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General DiscussionNeed tips for Shadow Fiend

Need tips for Shadow Fiend in General Discussion

    Hi , im starting to play Shadow Fiend and i need some tips
    i dont have so much games with him , i've just played a game
    and i think i did pretty good. Please commend
    Match ID:316971884
    Thanks all


      ok for starters you suck, no need to feel bad about that since you probably already know that and that's why you are posting. Shadow fiiend is also one of the best heroes to make you improve your last hitting so you can only gain smth by keep playing him but PLEASE don't come here insinuating you did well by ending with a lot of kills and getting a win playing vs noobs and playing like a shit tard ignorant scum (which you still are but can change on how you approach sf -> shadow fiend).

      what to do to get better at sf (and since you are still "normal level, it should be ok to practice and fail consecutive times without the need of feeling guilty about it):

      1- Learn to last hit with 40 damage, start with a tango, save 2 slipper of agility and 2 braches, to boost you stats and initial damage. And take mid lane even if you have to dual or trilane it (yes it happens even in very high)

      2- Since you are still starting, you should use the skillbuild/guide of the hero i put out for player playing sf in the fucking valve site (gotta find it and i'll add it here --> FOUND IT

      3- Block creeps correctly and get a hotkey for shop. Buy the items as soon as you get cash for them and transport them with the courier (also with hotkeys so as to not lose vision of your hero, enabling you to continue last hitting and evade ganks)

      4- If you got problems last hitting in the very first 1-2 waves and get denied you should start using your raze to get some last hits and money. The damage at level 1 shadow raze is 75 so it should be higher than your opponent mid, at elast this way as long as you time correctly you will have a chance to get creeps.

      5- I don't usually recommend bottle but if you are doing bad then get one, if you need agility then instead get boots! What i mean with this is enabling the chance to get in and out of creeps hit range and enemy harras range as well as a higher chance of surviving incoming ganks!

      6- Usually you should go magic wand on sf, especially if you are new. This will give you a boost in hp/mana/raze in times of need and make you used to having less money --> stupidly saving for smth better cause there isn't smth better early on!

      7- you can gank and what not but what makes you a good sf at least in basics (since the rest is gameplay skills) is having a decent control of your lane at level 7 in terms of gold and enemy gold/level!

      8- Learn the range of your razes, often you can harras once and then use the longest range raze and back, dealing more damage than the opponent, being an ass and making use of the advantage of the range. Usually it helps to do this from level 3 and forth since there's not much difference in a level 1 raze + hit compared with 2 hits of your enemy!

      9- Next thing is be prepared for when the enemy solo wants to charge at you! Have always a good vision of him and your position. Often you see e wants to go at you, he's going to be out of your range 3 raze for that but as he charges he will step there! Notice this and raze him! By taht time and unless he's skywrath he shouldn't have casted his skill yet which turns his GO in a chance for you. Depending on his hp and what he can actually do to you, right after the first raze and since he's still going to go at you, make a second raze (if he has lower than around 500 casting range) or in the case of 600 casting range or more move a bit forward and cast the second raze!. What just happened? You got close to him and got 2 raze of nice damage on him while u got hit once.! At this moment you can BACK or chase! If he backs you can also hit him once or twice after the second raze! Possibly even killing him

      Unless i forget anything that should do it for basic on using sf

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        Just watch my replays.
        Im legend with sf.
        MYsf skills are beyond perfect,
        i allways know when to attack, i need about 1-3 minutes to think out how the enemy is playing and after that its just a massacre of blood.

        Vroksnak Top #1 V-GOD

        Primordial Soup

          ^ Your forgot the small camp.

          NinjaPigeon 鳩

            V-GOD support he is the best sf ever. Look his latest sf game. 2 rampages holy shit.

            SMELLY APE



                well thats the difference between solo queue and stacking
                you wont get as many full teamfights in solo queue which turns using sf a bit more opaque!

                i just don't get why valve just doesnt buy out the system dotalicious had! They tested enough shit there and SHIT WORKED (gamewise not reportwise)


                  u do know who miggel is right?

