General Discussion

General Discussionmy match making thoughts

my match making thoughts in General Discussion

    so quick background of me. there will be a tldr; version.

    i have played dota since 2007. i transitioned to dota 2 last summer ( i played maybe 20 games a few months before but i had a bitch ass girlfriend and abandoned several games.) anyways currently i am less than 50% win rate. if i want to go to high priority or very high i just need to play a carry several games in a row and i will get there. how ever i prefer to play position 4 or 5 and i support very well. if you look at my last games you will see i carry and spend atlest 2K on support items every game as well. i may go a 3:1 kill ration and spend so much money on wards. in dota 1 there were stats for consumables, wards, time dead, gold lost, neutral kills and lots more. i believe these all need to be taken into account when i go support and spend so much money on wards and the carrys don't know what to do. so ii'll play carry for 10 games or so to step into a higher bracket, and then play support and then they still play like shit. so my only choice to stay in high or very high priority is to play a carry role and get as many kills as possible. this is stupid and why mm sucks atm. thoughts?

    tldr; mm suck because it dosn't take support heros or support items purchase into account for mm. these stats need to be viewable


      Whenever I try to play well an appropriate role , my teammates fail hard.
      But whenever I try to throw the game just because of all carry team or something, the enemies throw the game (support void imba) ( nyx refused to support at any level ,skilled mana burn first and got me killed, I sold my items and went to jungle farming midas doing nothing whole time)

      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!