General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    good: Kunkka, Centaur
    bad: DK w/r .. but it doesn't really matter (;


      Good: Holy shit, that number of games with Rylai
      Bad: Goes Bfury on Brewmaster :|


        Good: Positive winrates on all but rubick
        Bad: Spirit Breaker got up their pre nerf.

        Bone Chilling

          good: nice mix of favorite heroes
          bad: terrible win rate on PA =(


            Good: LH record.
            Bad: Only easy heroes in top played.

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              good: skill-intensive heroes at the top of most played.
              bad: bad win-rate with meepo


                Good: Decent mid player and likes to support sometimes.

                Bad: Probably a smurf.61-61


                  good: you are indian (brotha) and you play utility.
                  bad:your ES is bad

                  AND this is not a smurf account.


                    Good: high winrate with nyx

                    Bad: 10 lose streak

                    Supposed to be for game is hard

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      Good : Nice KDA and winrate with mirana
                      Bad : Negative winrate on most of other top played hero


                        Good: Pretty decent winrate + Invoker
                        Bad: Doesn't like to play support too much :P


                          Good: Lone Druid top hero, nice Bristleback and Wololo avatar pic.

                          Bad: How is it possible to get a negative winrate on Lich?


                            ^it's quite possible if you're supporting shit carries

                            Good: Really good support player :)
                            Bad: I don't really know :| plays too many supports, I guess.


                              Good: Looks to have a high influence on game outcome due to solid performance on influential heroes. Wouldnt wanna play against ya
                              bad: rubick KD is pretty low :/ Did you play that hero while learning? Thats what I did with my lion games which are a smudge on my DB

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              banana link

                                Good: Good support
                                Bad: Losing streak more than winning steak


                                  Good: Decent in Juggy

                                  Bad: Under 50% WR


                                    Good: High winrate
                                    Bad: Most top heroes have sub 50 WR


                                      good: plays a variety of carries + slark
                                      bad: do not play support + pudge


                                        Good: Very interesting choice of most played heroes, Ancient Apparition rules.

                                        Bad: 25 deaths as Razoe...although you were probably getting fountain camped.

                                        Bone Chilling

                                          Good: a support player (great warlock Stats
                                          Bad: 46% on necrophos, bring that dude to 50%+ to make your top played heroes look priceless =)

                                          @Game Is Hard =) I just sometimes love to play heroes that do not require button spamming, I'm glad theyve changed WK's crit to a passive ability only, 1 button heroes are the best lol

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            Good: Nice KDA and win rate on top heroes.
                                            Bad: Top heroes include drow and WK.

                                            Penis Monkey

                                              Good: The game really is hard.
                                              Bad: too much love on a select few heroes, no love to others.


                                                Good: Your name
                                                Bad: Lost a match with 37 kills


                                                  Good: Pretty good Pudge.
                                                  Bad: Hard carriers have kinda low WR

                                                  Bone Chilling

                                                    Good: I believe you're a good guy and play with your friends even though some of them ( "why always me" to be exact) suck :D
                                                    Bad: you have one "Lost match in records", make it all green man :D

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      Good: nice winrate & kda with most played heroes
                                                      Bad: way too many pudge games for my taste(you seem to be good though)


                                                        Good: Your Abbadon looks pretty awesome
                                                        Bad: Pretty low record gpm... although my own is also pretty low :(


                                                          Good: Decent overall winrate and most of the top picked heroes are decent.
                                                          Bad: Rubick win rate <50% and drow and sb picker :(


                                                            Good: Mid skills, we need more players like you.

                                                            Bad: Negative winrate with the friends you play the most with.

                                                            Penis Monkey

                                                              Good: Support
                                                              Bad: Sauron's dead, deal with it.


                                                                Good: Penis Monkey
                                                                Bad: invoker winrate


                                                                  gud np
                                                                  bad sb

                                                                  sick my duck

                                                                    Good: Invoker picker
                                                                    Bad: all carry mode player & failed support lich game :)

                                                                    Right Click Randy

                                                                      good:several heroes above 70%

                                                                      bad: drow ranger picker


                                                                        Good: plays Captains Mode
                                                                        Bad: BS picker

                                                                        solo offlane♛

                                                                          G: Nice streak
                                                                          B: low KDAs

                                                                          Penis Monkey

                                                                            Good: Nice recent games
                                                                            Bad: WR still low

                                                                            ALİCEM KARAGEYİ SİCARDİİİ

                                                                              Good: 709 LH 62 denies
                                                                              Bad: 709 LH game lost :(


                                                                                Good: Almost 60k max hero damage.

                                                                                Bad: Rubick needs love.


                                                                                  Good: support player ( I thought these were a legend )
                                                                                  Bad : It shows you only played 2 captain mode, you need to start doing these ;)


                                                                                    Good: Likes offlane and support and pretty decent Winrate and KDA.
                                                                                    Bad: Earth spirit. Enjoy it while it lasts.

                                                                                    TikTok Uncle

                                                                                      Good : Overall KDA

                                                                                      Bad : Lost an hour and a half game D:


                                                                                        Good: fun NP, meepo and SF gameplay
                                                                                        Bad: Np And Meepo rato doto Overrated = low win ratedafuq


                                                                                          Good: Plays support.
                                                                                          Bad: Cancer in the most played list.


                                                                                            good:100 % win-rate?
                                                                                            bad:probably a smurf

                                                                                            Miku Fan

                                                                                              Good: 70% win rate with lifestealer
                                                                                              Bad: only 50% and MEH KDAs


                                                                                                good: can play a large pool of mid/carries
                                                                                                bad: do not play support


                                                                                                  Good: Quite an all-rounder player
                                                                                                  Bad: Bad win rate on Wr and Bat

                                                                                                  To be fair I haven't picked Spirit Breaker or Drow for 3 months :(

                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                                  Penis Monkey

                                                                                                    Good: Pudge
                                                                                                    Bad: 22 on deaths on a Huskar


                                                                                                      Good: Most carries have a good win rate.
                                                                                                      Bad: Invoker, which is the top hero, got low win rate.