General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Plays a big variety of heroes :D
    Bad: too many slunk games I guess? Actually nothing bad really.


      Good: Variety of heros
      Bad, that naix top played @ 22% wins with a bad win/loss already. Stick with a few high % win rate heros for a bit. I sorted through your life stealer builds in games and they are really bad. Please look up "sam fuckin peckinpah's guide to lifestealer" guide on this forum. You REALLY need to read it and live by it if you want to play it.


        Good: dazzle most played and big variety of heroes
        Bad: winrate and lost most of the games at your records


          Good: CM/VENO and pos. win rate @ 55%
          bad: you're using a smurf account so I really wonder what your main account win/loss % is. Play as long as me on your main account *only account* and I highly doubt you'll come out much ahead.


            good centaur
            bad overall winrate

            King of Low Prio

              good: plays with amazing BH players
              bad: trash tier Brazilian


                Good: Gratz on your Drow skills.

                Bad: Play Anti-Mage less.

                nebunu la jokuri 77777

                  ^good: winrate and kda on carry
                  Bad: weak supportive plays

                  @Cpt Caveman, she's not smurf, she's my gf and we always stack when playing:D


                    good: nice jugg i suppose
                    bad: qop kda
                    de ce injuri asa mult?:D

                    GENERAL CHO

                      Good: Nice win streak you have now, excellent KDA, win rate on Viper and Naga. Exactly 50% winrate :DDD
                      bad: Pudge picker :) shadow fiend win rate

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        @Bag pula: That doesn't even make sense I have 0 hard carries on my most played heroes.


                        Good: You're better at Shadow Shaman than I am (although I did stomp in my most recent game with him)

                        Bad: Overall winrate.


                          good : CLOCKWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERK !

                          bad : that omni, almost 100 :(


                            Good - 13 win streak

                            Bad - Offlane hero heaven ?


                              Good: has the patience to play a lot of necrolyte

                              Bad: needs to learn how to farm properly


                                Good: seem like you're good at some hero need "skill"
                                Bad: Try to solo sometimes dude :(


                                  bad : smurf detected !

                                  good : mid heroes


                                    ahahaha, why everyone found out this account is smurf so fast :DDD

                                    Flow ~

                                      Good: Nice overall winrate and nice winrate with most played heroes. :)
                                      Bad: Low winrate with Tidehunter and Windranger. :(


                                        bad : too many support

                                        good : what a dazzle !


                                          good: nice w/r in general, and carry player

                                          bad: smurf acc probl


                                            wtf smurf acc -,-


                                              good : timber - visage :)

                                              bad : low winrate with most casual int middle


                                                good: win rate holy mids.... 62% wowie.

                                                bad: not really bad but your highest record for hero healing is with silencer for 1.2k which is fine, but with your stats, I would be interested to see you break that with a dazzle/omni or something. Looks like you just play solo offlane or mid.


                                                  Good : dazzle lover
                                                  Bad: record of deny

                                                  I play like 99% of time on safe lane unless it's tb, in which case it's wood
                                                  Edit: my healing record is 2 years ago with necrophos 5780 (with week/month is silencer)

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    ^ohhhhh duh i keep forgetting to do "all time" my bad fureur. Good call ty.

                                                    Yes what is a good record of denies? 27 is trash then? Apparently it is if you have 115 denies as record.... Yeah I need to work on some of my records I think. Except the healing one. I don't see how the hell i healed for 20k and we still lost the game! :(

                                                    @ Bag pula

                                                    Girlfriend plays it? Are you sure you're just not having split personalities where you think you have a gf but its just your hand? j/k... lol


                                                      well 20 to 30 should be normal one on lane, for rangeed carry, I think record should then be over 40 if you play some ranged carry
                                                      Edit: wrotted that cause i saw plenty of sniper in your profile ^^

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        Typically no I usually support but yeah if I'm going to do another ranged carry I should probably practice in bots match unfair and do some deny/last hit practice mid. TY


                                                          good: winning streak
                                                          bad: losing streak

                                                          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                            good: Nice KDA with weaver and winrate
                                                            bad: low winrate with SF and BH o_o


                                                              bad : PHOENIX !
                                                              god : holy shit great phoenix player !

                                                              Fancy Footwork

                                                                Good: Overall winrate
                                                                Bad: Only 266 cs for ur best record


                                                                  Good: winrate with jugger
                                                                  Bad : Low winrate with other top heroes


                                                                    good: nice mid player in general
                                                                    bad: 1.000 loses, just like me :(


                                                                      Good: Nice variety of heroes in top played.
                                                                      Bad: Win rate on Pudge, Rubick, Bounty and Timber

                                                                      COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                                        Good: General wr, high kdas, DARK SEER!

                                                                        Bad: Poor Davion and Magnus :(


                                                                          Good : Nice winrate on omni
                                                                          Bad : Overall winrate

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                            Good: nice winrate
                                                                            Bad: plays too much invoker:D


                                                                              Good: Top heroes have some pretty nice win rates
                                                                              Bad: sub 50%, although pretty close. Lack of support on top heroes.


                                                                                good: winning streak
                                                                                bad: it will come to an end during your next game

                                                                                Flow ~

                                                                                  Good: Very good at Weaver and Meepo, and you have a nice winrate.
                                                                                  Bad: Some bad luck with Bounty Hunter. :(


                                                                                    Good: Support player
                                                                                    Bad: Discoruptor is not ready to party with you.

                                                                                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                      Bad: slightly negative winrate


                                                                                        bad : why iceiceice so good on dk?

                                                                                        good : congrats for the sina cup

                                                                                        Dr. Knees


                                                                                          good: Your top heroes all have a nice winrate and you should keep that up.

                                                                                          "Bad" : Give some support heroes some love though (:


                                                                                            @ Rainbow the zookeeper

                                                                                            Good: Impressive KOTL win rate 62%

                                                                                            Bad: wind runner sub par win rate @ 42%. Are you playing wr as a tower diver, Ganker? In early game are you mid with this hero or solo offlane? dual lane or tri lane? I dont understand. Try something else besides phase/force staff and sheepstick every game. Doesn't seem like its going too well.

                                                                                            John Matrix

                                                                                              Good: Dazzle <3 (and cent)
                                                                                              Bad: really low kda's on lots of carries

                                                                                              *you're familiar. Think i commented you last time :P


                                                                                                Good: Pretty legit support player
                                                                                                Bad: Not a great deal tbh, perhaps should carry more and some of your record stats are pretty weak.

                                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                                  Good: Nice invoker penis.
                                                                                                  Bad: Takes terrorblades farm.


                                                                                                    good: in 5 win streak
                                                                                                    bad:longest win streak is 6, that means you probably gonna loose soon.


                                                                                                      Good: Nice variety of heroes in top played
                                                                                                      Bad: Pudge could be better