General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
bum farto

    Good: Responds to gentle prodding and poking.
    Bad: Doesn't go mid so I have to and I can't play mid.


    nebunu la jokuri 77777

      good: plays a great variety of heroes
      bad: mean caster xD

      Bad Intentions

        good: career high on mirana
        bad: avatar, change that shit man. eu server.

        Hex Sigma

          good: bloodcyka
          bad: only 13 denies on record you can do better


            good: KDA's
            bad: winrate


              GOOD: the first thing i fucking saw is the invoker gj keeping that wr and kda on the hero fellow invo user
              BAD: Knows nothing more than invoker; low number of games played on all other heroes; how can you lose a void with 454 last hits? ( records)


                Good: You play an amazingly large number of heroes which must help you in the long run
                Bad: You must do something bad to be at 50% win rate overall so yeah need more practice on the basics of the game


                  Good: Yay, good ES player.
                  Bad: Mirana could be better, you don't seem like a good hard carry player.


                    Good: 94 deny, awesome!
                    Bad: meh void stats


                      Good: Nice last hits on that Luna game!
                      Bad: Smurf account


                        Good: Some nice stats on your top heroes.

                        Bad: ...Betty White? what?


                          Good wl winrate
                          bad winrateoverall

                          Bad Intentions

                            good: avatar, lots of games veteran, wr
                            bad: ursa spam, lich spam, RUSSIA SERVER :D


                              good : can carry the game if given the space enough to farm
                              bad: picks seeker, that slark man


                                Good: One higher than my most kills :>
                                Bad: Antimage winrate

                                Hex Sigma

                                  good: ratting with tinker
                                  bad : play more heroes

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    good: new player, good wr in zues, should prob spam zues
                                    bad: too green, from hon or lol? squishy top heroes, i eat u :]

                                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                      Good: Winrate and KDA ratio on top heroes
                                      Bad: Plays almost only pubstompers:d

                                      make dota great again

                                        Good: Nice weaver
                                        Bad: Worst TA (on a good player) that i have ever seen :D

                                        Oh Shit Waddup

                                          Good: overall winrate, invoker
                                          Bad: WR with axe and np


                                            good: unusual number of most played heroes especially phoenix

                                            bad: low number of games, PL picker

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                            Oh Shit Waddup

                                              just out of curiosity did you play most of your games as alch mid or did you do it as farmer/support?


                                                good: good winrate, mid player
                                                bad: plays annoying mid heroes :P


                                                  Good: Dem supports.
                                                  Bad: Few games on most heroes.


                                                    Good : Kappa
                                                    Bad : Tinkerino

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      good: spacerino cow
                                                      bad: you really need more Kappa


                                                        Good: All the recent wins. ;)
                                                        Bad: Winrate in general :(


                                                          Good: Meepo + Tinker stats
                                                          Bad: Tinker top hero (although nice KDA), but seriously, that WR?


                                                            Good: Luna stats, overall KDA
                                                            Bad: idk rly... maybe that you never play solo?

                                                            Flow ~

                                                              Good: Warlock and Sniper, and also nice KDA in your last matches.
                                                              Bad: Not many matches played yet.


                                                                Good: Support player
                                                                Bad: bad farm on farming heroes.


                                                                  its barely depends, People are fucking selfish nowadays so i usually go roaming support role and it turns out much better that way

                                                                  @decisions ^
                                                                  good: nice OD
                                                                  bad: You're new, not even in high skill bracket, game is hard

                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                    good: your face
                                                                    bad: you play pudge and I hate that fatass


                                                                      Good: On a win streak.
                                                                      Bad: Few games, bad overall wr.


                                                                        Good: Kappa

                                                                        Bad: Kappa


                                                                          Good: A pilot. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

                                                                          Bad: A disruptive pilot. You seem to be doing EXTREMELY well in 6.81b. Good job


                                                                            good: support, kda's
                                                                            bad: not high skill bracket


                                                                              good: slark wr,
                                                                              bad: your new, and only plays carry


                                                                                Good: KDA of some top heroes.
                                                                                Bad: Overall winrate.

                                                                                That's ich!

                                                                                  good: more then 3k games
                                                                                  bad: Invoker most played


                                                                                    Good - Play lots of support heroes
                                                                                    Bad - 38% Winrate with Windranger


                                                                                      Good - Not a terrible dk player for once
                                                                                      Bad - Most denies 15


                                                                                        Good: Nice tinker
                                                                                        Bad: You're not Arteezy bro, stop playing that WR and lowering your winrate.

                                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                                          G: 2 day win streak
                                                                                          B: Feeders go suck a dick

                                                                                          ツ  Febrielle is ♥

                                                                                            LC picker


                                                                                              Good: Winrates and KDAs on most heroes are very good.

                                                                                              Bad: Dat invoker.


                                                                                                Good: Respect for playing a wide variety of heroes and still able to maintain that awesome winrate. Also your 6.81 winrate is crazy good.

                                                                                                Bad: Work on those top 2 supports maybe? Idk. Sample size for heroes is quite small to make a judgment on lol

                                                                                                Lalafel Anão das Tempestades

                                                                                                  Good: Winrate With suport heroes
                                                                                                  Bad: So much fucus in the suport role.


                                                                                                    vou te matei
                                                                                                    good : doom win%
                                                                                                    bad: you play super boring heroes(