General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you need a 5th player in your team, add me!

If you need a 5th player in your team, add me! in General Discussion

    I can mid best with Pudge, Shadow Fiend, Kunkka, Batrider ...
    I can support best with Crystal Maiden, Rubick, Batrider, Lion, Lina, Wisp ...
    I can offlane best with Weaver, Bounty Hunter, Magnus, Windrunner, Priestress of the Moon ...
    I can jungle best with Nature's Prophet, Doom, Crystal Maiden, Chen, Enchantress ...
    I can carry best with Chaos Knight, Nature's Prophet, Phantom Lancer, Phantom Assassin ...

    I can properly ward, micro, gank etc ...
    I have over thousands games of knowledge and have played DotA as well, before DOTA 2.
    I speak English, Dutch, Turkish and Bulgarian.
    I can't skype, because I don't have skype. . . . . . .
    Sorry ;)
    Contact me if interested!!!

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      "I can't skype, because I don't have skype. . . . . . ."

      I didn't knew skype is such a rare thing that it is so inaccessible to people, maybe we have to break into a bank or fight a war just to download skype? omg how?


        I don't want skype...
        It's stupid ;)


          Lol most people use skype when they 5 man cause its good quality.

          You are limiting your self by not using skype, jussayin


            Strange that you can't carry best with juggernaut.


              A very devoted Dota 's player you are ^_^ its not that how many hero's u knw to play but how well you use those build heros in war i am sure u are better player .All the Best