General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle Axe now down to 8% win

Jungle Axe now down to 8% win in General Discussion

    I keep track of every game I play that has a jungle axe in it, whether on my team or against me. I have just played the 49th game.

    And jungle axe is now 4-45 win/loss. This is nearly 8% winrate astonishingly less than the average of 46.7%.

    Axe is a hero that excels against heroes at levels 1-5. He is very poor jungler who requires far more regen and kills jungle creeps far more slowly than is needed to keep up with lane experience and farm. When you put axe in the jungle not only does he gain levels and xp slowly...and use up plenty of regen canceling out his gold gains...but doing this also puts lots of extra pressure on the lanes causing them to be underfarmed also and more likely to feed.

    Because jungle Axe does not fight heroes during the time of his biggest advantage and never leaves the jungle with the items he needs to begin making up the difference by pushing or ganking....he becomes almost totally useless for the rest of the game like he was at the start. Axe needs mana to cast his spells and hp to tank during a teamfight...but jungle axe like to build more and more regen items. He often gets tranquil boots that make him too fragile to survive and too slow to chase if he happens to win a fight. He tends to build additional regen on top of that, soul ring, and then a spare ring of health as well...which he will eventually turn into a very late vangaurd instead of a blink dagger.

    Of course not all jungle axes are this bad...but even if they are skilled players...they cannot make up later for the terrible start they always have jungling slowly and giving their team weak lanes. The poverty that jungle axe causes for his team forces them to also make sub-par item choices and take bad risks trying desperately to make up for his awful play.

    Please do not jungle with Axe. It is an extremely bad plan.


      Its balance though. There is such a thing as jungling too much and with Axe being such an early game impact hero its in yours and your teams best interest to get the hell out of there.

      His item choice is f**king poor though. That blademail has no purpose on an axe who has no hp's at all and plus I dislike the blademail idea because most people use it right after the call which does reduced damage rendering the blademail useless. I mean you're pretty knowledgeable and his item choices and game choices are bad as balls.

      He picked Axe vs 5 heroes that could kite/kill him. #Feels


        The reason why you want to activate Blade Mail right after the call is because it means they will target you, this gives space to the rest of the team. If u didnt call, then they wouldnt target you if they are somewhat smart, and then a blademail would be even more useless if its not used when they are actually attacking u.

        Woof Woof

          i always gang as axe since lvl 2 and keep fuckin enemy players in ass but my teammates god its like they never want to win

          Woof Woof

            i had to quit playing my favourite hero due to this rly sad


              I think that bad axe players tend to play jungle axe. This amplifies their failure.

              I hope that anyone who wants to play axe, to learn axe...will shrug off their apprehension of directly contesting against other players and just go for it.

              Instead of passively hoping for lucky helix procs and trying to pve and team pvp game...instead learn how to use battle hunger to zone out enemy supports. Don't rely on them missing last hits...cast it when none are possible. Cast it just after the last low creep dies. And when they get low move up to drive them away from the lane so they cannot get a lasthit.

              Get mana to cast battle hunger more...taking lots of dmg and having way to much regen is sloppy and inefficient. Axe needs HP, but call gives him +40 armor and so he does not need a completed Vangaurd---still the vitality booster is helpful. If you get it, just wait and make it into a heart. If you are serious about succeeding with axe you need to get a blink dagger and learn to use it. But axe can accomplish far more in a siege by casting battle hunger on 3 different supports to drive them back and get them too low to defend than he can by blinking in to briefly disable them. Do not blink in to call just because you can. You must do it when your team can follow it up.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                early jungling is inefficient for most heroes, because it forces whole team to play early game 4v5 and put them in unfavorable lane configuration.


                  You are exactly right. There are only a few heroes that I think are really better in the jungle from level 1 than in the lane. Those are all heroes that control more units that just a hero. Enchantress, Chen, Enigma, Nature's Profit, and Lycan. Lycan's level 1 jungle is now very difficult for people without excellent micro skills, but its still possible. I recommend pulling instead until level 3 for new players.

                  There are lots of other heroes that can jungle fairly well after they have a few levels, or heroes that when forced off the off-lane can jungle if they must...But for jungling to be superior to laning you need to be able to kill 2 creep camps every minute.

