General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for carry players

Looking for carry players in General Discussion

    I want to practice support heroes more. I play in the very high bracket and have a very long overall history in Dota, but little competitive experience. I watch a lot of pro games and try to learn from them, and like to play cm whenever I can get 5 decent friends online.

    I want you to play the most common carry & semicarry heroes well so I have something to support. Don't miss half of the lasthits, have map awareness and most importantly, I want you to have some communication skills. What I mean by that is not just "speak English" or "use TS3", but the ability to call out for things, not just ping the map frantically. I (and almost everyone else in Dota 2) am not EGM and neither can I read your mind, so if you want me to do something I'm not doing, tell me that.

    I'm looking to improve myself, not go for #MLG right now, hopefully you feel the same.

    If you can play, lose, analyze mistakes rationally and make adjustments in the next games, do add me on Steam. (Also, say that you added me for this reason and not because you want to sell me your commons for keys)

    Players of other roles are also free to add me if you have similar goals.

    EDIT: I'm from Finland. I can play EUW/EUE.

    King of Low Prio

      add me, I am busy moving atm but when I am settled I will play with you

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        Add me, because ironically, I want to practice more carry heroes.
        Also mandatory trolling: Very high=high=normal
        which makes us all scrubs.


          But what about eu?

          Pandamonium(You Died)

            EU is fine, I play mostly EU due to russian friends


              Just trolling: you called US all scrubs :-p

              Srzly: I'm playing on a smurf acc atm, will add you on either after this game


                I've added you.

                  Questo commento è stato cancellato

                    Sorry, the two of you above seem to play at lower brackets and don't have very convincing stats.


                      @Tractatus never judge by stats, give ppl a chance, and you'll see that u may be wrong. But it's up to you. Gl in searching for players :>


                        @bmzye alright, I'll add you. Let's game whenever both are up for it


                          Add me!! Id - Yamahia
                          surely yr carrier!!


                            add me , only us east


                              i play eu w eu e ,i can play carry the whole time i am carry picker xD got 2 k games,add me if u want