General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's up with Na'Vi?

What's up with Na'Vi? in General Discussion

    I just don't understand how Na'Vi could let themselves be so outdrafted against Alliance. They picked Wisp just for the sake of picking it and the Windrunner pick was no good either. The victory seemed to easy for Alliance, I expected more. Thoughts?

    Jon Snow

      Who the fuck picks skywrath mage on a competitive game?
      They could win 2nd game because they had mid-game snowball heroes.
      They pushed t2 towers and were scared to go into the t3 WTF?
      1 more match with Na`Vi vs Alliance is going to happen!


        Why they picked skywrath? Because it is one of the strongest heroes when it comes to winning the middle lane.

        waku waku

          skywrath is super strong


            its just total outdraft the guys wanna push all towers and dont ban kotl alch. they take towers then cant do shit


              Alliance just played it smart. They were content with letting go towers to avoid fights they couldn't handle.


                I'm scared of an Alchemist spike in pubs now. :s

                But yes, I think Alliance was just really well played. First blood and the scattered kills don't mean as nearly as much as winning the later teamfights since respawn times are longer and more gold is involved (gain/loss/buyback). Alliance managed the fights well and so they win despite the tower disadvantage.

                Also going Rosh with Alch alive and active and BKB on cd Luna what are you smoking? Na'Vi definitely made some important misplays too. I think it's not as much the drafting than the actual performance that happened; did you see how SM absolutely ate that Puck with Wisp and Sand King's help? But then they lost because Alliance played better in mid-game. Plus, both games the let Alchemist pretty much freefarm, which meant a dead non-tanky carry very quickly even with BKB up.

                blah blah blah

                Mr. G

                  Good guy navi, letting every team have a shot at being ti champions


                    Alliance just plays so fuckin serious that they HAVE to pick NAGA SIREN EVERY FUCKIN GAME it is possible. Because they can't win without her.


                      Why are u scared of an alchemist spike? Its a good hero. Much better than a Furion spike or a Pudge spike... Furion players think they are supposed to sit jungle for 45 minutes farming, they dont know how to use a Furion properly. And everyone thinks they are Dendi with pudge. Alchemist is a great hero that should be picked more, especially when we consider most games going 40+ mins in public.


                        And also "Winning early teamfights doesnt matter as much as winning late teamfights" thank you captain obvious, winning game 1 in a best of 3 doesnt matter nearly as much as winning game 2 and 3 either.


                          Implying pubs can farm. Hell, last hit properly. Wait, let them not autoattack creeps and I'll be satisfied.

                          Also, quantitatively winning one teamfight is one teamfight. A late teamfight doesn't equal two games compared to an early teamfight. Your analogy does not make sense. And if it's obvious to you why are you even pointing it out? To find a reason to get hostile? What does it matter that someone said something obvious?


                            Because its a stupid thing to say. Winning an early game teamfight will in many cases mean you will win a late team fight as well because winning a team fight early games give u a gold advantage, which will allow u to push towers, which will give u an even bigger gold advantage thus meaning ur chances of winning the late game team fights will be higher and stronger. So yeah, my analogy does make sense, because u can say:

                            Winning an early team fight = Having an advantage
                            Winning game one in a best of 3 = Having an advantage

                            Ples Mercy

                              shut up slave, i didnt allow you do write.


                                Navi = das troll team

                                How to deal with trolls ? Don't feed them lol


                                  I dont need permission from noobs :)

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    you lost 1on1 to me, your my bitch, so yeah you need my permission newbie.

                                    Woof Woof

                                      they just dont need over 1mil in cash dat ua lifestyle
                                      10k $ and u are set for a decade

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        Navi did not get outdrafted. Both games their drafts had a reasonable chance to beat Alliance drafts. Navi lost because they did not play as well as Alliance.

                                        The first game Navi got first blood mid and Dendi SWM zoned S4 Puck out of the lane...Pucks blink was going to be very late...but then Wisp-SK accomplished very little by miss-timing their attacks and SK missing stuns. Navi warding was not effective. Xboct gyrocopter was out of position and fed. Navi put no pressure on Loda Alchemist.

                                        Alliance took advantage of those errors to group up on win teamfights while Puck caught up pushing top alone. Alliance smoked in to take control of Navi jungle and won a critical teamfight. In part this was because Dendi stayed mid an extra few seconds to get a couple lasthits after he saw the ping for the incoming attack. Then Dendi got distracted and chased a courier while Navi lost the fight. Then Dendi could not decide who to cast on...he went through 3 whole teamfights not silenced, stunned or damaged and did not cast anything as SWM. Navi lost because they did not play well. Any time Dendi has a bad game, Navi loses.

