General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    g: nice kda on most of your heroes
    b: seems to be a smurf due to the high amount of meta picks

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    ultralight beam

      G:Nice winrate,very high skill
      B:hero spammer,smurf,no friends

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        ultralight beam

          lmfao just fucken judge me dude


            G: That last 2 templar assassin games u played AND a terrific Storm player
            B; U suck with skymage , so do I

            Props & Mayhem

              G: slark lover
              B: idk i like your dotabuff...guess bad winrate?


                G: mix of all heroes in top played
                b: average xpm going lower lately


                  you play too much

                  Убийца Меты

                    Good Meepo bad PA


                      GOOD main carry CK you dont see that much often, thats nice
                      BAD never played techies clockwerk? you are missing a lot of fun

                      OpenAI (Human)

                        Good: Has been doing great so far lots of experience and games

                        Bad: doesn't play supp as much

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                          NEEDS MORE BOX!


                            G: pudge, slardar and silencer
                            B: 43% all time dire winrate; boring forum spammer


                              G: BOX
                              B: NO JOHN CENA


                                good: slardar

                                bad: mentally ill

                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                  G: Overall winrate
                                  B:can't play in mother russia


                                    some games i have 400 ping in russia i don;t know whats happening rofl (skip me)

                                    ultralight beam

                                      abunai aite

                                      G:good on core heroes

                                      ultralight beam
                                        Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                          G: woop woop earthshaker :D
                                          B: dat skywrath winrate


                                            G : Pretty good carry player, high KDA on some heroes
                                            B : Unlucky with invisible heroes


                                              G: Pretty wr and support player
                                              B: Normal skill smurferino


                                                G: Nice carry
                                                B: Not the highest winrate


                                                  G: ursa winrate, is on fire last 2 games ;)
                                                  B: most played heroes are pretty annoying :P


                                                    G: High KDAs
                                                    B: normal skill


                                                      G: Very decent stats om most made heroes, nice Ember
                                                      B: Mediocore stats on supports and carry, many heroes with <50% winrate


                                                        G: 6 out of 10 most played heroes got winrate of above 60%

                                                        B: Sadly, it is compensated by low winrates of less picked heroes

                                                        Jurgen Klopp

                                                          G: Good win rates with several heroes .. eg necro, timber

                                                          B: Think you need to play more heroes.


                                                            G: Dat Pudge

                                                            B: You haven't played Meepo or ES!

                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                              G: Fairly young account, got lots of room to improve on, still fresh

                                                              B: Its tough but we all start from scratch in normal skill, but youll get up there man!

                                                              Master of fire, Lord of d...

                                                                G: Very high skill.

                                                                B: Bloody cyka.


                                                                  G: Techies in top = good. Overall good heroes and good winrate, wp.

                                                                  B: A bit low kda.


                                                                    G: Earth Spirit PogChamp
                                                                    B:Win rate on some most played hero


                                                                      G: u dont play on weekdays <.< i am trying to do that lol, well kda on qop is awesome , likes rubick
                                                                      B: cant actually say, maybr kda on lina

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        good: ta most played
                                                                        bad: normal skill


                                                                          G: winrate, kda
                                                                          B: uhm, not playing supports i guess


                                                                            G: plays many different roles, high brewmaster kda
                                                                            B: never played meepo in his life xD


                                                                              G: Morphling
                                                                              B: Lost your longest match


                                                                                G: Long time player, spreads toons around, terrific Shadow Fiend player.

                                                                                B: Practice more on supports.


                                                                                  G: True american bloodseeker
                                                                                  B: Smurf

                                                                                  ultralight beam

                                                                                    G:Overall winrate above 50%,plays support
                                                                                    B:Normal Skill,your records are not so impressive


                                                                                      G: Avid Earthshaker player and for good reason. I'd consider it your signature hero and you clearly play best with him. I would assume he's your "go to" if you want to win.

                                                                                      B: You seem to dislike having to play any other support besides Earthshaker. And it shows in performance.

                                                                                      ah dun wunnit

                                                                                        G: Versatile player, can play carry well and support well

                                                                                        B: you dont play much offlane :(


                                                                                          G: lion
                                                                                          B: if that's not smurf, amazing. Otherwise, stop smurfing :p


                                                                                            G: Good carry but he gets shitty teammates ... Nice KDA
                                                                                            B: Play more support


                                                                                              G: 11.35 average doing good as support =)
                                                                                              B: I could not watch your replays....however you are dying much more as necessary....focus on watching professional supports positioning during fights.....good luck ^^

                                                                                              exu do blues

                                                                                                G: high hero pool
                                                                                                B: i think you could improve your KDA a little more

                                                                                                el niño peruano

                                                                                                  G:54 kill with storm lol
                                                                                                  B: normal skill bracket


                                                                                                    Actually I'm not a smurf, Grinder....I was never a super-dedicated player, until recently. But thanks for the compliment!