General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    dragon Hook (45$)


      Fuck Sheff


      Good: Dat winrate with stacks.

      Bad: You are really making me search lost your most exp game I guess? Why does everyone loses their exp record game?


        Good: plays alot of support heroes

        Bad: play wr again and improve


          good: kotl winrate omg
          bad: only 50% ranked winrate


            Nice Invoker. A lot of games played, and nice winrate. 5k player if I'm not mistaken?

            B: Pudge-wudge. :-)

            Mr. Crowley

              Good : Shadow fiend
              Bad: Only 41 % win rate in normal match making.

              [DFG] Whale King

                Good: Holy Crap those KDAS
                Bad: Holy Crap those winrates

                Low Expectations

                  Good: Awsome storm stats
                  Bad: Dissapointing rubik


                    Good: Good mid player
                    Bad: 113 games as pudge

                    DC | NoZ

                      good: plays omni alot

                      bad: to much ursa


                        Good: Hero pool
                        Bad: You play Silencer

                        go kill urself

                          good: top hero kdas
                          bad: pudge winrate :/


                            Good: Smurf
                            Bad: Smurf

                            go kill urself

                              i dont get how that has anything to do with good or bad, can you please elaborate as i would like to improve thx

                              me, government hooker

                                good: all

                                go kill urself

                                  good: everything but brood
                                  bad: what are you doing on broooooooood loool



                                    good: u started smurfing
                                    bad: u failed

                                    Low Expectations

                                      Good: doom stats
                                      Bad: Too few games played to see if hes good or just smurf


                                        G: Seems like you're impvoing quite a bit lately(Ranked)
                                        B: Your Invoker, Pudge , Meppo, meh.. Almost every hero, dude. I'd say you must change pick-tactics, because I think that's what's holding you from climbing the ranks!


                                          G: Most of your records are with SF :3
                                          B: unfortunately one of them is a longest losing streak

                                          Yes father, I am winning

                                            G: Lilly <3 + nice top hero
                                            B: 3 days ago -> nice lose-streak

                                            [DFG] Whale King

                                              G: 70% zeus winrate
                                              Bad: I thought you would be a disraptor player from your profile picture :(

                                              Fast Car

                                                I am!

                                                G:Love to play pretty little girls heroes.

                                                B: Kind of silencer playeeeeeeeeer MEEEEEEH piff


                                                  good: #2 disruptor
                                                  bad: wr winrate

                                                  BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                    G: Sexy record
                                                    B: 975 last hits on naga and lost, holy shit D:


                                                      G: It took you less than a thousand matches to play regularly in very high skill bracket, gj! :)
                                                      B: A lot of unplayed heroes



                                                        Good: Good mid and Good KDA - Road to 4k

                                                        Bad: dat Razor winrate


                                                          g: good win rate, maybe a smurf

                                                          b: 27 days ago last game?, high skil lbracket :(


                                                            Good : 2.8k games played and staying over 50% winrate - Insane hero damage record - Good stack winrates - Puck seems to be succesful - Good Tidehunter KDA

                                                            Bad : Low KDA's on all heroes - Invoker/Bounty winrates - Only 10k tower damage record with 2.8k games (just play terrorblade, once) - Lose streak going on at the moment :c - High skill games in the mix


                                                              Good: Pretty neat overall winrate and KDA+winrate on tinker/invoker
                                                              Bad: Normal skill bracket games along with high skill level games, no sight of very high.


                                                                G- KDA (why is some of your game still only consider high skill? i would think that with those HIGH KDA, all your game would be in very high skill, unless you play with your friend?)
                                                                B - you don't play rank =/

                                                                go kill urself

                                                                  good: varied heropool, no metagame hero spam
                                                                  bad: u die a lot


                                                                    Good: Great win rates and impact with some heroes.
                                                                    Bad: Too few matches to actually determine your skill level but you're definitely good.


                                                                      good: wk winrate and kda
                                                                      bad: no ranked

                                                                      Avatar Yoda

                                                                        Good: Nice with Invoker and TA

                                                                        Bad: Surprisingly low WR with Pudge (I thought people picked pudge for his insane WR and KDA. I may be wrong, I am still very young in Dota.)


                                                                          Good: Willing to plays support
                                                                          Bad: Picks viper and nothing else


                                                                            Good : Nice Naga siren
                                                                            Bad : Pls dont spam naga siren, hate the song, such bad voice.



                                                                              bad:hes good cuz hes a smurf


                                                                                Good: Weaver Skillz and generally good
                                                                                Bad: Dies a lot in recent matches

                                                                                NextStep ®

                                                                                  Good : 76.47% winrate this week

                                                                                  Bad : Lack of high skilled games


                                                                                    Good: great Undying player, even though you've been unlucky with these recent ranked matches lol.

                                                                                    Bad: you have almost 2k games and there're still a lot of heroes you haven't played yet


                                                                                      Good: Your 5 most used items. SUPPORT ALL THE WAY
                                                                                      Bad: You don't like ranked matches, do you? :) only around 43% winrate in 35 games

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                        G: Very nice SF stats in records, followed by good gpm and cs/min! Wp.

                                                                                        B: Your skill bracket. Only 24 kills on SF,

                                                                                        Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                          G: nice sf, need more games with other heroes

                                                                                          B: overall WR

                                                                                          Airi ♥


                                                                                            G: nice mix of heroes, nice KDA and winrate
                                                                                            B: nothing really. maybe u hate heroes that i like (visage/dusa/necro, even brew)


                                                                                              G: Nicewinrate with top heroes.

                                                                                              B: high skill, probably smurf.

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                                  + Nice winrate!
                                                                                                  - Feeds a bit ;(


                                                                                                    g: shadow fiend

                                                                                                    b: u need more games for a better analisys :(