General Discussion

General DiscussionWins/lose is wrong.

Wins/lose is wrong. in General Discussion

    hey, i got 3 more loses here than what i really have, if someone can contact me to fix them, i will gladly prove it with screen shots. hope to be fixed soon.


      yea dotabuff is an ass sometimes tehy cant fix it. gl


        what, that 3 loses are ruining your precious stats ?


          um, no? dotabuff is not correctly recording wins/losses when abandons happen. it's a fact.

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            lol at first I missread it as "I got 3 more wins" and thought " wtf, this is impossible" , and after re-reading , I understand it's impossible.


              I've noticed there are cases where Dota 2 won't count a loss that Dotabuff will. You're probably better off just doing the mental math instead of expecting this to be fixed.

              la the yeezy

                it's not that much to worry about OP. I actually have 12 wins more than my lose in dota 2 but I'm 2 wins behind 50 % here in dotabuff. I have 14 loses than what I really have since I quitting even when it says early abandonment will still be recorded


                  My win loss for no stats games is 73-31. I'm not sure how you would score that since its a mix of inhouse captains mode games. and games where someone disconnected. I guess if they counted my win rate would jump up to 53.3 from 52.2, but it doesn't seem like that big a difference.