General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking

Matchmaking in General Discussion

    edit: looks like everyone on radiant is solo queue while dire is a 5 stack, LOL

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    Woof Woof

      saw it myself few times thus far even during peak hours in eu #velve2-13

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      Harry hamburgerryg

        Look at this

        Not even one person over 40cs. whole team russians

        Woof Woof

          storm 28 last hits 52%wr D:D

          Harry hamburgerryg

            I lost 9game in a row, then won one. And then the first game of today was this. If i lose one more game to retardet feeding noobs losing their lanes, i delete the game and start on something new. That's just too fucking much. Well storm was russian, common last hits for a russian is one last hit per minute or less.


              Russians drink allot that's why they have problem with lasthitting

              Woof Woof

                bump just had 2x2 stack against 5 solo guess how game ended before checking url
                308k players
                game was played on eu-west AP


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