                  If you can only kill 1 creep camp per minute...and usually that's the small camp...then it is far better to lane. And if you are jungling make sure your team has lanes strong enough to support it...and if they are struggling gank asap! Do not hit jungle creeps while your team loses the lanes because they are outnumbered.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    Axe in jungle is pure failure. Every game gets fucked because of that.

                    waku waku

                      i noticed that the second skill can be very powerful in the second game i played aganist him, why the fuck would someone not try to abuse it is beyond me


                        disconnect in console.


                          What I mean is that this pub junglers have no any good goal, it's like chen or enchantress in lane being unimaginable and "auto-lose", but they shouldn't be jungling passively but ganking lanes constantly. or enigma trying to reach level 6 as fast as possible.
                          their goal is to farm until not mentioned period.


                            in pubs having jungler is so much better than anything else


                              Going to example axe lane vs axe jungle....give me a couple hours.


                                because people farm at jungle and make useless items like vg


                                  Axe jungle is trash. Some day people will realize that.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Well, it's true that Axe is a far stronger laner than he is a jungler. But laning him is also not that easy. You either gotta go aggresive trilane with creep cutting or just have 2 dual lanes. For the first one you need a team of component players that you know. Needs a good coordination and teamwork. Otherwise you will fail terribly hard and fuck everything up. And for the second one, it's just non-existence in high skill games. If you go for a dual lane, you are most likely gonna face a trilane or a dual lane and jungler. In both situations it's quite hard for you to win that lane. It might get so bad that Axe might even have to go the jungle. And another thing is, Axe going jungle and losing the game isn't necessarily Axe's fault. He can't really win games if his team loses all the lanes.

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      wow only 8%. i assume you play very high and in there most axes i see at least try to be active when they jungle. i would expect the winrate to be a lot higher than those 8%. an axe who pops out at the right time with battle hunger can completely destroy lanes


                                        Well overall winrate for axe in Diamond is 4th lowest at 43.95%. While I have no doubt jungle axe is responsible for some of axe failure at very high levels...part of this extremely low 8% figure is because I tend to get jungle axes when I play a game in Normal. The feeder assigned to "balance" me is the guy who goes jungle axe.

                                        It is true that an excellent axe player can gank the lanes...but then an excellent player would probably be double or triple pulling instead of jungling because its so much more efficient. But even an excellent axe player struggles to jungle and gank because axe dot is best applied multiple times wearing an oppenent down. One instance of level 1 or level 2 battle hunger is just not that much dmg and the slow is tiny. Axe could chain a stun with calll...but level 1 call is only 1.5 seconds and does nothing to accelerate axe jungling so...Axe really needs at least level 5 before he can gank effectively and that's far to late since as a jungle axe he willl not reach level 5 until 9 minutes....with some nice stacking 6-7 min is possible but again...way way too late for the first gank from the jungle.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          Theres really no good option to lane axe in pubs against 3-1 lanes, dont think jungle ganker is bad place for him, he can even clear stacks pretty fast.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            It's actually more about the hero itself being useless. He is picked as much as Sniper in pro games. In other words - 0 times. It's just nature of the hero. Works only in low level pubs where Riki Drow and Sniper shines.


                                              I think axe does have some value even at the pro level...if for some reason people started picking dazzle and abaddon.

                                              But for pubs he is best played when you have the whole strat based around early push and use him to back lane to get super early towers with a heal-nuker like omni, dazzle, or necro...combined with some other strong tri-laner...visage is excellent, but venomancer also works very well. I like axe-veno-dazzle combo best because it transitions into pushing so well. If you just keep up the pressure people simply cannot defend towers against that without the level and items...which they will not have in time if you do it right. Then you get a pushing carry to solo safe lane (lone druid best) and a strong teamfight/push mid hero like puck...the game can be over very quickly despite the lack of stuns on that lineup.


                                                its stupud to jungle with axe. hes so good in lane. also hate ppl who wants to jungle with skele king.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  @Relentless And as I said it needs a good teamwork and coordination. You can't do that with random pub retards.

