General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    good:wisp win%
    bad: winrate overall


      Good: best ursa!
      Bad: Not enough games with FadiFlashi.


        Good: 430 match, Confirmed Ferrari_430
        Bad: Lost match as np with 1.1k gpm (Seriously how the fuck did you get 1.1k gpm)?

        Edit: Nvm your team abandoned.

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          Good: 90% winrate on Lone Druid, confirmed AdmiralBulldog
          Bad: Winrate on Sand King =[

          Der absolute harām boi

            good: nice overall starting stats
            bad: played a lot of treant when he was op (lamer)


              Good : Nice KDA, plays lots of heroes
              Bad : Haven't played for 4 days


                Good: Those are very nice winrates on your top heroes, which are all pretty rare to see in those kind of lists (except BH)

                Bad: Except PA :(


                  Good: winrate on warlock
                  Bad: overall winrate is pretty bad...


                    Good: Good KD on top heroes
                    Bad: Natures prophet in top heroes, rat!

                    Fancy Footwork

                      Good: Winrate
                      Bad: Kunkka… Ouch!


                        Good: JUGGERNAAAUUTTT
                        Bad: Holla Holla get Dolla? Doesn't make your team win... (NP)


                          good: nice KDA for supports :)
                          bad: good old treant abuser :P

                          LIGHTWEIGHT BABY

                            good: Really nice win rates with top heroes :)
                            bad: I really just hate prophet, so sorry ;p


                              good: invoker KDA
                              bad: invoker winrate, your high KDA tells me that you seem to play well even when losing


                                Good: Nice cristal maiden
                                Bad: Void, bad win rate, bad kda

                                Sexy Vicious

                                  Good: Plays all positions

                                  Bad: Pudge scrub

                                  TikTok Uncle

                                    Good: General KDA

                                    Bad: Zeus picker !


                                      Good: Juggernaut stats.
                                      Bad: <50 win rate with your most played hero! (Furion)


                                        Good: Very nice win%

                                        Bad: Not sure if legit O.o


                                          Good: Nice invoker.

                                          Bad: Max losses matches max wins.


                                            good: nice warlock and viper
                                            bad: no friends this month?


                                              Win: Positive winrates across the board
                                              Bad: Too few games overall for them to really be impressive


                                                good: plays TA
                                                bad: low TA stats, always following basic build which includes phase, blink, bkb, deso.


                                                  good fat
                                                  bad fat


                                                    btw come online faggot


                                                      ok fagmaster


                                                        Good: has 24 winstreak
                                                        Bad: has almost the same winrate with antimage as me :D


                                                          Good: Decent winrate.
                                                          Bad: Maybe playing those egocentric heroes abit too much


                                                            [monitus] bJERGET

                                                            Good: can play many hero with good/decent win rate
                                                            Bad: No friends this month T_T

                                                            -apm 400 player

                                                              Good: dencent winrate on lycan + kda
                                                              bad : need to work on those support son.

                                                              bum farto

                                                                Good: Much carry, so wow.
                                                                Bad: The backfire burn of Antifun.


                                                                  Good: Has played every single hero at least 7 times - holy cow!
                                                                  Bad: Invoker win rate xd

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    good: decent kda
                                                                    bad: fgt slark player

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      Good: Great overall perfomance with top heroes.

                                                                      Bad: Venomancer.


                                                                        good : top heroes win%
                                                                        bad: general win%


                                                                          Good: obviously a very experienced/skilled player
                                                                          Bad: 260 games this past month! Don't you have a job or something?


                                                                            @ParadoXicaL I don't know if it is a bug or a configuration I'm missing, but I haven't been able to play in my own computer this last month and I see every single one of my friends as disconnected in other computers where I've played.

                                                                            Good: Decent winrates with friends, plus it looks like you know how to YOLO decently.

                                                                            Bad: You just lived your longest loss streak, hopefully.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              good:plays a lot of supports and well

                                                                              bad:that sd

                                                                              Sexy Vicious

                                                                                Good: Likes to switch it up with different heroes

                                                                                Bad: win rate with most played isn't bueno

                                                                                Vanity  ツ

                                                                                  Good: Plays alot of support heroes with success, good kda, win rate etc.

                                                                                  Bad: Weak huskar


                                                                                    Good: His wisp must be beast, coz has almost same KDA with Huskar

                                                                                    Bad: His Huskar must suck, coz has almost same KDA with Wisp

                                                                                    nkt - restart 03

                                                                                      Good: Tide
                                                                                      Bad: GPM record


                                                                                        Good: Slark
                                                                                        Bad: Slark (oh got I hate that stupid little fish so much)


                                                                                          lol fishy fishy, lol fishy fishy, lol fishy fishy


                                                                                            Good: Good at Mirana
                                                                                            Bad: NP picker, also seems like a smurf


                                                                                              Good: Nice mix of mid heroes and gankers among your top heroes.

                                                                                              Bad: PA and Void.


                                                                                                Good: support player, you are a dying breed my friend.
                                                                                                Bad : 2drawbacks of being a support player- you have less fun, and you might actually be putting yourself down by picking supports all the time. try some carries or position 2-3 heroes, your winrate doesnt reflect the worth in being a full support player.


                                                                                                  good: over 4000 games!!!
                                                                                                  bad: for that playtime your records suck


                                                                                                    Good; 16 game win streak.
                                                                                                    Bad; Practically only plays girl heroes. May be a sexist or a creepy.