General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    good: u try to be cool

    bad: you're peruvian

    Questo commento è stato modificato

      Good: Varied heroes in your most played.

      Bad: Whines about bad teams while playing in Normal and sometimes in High...baaaaad.


        Good: I like that u have many supports

        Bad : nerf treant


          Good: good winrate with invoker

          Bad: im really bored so i couldnt find anything bad :D


            Good: solid wr with sniper.
            Bad: bs and viper in top 2 heroes.


              Good: BM
              Bad: top hero axe with 47% !!!

              Tight dota player

                good: smurf, love smurfs
                bad: wisp/ursa/treant abuser, u abandon game if ur stack doesnt get dire side advantage


                  Good: Epic micro skills.

                  Bad: over 200 games and you still have 2 heroes in your most played with only one match :(

                  Downhill Dave

                    Good: Warlock win rate is great.
                    Bad: Don't play carry enough; low kills/GPM record

                    Bad Intentions

                      Good: bristleback eh?
                      Bad: Ur top friend wr with you

                      positive influence

                        good:nice winrate
                        bad:bara and bs,i hate you


                          good: you win alot recently, ok winrate with heroes
                          bad: overall winrate, KDA HORRIBLE

                          pudge + bh < 2 kda ?

                          Bad Intentions

                            Good: not sure, can farm with PL i think
                            Bad: wr, new to dota 2?

                            P(+25|PA)=1(offlane only)

                              You are a good carry
                              170+ matches on Bara? o0


                                Good: Mid hero player.

                                Bad: 10 lossess > 7 wins :(


                                  Good: SUpport player

                                  Bad: Not a Good carry


                                    Good: Against noobs.

                                    Bad: Against pros.

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      Good: nice io streak
                                      Bad: pedestrian kda's

                                      COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                        good: overall winrate

                                        bad: too much space cow


                                          Good: Supporting actress

                                          Bad: shitty carry :)


                                            Good: Winrate I guess...

                                            Bad: You only show 27 matches Edit: now 66, but still a hero with 0% winrate among most played

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              Good: Support player

                                              Bad: Feeding as Abaddon. How?


                                                good: nyx nyx
                                                bad: dat invoker


                                                  good drow
                                                  bad win%


                                                    good: thread starter
                                                    bad: profile picture


                                                      Good: decent Storm Spirit player
                                                      Bad: bad KDA on SF

                                                      Señor Mango

                                                        Good: nice win rate for a new player
                                                        Bad: lacks creativity in name


                                                          good: seems to play a pretty solid dazzle

                                                          bad: barely plays anything else than dazzle!

                                                          Downhill Dave

                                                            Good: looks to be a good mid player with good current win streak.
                                                            Bad: Storm winrate; looks like it's a stomp or a loss.


                                                              great birstlebaaaack


                                                                Good: Finally stopped abusing LH dudes ;)

                                                                Bad: Methylendioxymethylamphetamin

                                                                Feeder Chan

                                                                  @DoctorDave because Chris can't follow directions.

                                                                  Good: Mix of heroes
                                                                  Bad: Those Friend windrates.

                                                                  all muted <3

                                                                    @good : nice ta/qop WR
                                                                    @bad : bad winrate for the number of games played

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      Good: brazilian, tinker most played hero
                                                                      Bad: kinda low KDAs

                                                                      COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                                        good: tinker and pudge

                                                                        bad: magina winrate

                                                                        Downhill Dave

                                                                          Good: Omni winrate is nice
                                                                          Bad: Deny more often !


                                                                            Good: Disruptor player
                                                                            bad: needs new friends, low winrates with them :P


                                                                              Good: high winrate
                                                                              Bad: looks like second account for pwning noobs in Normal bracket ^_^


                                                                                Good: great win rate with zeus
                                                                                Bad: od win rate

                                                                                LL Poroksi

                                                                                  Good: Nice Naix KDA and winrate
                                                                                  Bad: Horrible winrate with Lina, Furion and Qop

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                                                    Donald Duck

                                                                                      Good: BH picker like me
                                                                                      Bad:BH picker like me ;-)


                                                                                        Good: BOUNTY HUNTEEEEER
                                                                                        Bad: Void winrate.


                                                                                          Good: Solid winrate
                                                                                          Bad: You play too much OD and Zeus you monster.

                                                                                          beast player

                                                                                            Good: Clinkz picker
                                                                                            Bad: Stacker


                                                                                              Good: Mirana, much games + good stat.
                                                                                              Bad: pudge most played..


                                                                                                Good: Invoker KDA
                                                                                                Bad: SmallStepsCorrupt makes you suffer :p


                                                                                                  Nice Zeus :)


                                                                                                    to Christian: he's such a mad player who ragepicks AM and failing his role.


                                                                                                      good: dat slark
                                                                                                      bad: windrunner wr

                                                                                                      to next guy: look at my matches before yo add my winrate as bad