                  I come from the dark


                    your sf doesn't come close to mine bro.


                      V god the best god


                        check my shadow fiend games

                        im the best here

                        hands down


                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                        I come from the dark

                          ^ my average number of kills is higher

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Just farm and 2 hit cunts

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Another thread turned to a skill competition by our very high level players.


                                @Bad to the bone
                                you guys are high bracket. ▲Vroksnak▲ is very high bracket. no competition here.

                                I come from the dark

                                  I'd pwn his ass 1vs1 easily


                                    ^ In your dreams lol


                                      ANYONE FUCKING SAID SMTH ABOUT MIGGEL?

                                      SMELLY APE

                                        DAMN 7CKINGMAD SO NOOOOB

                                        one and half gun

                                          if you get a bad start, use razes to stack hard camp/small camp and focus on jungling while rest of your teammates play passively



                                            I play very high bracket when I'm not playing with friends. Haven't been matched with many pros, but I have been matched with aui, liquid tc, sneyking. Games are usually on the first three pages.

                                            Rambosalad best shadow fiend user confirmed

                                            I come from the dark


                                              no dreams, it's a fact.


                                                Won over qojqva in 3 minutes




                                                    Thanks Benao.MUTED , i ll try to improve your tips!

                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                      lel retards who think they know sf


                                                        ...and my cock is so much bigger than all of yours...oh...wait, sorry, wrong thread/site.

                                                        bum farto

                                                          Just because you have 600+ games with Shadow Fiend doesn't make you good. Sorry it has to be said that insulting someone because you assume you are the end all on Shadow Fiend isn't really the way to go.

                                                          Lets discuss why this is so as not to get you into a tizzy because you think I am targeting you directly.

                                                          Lets start on the basics shall we.

                                                          >Low KDA for a Shadow Fiend
                                                          >For 600 games win rate seems a bit low (after 600 games you would have thought you would be getting better)
                                                          >Play 100% in Normal Bracket so basically a low skill zone.
                                                          >Item progressions on your most recent games scream of an unskilled right clicker.

                                                          Looking deeper I can also see a few things like..

                                                          >Denies are horribly low and the most denies in a game was over a year ago.
                                                          >Stacking right click damage and attack speed over game essential items.
                                                          >Last hitting could use some serious work (from watching last game played)
                                                          >Leaving small items behind like Aquilla or Bottle where needed and going straight for expensive right click items (or stacking bracers)

                                                          Before you start making massively idiotic comments like "lel retards who think they know sf" I think you also need to be aware that your stats are up there as well and people can at a glance see that you are quite possible the last person on this forum they should get tips from.


                                                            Sorry Badger, but you're very wrong there.

                                                            I'm, easily, the last person on this forum anyone should get tips from.

                                                            bum farto

                                                              How is that game I haven't played it...


                                                                Farm child, Farm like you lived depends on it


                                                                  "How is that game I haven't played it..."

                                                                  Kerbal Space Program? It's utterly brilliant. As long as you have a brain, some imagination, some patience and some kind of interest in space and flying rockets and planes.

                                                                  In a little under 5 months I've managed to sink over 300 hours into it now according to steam. Very addictive and without doubt, in my 30 odd years of playing dem vidya gamez, THE most rewarding experience with pixels I've had, easily. Landing on the Mun for the first time was very special.

                                                                  Have a look at my screenshots to see what it's about, seriously awesome stuff. I love it a lot.


                                                                  It's cut into my Dota playing though, it seems they have very similar addiction properties :D

                                                                  The demo version is free, on steam or from their website. Give it a shot.


                                                                    poor High Voltage, just asked for some tipps and triggers a wave of swagger...... the best Shadow Fiend Player is Yaphets (aka. PIS) u can learn a lot about playing sf by waching his Vods on youtube ect.


                                                                      i allways know when to attack, i need about 1-3 minutes to think out how the enemy is playing and after that its just a massacre of blood.

                                                                      Did you just quote YairobeFromDC? It really reminds me of him xD


                                                                        Yajirobe IS the Vrok. It all makes sense now