                                                  Safe Base

                                                    Axe is quite an awkward hero, he may need a slight buff to make him more viable.
                                                    The overall win rate of axe is 46.69%, which on it's own doesn't mean much as the likes of AM (41.2%) and wisp (43.1%) also have low overall win rate but doesn't need a buff.
                                                    However in the diamond bracket AM's win rate goes up to 44.2% and wisp's win rate jumps all the way to 50/68%, which is an indication in the hands of more experienced players those heroes can perform better.
                                                    (Bronze AM is 41.02%, bronze Wisp is 41.66%)

                                                    Axe is the opposite, his overall average win rate is 46.69. His bronze win rate is 48.39% while his diamond win rate drops to 43.95% which is the 5th lowest of all heroes.

                                                    There are strong signs even from the skill build stats that experience players understand axe is a bad jungler, and that his battle hunger skill is strong in the early game.
                                                    The top 10 most popular builds for axe in the diamond bracket, 7 of them max battle hunger by level 7. Only 3 of them max counter helix by level 7. I think it's fair to assume most likely the junglers maxed helix and laners maxed hunger.
                                                    Moreover, the lowest and second lowest win rate in the list both max counter helix by level 7.
                                                    So the higher tier players understands Axe jungles badly and don't do it, those that do jungle end up losing more often.

                                                    The top 10 most popular builds for axe in the bronze bracket shows significantly differently results. 5 out of 10 max counter helix by level 7, 4 out of 10 max hunger. The junglers actually do fairly well, the second and third highest win rates both max counter helix by level 7. A major part of the reason is of course low levels players benefit more from 100% secure farm as they are not able to farm well in lane.

                                                    The problem is even if one decides jungling axe is bad it's also tough to fit him in a lane as Sam has already said. I think it's also tough to fit him in the line up because of farm priority as well.
                                                    His call and hunger being quite spammable makes him quite mana intensive. More importantly he is also very dependent on HP.
                                                    The 2.5 str gain and 1.6 int gain isn't that high. Axe needs to man up and take a lot of hits to be effective, berserker call causes him to take hits (unless ghosted), counter helix needs him to take hits. The likes of Earthshaker, tiderhunter, sandking if they can get a good ult + 1 skill off they can pretty much die straight away and still would have made a good positive impact in the team fight.

                                                    There's no sense running axe as the carry and he shouldn't be the farmer in a trilane. He isn't effective solo mid, and just not viable solo offlane. He could pick up some scraps while pulling in lane but that won't give him the gold or exp that he needs.
                                                    I think that's the most awkward thing with axe, he is quite item dependent.
                                                    Treant protector has 3.3 str gain and 1.8 int gain compared to axe's 2.5 str and 1.6 int. If axe has something similar and make him a bit less item dependent he would be a lot more viable. Tidehunter also has better stats gain at 3.0 str and 1.7 int per level.


                                                      You are right, Sam. On the one hand I don't mind that there are some heroes that really just don't work without teamwork. The game is a team game and the balance has to be set at the upper end of the range of skills...but it is frustrating to see people continue to attempt to use a hero like axe so badly its impossible to win the game.

                                                      You don't see tons of nubs trying to play Chen. They know that they can't do it. But axe is fairly popular...people do not think of axe as difficult to play so they fail at axe so much more. Axe is played 3.4X as much as Chen. Now chen is harder to play than axe...but axe really is a hero that requires that you know what you are doing to win.

                                                      Actually I bet a lot of people pick the heroes the do because they like the way they look or the sounds they make. So perhaps winning games is far less relevant to the question of why do people keep jungling with axe and losing. Maybe I'm missing the perspective of the jungle axe player entirely it is just easy to do and axe is fun to play even at 90% loss.

                                                      @Safe Base

                                                      Unfortunately only 29% of Bronze Axe builds and 28% of Diamond Axe builds are shown because you have to get to level 18...Dotabuff really needs to change this. The build up to level 18 is almost completely irrelevant. What you really want to see is level 13...that is when the last significant skill build choice is made. It would capture so much more accurately how a hero is really used.