                                        The 2nd game Navi had a critical advantage but they did not use it to win. Xboct Luna went for bkb which did almost nothing when he needed to rush manta sytle so he had the high early dps required to kill the bear and towers quickly. From 16 min to 19 min (when lone druid finished radiance)...Navi was in position to dive the base, kill Kotl, and take the rax. It would be taking some risk but for a few minutes it was not a large risk. With wisp it was possible to rush the base and kill Kotl. With just manta on Luna it is possible to kill the T3 tower and rax in one creep wave. Its easy to do in 2 waves. Navi would have had to take a lot of dmg on heroes to zone out Alliance enough...probably some of them would have died, they would have lost some of their advantage....but it was possible. Instead they waited moving around hoping for a pick-off and they could not find one because Alliance defensive position was always good.

                                        Once Druid finished radiance the long term teamfight dps was too high for Navi to stay up there and kill the tower taking radiance dmg. They could kill the bear once, but that required 6-8 seconds and taking 300 radiance dmg on all heroes only to have the bear resummoned and back in the fight...that was to much to sustain. Because they did not attack during the 3 min window when they had T2 down and had ageis...and no radiance yet. That is why they lost the game.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          Blunt, if i ever lost to u 1v1 i would quit Dota xD

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Yeah, it was just bad execution and decision making by Na'Vi. They didn't know when to do what. They just took towers and left everything as it is, giving Alch and Druid enough time to get their core items. They picked Wisp both games, didn't make use of it at all. Since they didn't have a hero to combo well with him, the relocate ganks weren't as threating.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              Relentless said it. I think it was pretty even match ups hero wise. I didnt like the tide mid when i saw it, but it appeared to work well, so the draft wasnt the problem for that matter.

                                              Woof Woof

                                                retarded windrunner won game for navi

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                Woof Woof

                                                  professional players Lolz


                                                    This is fate. Let it be, all that is gone with the wind.


                                                      Well, I think even with the Aegis Na'Vi probably had a good chance of winning as well. I only started watching in the middle of that game when Orange was at a crushing advantage, and they won another teamfight where they couldn't get Bane (or rather caught Enigma trying to get Bane), but then the Radiant T2 fight went completely in Na'Vi's favor even though they were at a very high disadvantage in terms of the charts. Outworld Devourer simply isn't as bulky enough as Lifestealer and once they had the BKBs up for important heroes OD was simply useless. Bane's Fiend Grip compared to Black Hole is generally a worse disable with a lower cooldown - so Na'Vi didn't pursue any fights when BH was on cooldown. Puck's blink coil silence combo's disable is also a great shutdown which messed up the team. Dark Seer didn't seem to even do anything other than pop a Vacuum and Surge the OD who fails to run away anyway.

                                                      But yes that Windrunner is going to be sad.


                                                        wow some people talk as if they could do better. Both teams played professionally but Alliance played better starting from the drafting.


                                                          Why do you insist on textwalling? I'm pretty sure you could've gotten that point across with a third of the word count.


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                                                                I think really I did not use enough words to fully reveal how game changing the radiance pick-up on the bear is.

                                                                Suppose it takes 6 seconds for the team to dps down the bear. If the bear has just relic it will do zero dmg to them as druid tries to get it out (because they are stunning and attacking it). If the bear as radiance however it will do 300 burn on all 5 heroes. 1500 dmg to the team is enough to require using the mech is down and the team is vulnerable to attack for 45 seconds.

                                                                If the bear has just relic and dies, it is resummoned and still can't attack them without a full team commitment into a losing battle for Alliance. But if the bear has radience and dies doing 1500 dmg to Navi, now Alliance can attack with the re-summoned bear having their mech up while Navi mech is down. The push must fact you can't even commit to kill the bear the first time because doing so puts your mech on cd and makes you vulnerable to attack. And so once radiance was up Navi could not attack, understood this and didn't try. As soon as Radiance was complete a much larger advantage was required to break the base.


                                                                  Okay I think you're clearly overestimating the role of Radiance here.
                                                                  It's strong, it MIGHT be enough to be a game-changer, but nothing beyond that; that bear could still be crushed; that damage the Radiance deals might still not be enough to even make a difference, etc.

                                                                  Papa Het

                                                                    Jesus guys they came in 2nd at TI, there's nothing wrong with Na'Vi, they just can't win everything :D. I feel sometimes they just overcommitted to fights and that's what lost them their advantage. Other than that they played a fantastic and enjoyable tournament :D.


                                                                      bear radiance is OP, even more at early min no matter how rape the game has been until then.


                                                                        hmm, btw I just rewatched game 5. LD and Lumi thought in the chaos that Roshan was bashing Dendi and that is why he didn't get that critical ageis pick up and lost his Beyond God-like streak. But while Roshan did get a bash at the end, it was irrelevant because what actually prevented Dendi from doing the final attack and from grabbing the ageis was the fact that his bkb was on cd and Akke put him in an ice cube for 3 seconds...rosh does 3 more attacks to him because of that.

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