General Discussion

General DiscussionHow good does your net have to be to play EVERY server?

How good does your net have to be to play EVERY server? in General Discussion

    Well, how good?

    How many MB/S


      honestly though, id assume it ivolves more than MB/s, ping is hopefully a huge part of it


        Get internet from russia they play in all servers




            xD awesome darkness is awesome


              your internet speed (mb/s) doesn't really determine how good your ping is. It's all about your location. For example i have a japanese connection (100mb/s) which is pretty damn fast but i still get 100~ ping in SEA, 150 ping in US west, almost 200 ping in US east, and like 300+ ping in russia and europe. Not one of the servers i play in have below 100 ping.

              Dire Wolf

                Yep. You could play on dsl with 1mb/s and still have great ping, it just depends, mainly it's location. It takes time for that signal to travel half way around the world.


                  with a nice VPN, 10mbps would be enough.


                    speed of light too slow :(


                      This is the speed of my modem with about 4 torrents active atm (they are too when I'm gaming so not much difference).

                      In SEA server, i have about 20-30 ping. I don't feel any delays - perfect.
                      Australia, about 200 ping. ~0.5s delay.
                      Russia, about 200 ping. ~0.5s delay too.
                      EU, 300-400 ping. ~1s delay.
                      US, ~400 ping. ~1s delay.

                      As far as I'm concerned, dota is a game where even 0.5 delay fucks some shit up bad. So no, I don't think there's anyone in the world which can play ALL servers smoothly. (Note: SMOOTHLY)