                                                      So it is very hard to know with over 2/3 of the data missing who is skilling what and how much it succeeds.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                      Safe Base

                                                        Axe may be as useless as sniper but the hero model/sound/effects are quite good. (I think sniper is more useless than axe).
                                                        I especially love it when he kills stuff with his ult. Sometimes just rush aghs so I can ult everything with 6 second cool down lol.


                                                          In the case of Axe this level 18 build cutoff is especially bad since the best axe builds are very likely to win before reaching level 18. And we certainly don't see the losing builds accurately represented since Axe has a winrate of below 50% and none of these are below 50% win.

                                                          There is no doubt that some of the build orders displayed really do lose over half their games...but we only get the tiny fraction where axe team wins for him eventually and he gets past level 18.

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                          Safe Base

                                                            Agreed, the level 18 cut off also causes new players some confusion as the win rate are all unusually high and build rates even for most popular builds are unusually low.


                                                              This is something I would hope could be easily changed since it involves showing less information and results in far higher quality. As it is right now the extra levels used subvert the entire purpose of showing any skill build data.

                                                              Maybe an explanation could be placed at the top of each skill build page where you would click something that says "Why Only Level 13?"
                                                              And this would help people to understand why including the later part of the skill build is counter productive.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                The problem is Axe players not leaving the jungle. You can help your mid or safe lane by just using Battle Hunger and harass the enemies.


                                                                  Early Hunger is so brutal, hes not a jungle hero anymore. You could luck out stacking light camps but its just not reliable enough.

                                                                  Hunger + a stunner works well and should be done more often.

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Useless /=/ boring. Axe is one of the most fun heroes ever made. That doesn't make him useful however.


                                                                      It takes you 3-4 minutes to have tranquil boots. With that and a stout shield you can actually roam around and pick up kills or back door the offlane and push the carries in the safe lane into a tight spot.

                                                                      I just feel that people don't know how to play axe and not that he is a bad hero. With 1 shy of 100 games at a 61.62% I can actually say that with confidence and while I know a lot of you disagree it is purely based on the userbase of DotA2 being ignorant of how to use a hero like axe effectively.

                                                                      With a combination of items, skill builds and play style concatenated across all the skill levels axe does have a higher win rate than most this month. Granted he is rarely picked but that is also cause he is quite situational and works only when the team allows him to work. You need an aggressive team to back you up or you will just be diving with no team behind you and will end up getting killed, disappointed and going back into the jungle to the mega flame sounds of "jungle all game" "feeder axe".

                                                                      Backdoor the offlane with treant, axe and darkseer or even a clock. That game is a guaranteed end in like 25 minutes.

                                                                      Only examples I can remember where I was backdooring the offlane tower.



                                                                        Jungle axe isn't terrible, just im assuming you play with bad axes to begin with. Most people say jungling is worst than laning, but tbh most people don't know how to jungle effectively. And a good jungler can stay on par with ppl laning as well. Since i play naix religiously and like 90% of those games are me in the junglel I've learned ways to jungle effectively. Honestly a lot of people in dota don't know how to jungle to be effective or efficient. I have the efficient part down just not the effective perfectly (ill admit to afk jungle farm from time to time) but im most certain that axe jungle isn't bad, just ppl do it poorly. I've seen you post this stuff before so ill go ahead and try it and see how bad it truly is

                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                          Skill Bracket


                                                                   High skill bracket is somehow a demeaning bracket to play in now. The vast majority of players sit in High and considering the broad spread of people I play with I am not surprised I sit in high.

                                                                            Doesn't matter who you play against or what bracket you play most of the time, just more how you play and your ability to make competent judgments with a hero

                                                                            You can play a shit Axe in Normal, High & Very High or you can play a good Axe in either of these brackets.

                                                                            Lets take the Bracket argument people always bring up. I play at High level that means the game has determined that is where my skill base lies. Winning with a hero at this level doesn't mean I had it easy as I played with people assumably on my same level. Its the same way that winning games on normal as a normal player doesn't make it easier as you are a normal player so are winning on a hero you acceptably play at normal level.

