General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam or someone to play with

Team or someone to play with in General Discussion

    Hey, I am tied of all playing alone and with a few freinds. I really would like to play with some good players as my self so i dont loose a game cause someone is really horribel.

    You must have 52+ winning rate thanks
    Either we can get a few guys and play together or if someone need a teammeber i can do that aswell.
    Europe servers and must speak English..

    King of Low Prio

      dont post on smurf accounts if you want to be taken seriously

      EZ MID 9k mmr

        >mfw OP asks for Europe servers, yet played his last game on US West.

        top kek


          Smurft account? and i change so only europe so i have a better ping

          King of Low Prio

            if you only played 70 games max of dota that you are no better than the noobs you are playing with and if you have played more you are using a smurf account


              I dont understand what that is? I played dota 1 for several years ofc i can be way bettet that these noob i play against.

              King of Low Prio

                I watched


                you seem to be one of those guys who tries to blame everyone else except yourself