General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is there no "regular" mode?

Why is there no "regular" mode? in General Discussion

    I dont get why there is no "regular" mode? In Dota1 u would have to select All Pick in order for both teams to be able to select all heroes from the pool. There should just be a regular scourge v sentinel mode where people can only pick heroes from their respective side. I think this would add value and make more sense rather than it just being "Team 1" and "Team 2" as it feels like it is now. They probably wont do it because it will mean inconsistencies in statistics that people seem to care sooooo much about. But for me it would be more fun to see; what side is in fact stronger, what is each sides winrate vs another, how good is a player with dire heroes etc. It would open up a lot of things. But i really miss only being able to pick heroes from the side i am on.


      I mean radiant v dire mode ofc *


        I think that would be fun... I would like to see a "tavern" mode as well, where you could pick only from 1 tavern: radiant strength, dire intelligence etc.

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          Yeah that would be cool. Like radiant int vs dire int. But maybe it would be all too much, i just think dire v radiant is a MUST to be there.


            Or at least -random str/int/agi :P


              scourge OP


                its normal mode