General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
jess the goat

    good:kdas on top heroes

    bad: cm could usea little improvement


      Good : Pudge,NP,TA
      Bad : Medusa,Puck,Ursa


        Good: that disruptor of yours seems amazing stat wise.
        Bad: Don,t play a lot of hero


          Good: Dreams of being a President.
          Bad: Dreams of being a President.

          John Matrix

            Good: win rates on top played
            Bad: smurf maybe

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              Good: plays support beta males to help his team
              Bad: only plays beta males


                good: luna,weaver,spectre
                bad: pudge,am


                  good: winrate
                  bad: furion most played :D

                  John Matrix

                    good: rubick
                    bad: windrunner :(

                    jess the goat

                      good: good support

                      bad: low gpm record


                        Good: Winning Streak
                        Bad: Never played Rubick :o

                        Ples Mercy

                          Good: Zapport player
                          Bad: dat winrate :(


                            Good: Pudge, Meepo, Record Page
                            Bad: Get the invoker winrate to 50%+ (not saying i'm better)

                            Edit: Oh yeah about my top 2 heroes riki and sb haven't played sb in 2 months and riki in 5 months.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              Good: decent wr
                              Bad: riki player ( i freaking hate riki pickers )


                                G: Won longest duration match with *Visage
                                B: Winrate


                                  @Astelan for me riki was the hero i learn to play dota one of the easiest heroes but after that i got over him :)


                                    Good: 60K hero dmg
                                    Bad: Asking for LC tips :D


                                      Good: dat Io. <3
                                      Bad: those windrunner iron branches :P

                                      @Ares.. i mostly have a bad experience with riki players on my team :P ( nothing personal m8 )

                                      bum farto
                                        Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                        Papi Chulo

                                          Good: you have friends!! You did a charity event some time ago
                                          Bad: addict

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                                          bum farto

                                            @ I <3 Fang Fucking bump central up in this bitch.

                                            Good: Invoker
                                            Bad: nothing much, just give your other heroes attention.

                                            I am not addicted I can stop anytime I want *gets itchy thinking about dota at work*

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                                              @ I <3 Fang Ni~!!
                                              Good: AM
                                              Bad: Pudge xD

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                                                @Astelan i get it man no problems :)


                                                  Good: The winstreak
                                                  Bad: Off topic again


                                                    Good: Anti MAge
                                                    Bad: Winrate overall


                                                      Good: 54% win rate
                                                      Bad: Slark picker


                                                        Good: 100% win rate on 4 heroes
                                                        Bad: Has only played 5 heroes


                                                          G: 43 assist on Rubick
                                                          B: 22 deaths on Huskar


                                                            G: Nice winrate with naix
                                                            B: Rat player


                                                              Good: Invoker, good support player
                                                              Bad: Could do better with rubick


                                                                top: most of your top heros
                                                                bad: dk

                                                                Fancy Footwork

                                                                  Good: Good win rate. 21 winning streak!!! And 973 cs is immense!
                                                                  Bad: Stacker...


                                                                    Good: Juggernaut
                                                                    Bad: 0% win Venge 7 games


                                                                      Good: 4 KDA on Slark
                                                                      Bad: you play only Slark

                                                                      brastealer  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                        good : 80% win wow such good much 20kda naix
                                                                        bad : oh well 10 games


                                                                          Good: Over 50% games won, a good player.
                                                                          bad: Storm spirit, but overall nothing bad about you mate.


                                                                            Good: nice kdas
                                                                            Bad: low winrate probably because of those kdas


                                                                              Good: Positive win rate and that Enigma.
                                                                              Bad: Has been playing with people who believe they're godly.


                                                                                Good: Impressive Drow
                                                                                Bad: I dont see anything bad.. you mix support and carries.


                                                                                  G: Decent Cmaiden
                                                                                  B: Storm Spirit KDA 0.23


                                                                                    good:amazing alche and naix
                                                                                    bad:highest kills not that great


                                                                                      Good: All heroes at first page decent
                                                                                      Bad: Sniper and Tidehunter

                                                                                      jess the goat

                                                                                        good: deleted comment

                                                                                        bad: deleted comment

                                                                                        posting because I got skipped #im too small:(

                                                                                        Penis Monkey

                                                                                          Good: respectable scores
                                                                                          Bad: not actually a hobbit,


                                                                                            Good: won the longest match he played
                                                                                            Bad: spamming alot of LC atm.


                                                                                              Good: 51 denies with dusa
                                                                                              Bad: Top 4 heroes are meh. We have Sb and Huskar aka king of bnet pubstomp, pudge aka king of attention whore and timber aka king of offlane attention whore


                                                                                                Good Skilled on many heroes

                                                                                                bad ??

                                                                                                Penis Monkey

                                                                                                  Good: Better than average Meepo
                                                                                                  Bad: Worse than average player.


                                                                                                    holy legion commander batman.
                                                                                                    good: you win a lot
                                                                                                    Bad: your name lol