                                                                            TL:DR Winning at high level games as a high level player doesn't mean you had it easy as that is the level you are playing at and have it no easier or harder than a very high player playing at a very high level.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              well your bracket argument is rly weak. maybe it's difficult for div 5 players to play in a div 5 football league but it's completely uninteresting to look at it that way. in high you can (probably) get away with a lot of shit since the players don't know how to properly punish you for your mistakes.

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                Its not a weak argument and is quite logical actually but I am not as articulate as some in explaining it. The level you play at allows you to make those mistakes because as per your level, you and the players you play with are "mistake prone". If you were in high level you would play without mistakes as would the people you play with.

                                                                                If I made mistakes in very high level I would get punished for it which is your argument. I am not in very high level so will continue to have success in playing certain heroes a certain way because I am a high level player and not a very high too often. A good player can punish people for mistakes no matter what level he/she plays and more often then not most people will see a good example of game play then scoff because it is only that means that no good player exist at a high level?

                                                                                Granted there are probably times where I do get away with things that perhaps I wouldn't have in a higher bracket but that is actually not so frequently the case as I have played in all the brackets and well, people make shit mistakes no matter which level you play at. You can always play good and keep strong game sense at your core without having to suffer judgement from people who are at a higher level due to circumstance as opposed to performance.

                                                                                I have seen good gameplay in both high and very high. Both have their strengths and weaknesses but not that much that sets them apart as it sometimes just boils down to how you play the game but not necessarily how skilled you are.

                                                                                E.G. I have a friend with a long standing account and her old account like mine looks similar with games in high, very high and normal but the smurf account which was made during a period of reporting and extended low priority sits almost entirely in high.

                                                                                Does she somehow get better when playing on another account and does a win with axe in high mean she just won in high and an axe win in very high means that she played it well? I have already posted a game of axe in high and axe in very high....I don't even know why a bracket topic has been brought up as there are a number of previous topics on the subject.

                                                                                I think the argument in itself about bracket is weak. Bracket does mean something don't get me wrong but in a lot of cases doesn't actually denote to inferior DotA play but could also point to other concatenated circumstances.

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                  It is hard to be certain how much the bracket makes a difference on the success of jungle axe. I don't know if you jungled as axe or not or how often...but we can definitely see a difference in axe success.

                                                                                  Havoc Bager should be a good example of someone who is fairly good at playing axe, maybe we can use his scores to investigate it. He is probably better than 90-95% of pub axe players.

                                                                                  I considered that last 60 games of axe for Havoc Badger. Win/Loss is 4-4 in Very High, 16-16 in High, and 14-6 in Normal. So it would seem that his axe does ok in the higher brackets but really dominates Normal. However, that could just be the fact that Normal games are easier in general and not an indication of the relative success of Axe in each bracket.

                                                                                  Unfortunately there is only example axe game in Replay range to consider and its a loss. It would better to see a win if we want to see how jungle axe could succeed. It is a High game, so we do at least see people who are on average better than 85% of players.

                                                                                  Since we have a 60%+ win axe player trying to jungle axe it should give a clear picture of the limitations. He completes the first camp by 50 sec, the 2nd by 1:17, the 3rd by 1:35 then uses a salve and is lvl 2 ready to fight. This opening is ok for a jungler, and if it could continue at that pace jungle axe would be legit...but it can't. He is out of regen. And only has 430 gold, when he needs 850.

                                                                                  Then he does a level 2 gank and gets FB. Thats great but, really it is CK-wisp that made this work + veno taking a feeder position inside of tower range against ck-wisp. What axe contributed here was confindence for CK-wisp to do what they could easily have done without him. Axe actually does about 15% of the dmg to veno in the kill...dmg ck and wisp would easily have done in 0.5 seconds more time. They would have got it if he cast battle hunger on a creep and then walked at potm. The main contribution was being there and most importantly he was pinging veno awaking ck-wisp to the fact that he could be killed.

                                                                                  Ok, now he goes back to jungling and gets his 4th camp at 2:47. Then he tries for a stack but is just barely late. 5th camp is done at 3:25 and axe is low with no regen and still can't afford tranquils. 6th camp done at 3:45...has to walk back to base to heal and gets tranquils. Now he is lvl 4 and ports to gank the offlane at 4:45. This results in feeding weaver...largely because tranquils suck, weaver is level 6, and he tried to gank weaver with no true sight.

