anyone who knows anything about sharing match history knows that your winstreak isnt real
rambo was and is not impressed
god is streaming he even decided to cripple himself with 2 russians just to show us his skills somebody teach this guy how to make facebook more private :D
Hey, wait a second, your winrate was already 58.64%...or well 58%ish back when you had all those nifty pages full of green. I don't think it has changed with the losses added. Mind = blown
Or you just have so many matches played that the losses you just added didn't alter even 1% of that winrate :D
Lk zano haha.
I only hide like 22 games i think and thats around 0.30% :D
and then i accidently did it 6 wins. So it was only like 20 ~loses ^^
But look on the bright side, i had 39 winstreak bfore i did this trick! :)
haha xan :D
Shaksy :
Uhm its just a trick i did so the loses didnt show up. But its stupid because im just fooling myself.
And i wont tell you here, you have to find it yourself.
still playing LPQ?
I say this because you "should" have a pretty damn high rating, and you are a good player. So is just about everyone in your stack.
Yet. - 49% win rate - 47% win rate - 48% win rate
Yes i played low prio. BEcause noob Mewnking got reported and hade 3 days in low prio (14 hours left atm)
We still play in page 1 when we play low prio =)
Yes it works obviously since i had 79 winstreak!
But its nothing i suggest, dotabuff will eventually find your stats, might take weeks or months.
And your just fooling yourself ;)
learn English vrok if you gonna advertise twitch channel. people don't want to watch Russian.
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I have 58.64 % now.