If you want to get into higher MMR, Play selfishly and do not die, maintain low death count and you will slowly find urself with better teams.
Pick LS every game jungle untill 25min-30min and win... that easy u will win at least 80% of the next 30 games
i usually dont blame the teammates, but this is really obvious becouse i have fallen down by 30
Skakonja why you talk at all? Ofc is possible too lose in last 30 games 20 when you are in normal bracket. That means you are not inaf good at all..you making alot of mistakes in-game but maybe you just don`t see it but i see.. In last 13 of your lossess in 7 you died more than 10 times.. Don`t talk that mm is unbalanced when you play bad..improve yourself and you will win more. GL
When I get stuck with bad teammates (inexperienced, poor decision making), I make it my job to carry them (not even on carries) as hard as possible and never make fun of them, I used to, I was down 20, now up 15 (all within a month so <3<3). If you have bad teammates, chances are the enemy team also has extremely poor players, if you're good (farm well, make good plays, dont die a lot, play kind of selfish ie abandon situations going poorly, gank mid! if you're not mid, try to not die as much as possible) you really shouldnt have too hard a time winning and swinging it back to positive.
It's like playing public counterstrike source, you have a team, but you will most often get baited, teamflashed and you just have to play better than everyone and have the confidence to know you can come back.
I used to play with a lot of my friends, and they aren't the best (like not competitive, never want to get better), so I stopped now and only play with one of my friends and we have a higher win % together and im almost 70% winrate in a month. I also tried to improve as a player (practicing, replay watching, pro watching). Im sure it will go up, I've only been getting very high in past 2-3 weeks and continue winning with like 3-4 game streaks so I'll get there lol.
You are correct, I personally care less about what my winrate is than about playing with better and better players so I can actually have close, tense, fun games (that I win or lose) or until they implement ladder (maybe).
they wont make a 1v1 ladder...........ever. It is like having a 1v1 football league it makes 0 sense
I meant a more serious form of current matchmaking, or a less serious form? Hmm, regardless doesnt matter all that much anyways. Maybe a better team matchmaking that doesn't depend on individual mmr.
He is 100% normal, plays only carries, only has 2.2 K+A/D+1 rating.
I will take a guess as to why you are losing son. You either go mid, farm all game, whislt their mid ganks and causes your side lanes to lose, thus you losing the game because it is 4v5, or you pick a jungler, farm all game and your team suffers because it is 4v5.
Just a guess.
see the thing is this happened all of a sudden, i just kept playing the way i used to, and bam down by 30. i play bloodseeker, viper and ursa as autowin heroes, but last couple of games with them went terribly wrong. i had an 18 win streak with seeker and now its broken all of a sudden.
and lots of you dont get what im complaining about, e.g. check my last game with ursa. if i were on the opposite team i would be the nyx.
"i usually dont blame the teammates, but this is really obvious becouse i have fallen down by 30"
insane logic bro, make new book about that hypotesis and get nobel prize.
its the oposite ---> if you loose 30 in row its your fault, not teammates
Jungle Naix is ok, if you team have good solo lanes, which is not so almost never in pubs, so I dont think thats your solution.
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hello. i was above 50% win rate two weeks ago.meanwile i went down by 30 games from +10 to -20, and keep getting stuck with bad teammates. is there any solution to this, is it a punishment for something or random?