General Discussion

General DiscussionTeach me how to stop losing... Please?

Teach me how to stop losing... Please? in General Discussion
lim (n→∞) n/((n!)^(1/n))

    I don't want to say it's because how I play, but it probably has something to do with it.

    Anyways, I keep getting matched with people who either feed or feed and leave (the worst of the bunch).

    (Please check my dotabuff for more info)


      don't play solo
      don't play ap/ar

      Woof Woof

        it takes around 300games to get one decent game - to this day i remember 4 that were rly good rest werent worth a minute of my life

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          You are a long way from winning over 50% of your games consistently. It will take lots of practice, changing of habits and learning.

          However, you can get to close to 50% win without much trouble if you just start focusing on learning a few heroes. Pick your favorite role or style (carry, support, solo mid, offlane...ganking hero or pushing hero or farming hero...etc) Just pick one thing that you will try to accomplish every game with your hero and focus on that. Now pick your 3 favorite heroes that play that way and play only those heroes every game until you are good at them.

          This will get you to close to 50% winrate quickly.


            the limit does not exist. yup, i'm failing math

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            Vanity  ツ

              I would say you should play different different heroes and different roles to improve your understanding of the game, instead of just insta pick the same hero/role


                If you want to improve, it is by definition about how you play. If you want to win more, I'd say the easiest way is to find friends to play with.


                  Just play on, things tend to even out over time. I'm a solo player and on average my games are fine, obviously there will be oddities every now and then. Just make sure you are doing what you need to do for the team. Also try and get better at not dying, it sounds quite obvious but it's a skill that a lot of people lack and due to the snowbally nature of this game, one death can put you in a bad way.

                  lim (n→∞) n/((n!)^(1/n))

                    That's the thing. I usually don't die a lot. In fact, I'm almost always the guy who dies the least.

                    It's the rest of my team that feeds like crazy.

                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                      Don't play the heroes that you don't win often. Most often than not its just your unability to understand hero and play efficiently (don't worry everyone has that, you cant play every hero better than everyone).
                      Don't random in pubs. Always pick 5th depending on the lacked role.
                      Get wards if needed, even if your not support, sad but true.
                      Keep TP with you after 5th minute.
                      Develop map awarness, always know where enemies/friends are.
                      Don't afraid to try out new things.

                      Dota complex game brah, thats just the iceberg of being ok pubber.

                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                        Also, easy mode: play 20 games as treant, develop good map awarness, win at least 60% of your games regardless of how braindead your friends are.


                          Change your nick to a convergent series

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            ^Limit of a function != convergent series

                            Airi ♥
                              Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                Sorry I didn't notice there wasn't a Σ

                                King of Low Prio

                                  take criticism, 99% of the noobs on this site ignore good tips and continue to suck


                                    look, just pick a mid hero and dominate your opponent and rape everyone else