

                                          Hello Niueanbeast, [DWSO] iCy.N3t here. I am also looking for a team from australia.

                                          Location: Sydney, Australia
                                          Hero: Night stalker, Antimage, Void, Puck, Templar Assasin, Shadow Fiend, Life Stealer, Lone Druid & alot more.
                                          Prefered Role: Semi-Carry- Hard carry
                                          Lane: Middle lane or bottom lane


                                            RE: Niueanbeast

                                            Hi, I'm the Justicar and I'm also looking for an aussie team.
                                            I'm not going to claim to be brilliant but I think I can hold my own (usually).

                                            Location: Mt Macedon (near Melbourne), Australia
                                            Heroes: can play anyone semi-decently, but my favourites are :Storm Spirit, Visage, Meepo, Morphling and Timbersaw are the main ones
                                            Preferred Role: Semi/Hard Carry, Mid-Game Ganker, can play support.
                                            Lane: Any