                                                                                  So its back to the jungle. Camp 7 dies at 5:50. Axe grabs a DD and attempts to gank nyx mid...this could have worked but he did not call first so it failed. Axe lanes mid until he is attacked by nyx at 7:30 who should have killed him but failed his combo so axe lives on 60 hp. At 8:20 axe pulls creeps, then deciides to gank since potm can be easily killed 4 v 1....Wisp-CK and clock kill potm. Axe cast Battle hunger 0.5 seconds before she dies and gets an assist. I guess it ticked once for 20 dmg.

                                                                                  Axe roams mid and trades some dmg with Nyx, lanes mid for 1 wave while Nyx gets regen, then feeds nyx while trying to save clock...clock was actually "saved" but stays and dies anyway. Back to the jungle Camp 8 dies at 11:33. Camp 9 at 12:04. Camp 10 at
                                                                                  12:25, then axe immediately dies to a Nyx gank because he is way behind on xp and items.

                                                                                  At 13:20 axe dies trying to save clock again who is literally "doomed" and certain to die. Axe could have lived if he did not have tranquils.

                                                                                  When he respawns jungle axe is now at 190 xpm and 176 gpm. Despite this dismal performance I would still say this is probably the best jungle axe I have seen in months. His failure is due to a handful of misclicks and mostly because jungling with axe is just a terrible way to play which quickly puts you at a huge disadvantage. If the jungle axes in my 49 games had been this good I bet they could have won 33% of games instead of 8%.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    He is an effective Jungler, however you will ever rarely have a team who will be stacking camps for you in order to maximise his efficacy in the jungle.

                                                                                    If you remember when puppey played several games with axe around 5-6 months ago, he had 2 supports stacking camps for him. Lvl 11 at 8 mins on a jungle axe is pretty ridiculous.


                                                                                      jungle axe, bs or doom = bullshit


                                                                                        Axe can only clear jungle camps effectively if someone else stacks for him. He has zero chance to get 2 camps/min alone early game.

                                                                                        The next step to consider is to try to find the absolute best jungle axe and examine his performance. There are currently 536 pages of axe games live. The top 1% will be in the first 5 pages. I will watch some of them and try to find a jungle axe succeeding.

                                                                                        Page 1 jungle axe game...-moo! axe has achieved tranquils at 4:30, level 5 at 4:50. He is maxing helix. At 6:50 he ganks the safelane and kills BH, his team is now down 3-5 he takes the T1 tower and completes soul ring at 7:30. At 10:20 he massively outplays BH who tries to kill him while jungling. Axe team is now down 5-9 and he completes urn. At 11:20 he ports to a teamfight and takes out the retreating jakiro. His team is now down 6-10. At 12:53 he gets blink and fails a gank on BH, then pushes the lane. His team is now down 6-12.

                                                                                        At 15 min he attempts to solo kill jakiro at the T2 and dies to counter initiation. He had 417 gpm, the highest in the game. His team is now down 7-14. At 15:30 he ports to the T1 to defend and fails to save TA because his tp is 2 seconds late, he dies also. At 17 min he joins the teamfight mid and they lose because his team is so far behind. He buys back, ports in and they still lose massively. His team is now down 10-21. Axe is stilll the highest gpm in the game at 369.

                                                                                        At 20 min he solo ganks BH and reaches level 14 finally maxing Battle hunger as the last skill point. At 22 min he attempts to solo gank BH at the T2 ck ports in and axe is easily killed. His team is losing 12-25 and he is still the highest gpm in the game at 375.

                                                                                        At 24-25 min there is long teamfight and axe dies again failing to get anything. His team is losing 12-29 and two enemy heroes have now passed his gpm. By 26 min the top 5 gpms are enemy heroes. At 27 min axe is caught jungling leading to another crushing defeat for his team the score is now 13-34 when he respawns and he has not completed his vangaurd.

                                                                                        At 31:21 he finishes vanguard and the score is 17-36. Axe gpm 328 6th overall. They lose his first fight with vangaurd and the final T2 tower by 33 min. Score is 18-40. Axe is still walking around the jungle most of the time trying to farm. At 34:30 he is way to late to a teamfight because he was farming a jungle camp and so they all die and lose rax. The score is 19-44. At 36 min his team is dieing in the base...losing the throne, but he goes back to the jungle to insure that his gpm stays up. He ends the game with 315 gpm. The score is 19-51.

                                                                                        Jungle Axe is now 4-51 win/loss in games I have seen. Match 291485929 if you want to see it.

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                                          jungling doom is legit if u get good creeps and by good creeps i mean troll


                                                                                            Page 1 first position (for axe anyway) ihy Axe was going to offlane but decides to jungle instead. He has random gold for extra regen.

                                                                                            He has the gold for tranquils at 4:10 but is out of regen and has to walk back to the fountain. His team gets the first 3 kills with out him even looking away from jungle creeps. Now he is level 4 and goes to the offlane with tranquils and magic wand, he can't lane again AM so he stacks ancients.

                                                                                            At 8 min AM leaves the lane to use hand of midas and axe gets some farm. Axe take an invis rune, roams mid and does nothing...goes back to jungle. His team is easily wining the game 4 v 4. Up 7-4 at 10 min...but AM is free farming vs Axe jungle. At 10 min Axe gpm is 243 AM is 427. At 12 min axe ganks mid and fails. He is level 7 and has no points in call, max battle hunger. At 12:50 he saves zues and ults SD before he can port out. His team is up 10-4. Axe gets blink at 13:40.

                                                                                            At 15:30 slardar gets blink and kills AM just before he can finish battlefury. Axe is farming nuetrals. At 17 min Axe completes Fstaff and Antimage has Bfury and Hand of Midas. Axe team is still up 13-9, but their 4k xp lead had dropped to 1k. At 19 min Slardar takes roshan.
                                                                                            The window to take serious gains is closing.

                                                                                            Axe catches Mag and they get a teamwipe and take T2 mid. The score is 10-19. Axe ganks Mag again at 22 min preventing him from completing blink. At 24 min axe defends top while his team gets half/rax mid. Score is now 23-13. At 25 min Axe is caught alone it is enough gold for Mag to finish his blink.

                                                                                            At 26 min Mag does a terrible solo RP on Zues resulting in another near teamwipe. This makes it 2 complete lanes raxed. The score is 14-27. Axe gets Shivas. Axe is now up over 12k gold and 16k xp. Because his team was able to win early game almost completely without his help Jungle Axe advances to 5-51.

                                                                                            291528681 Final score Axe team wins 34-16. Axe was 8-1-4. This is definitely the best jungle axe I have ever seen in a pub. But he had the random gold for extra regen and his team was far superior... He stopped jungling at level 4 so I don't know if he really counts as a jungle axe. Plus the other team made major errors in critical fights where they could have come back and won. Slardar and Zues won this game. They played very well.

                                                                                            Notice also...He did not get Vanguard or Blademail!!!!

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                            Dr. Knees

                                                                                              I have decent success with my jungle Axe. I would have to completely disagree with you on not being able to keep up with exp though, I have no trouble hitting 6 before my mid does almost every game. Provided I only jungle radiant. Also I would not like to reveal my secret. But I consistently hit 6 between 4:30 and 4:45


                                                                                                Well all your Axe games are in Normal...but you did manage to get 52% win on 23 games. KDA is 1.90 while the average for Bronze Axe is 2.16.

                                                                                                I think your secret is you got carried...Still you are far above 8%. If jungle axe really does work in lower level games that would explain why there are people doing it. If lasthititng in the game is very poor by most of the players it is possible you could keep pace.

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                                Dr. Knees

                                                                                                  I'm not arguing that I win games, I'm saying that the jungle exp isn't slow.


                                                                                                    The xp gain required to match lane solo lane xp is 454 xp/min. The average xp for a large camp is 219. Even if you kill 2 large camps per minute...which is impossible...Mid solo will still level up faster.

                                                                                                    Dr. Knees

                                                                                                      It isn't impossible to beat mid to 6, I promise. Between ganking and stacking, axe hacks.


                                                                                                        Ive gotten lvl 6 in just over 4 minutes, but any passive jungler is bad.

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