General Discussion

General Discussionspeechless

speechless in General Discussion
    Like, I dont even have words to express this kind of things and this kind of people...

    I pick ursa, i go top lane with this jakiro. Guy seems kind, but he doesnt buy courier cause rest of team is retarded (he says like that). We got like 4-5 easy kills on lane cause our enemies had mental problems or what so ever. And he actually missed 3 out of 5 ice paths.. Then, after 3 minute, he left my lane, do something else..

    By that, i destroy top, then t1 mid and proceed to rosh. Wanted to solo for all exp, but then that same jakiro comes... I told him like " dude, can u move, i need exp badly...) then he said something like ungrateful idiot, i go feed...

    And agony begins...

    He spend all his money on courier, he just feeded for really no fucking reason. No one insulted him, no one said anything bad about his game... So, with all that courier kills, and feeding on mid, this alchemist and invoker /(and rest of crew) got items..

    But main thing that was bothering me was "commend jakiro" "wp jakiro" By my flaming, i think I actually got more reports than him. I literally couldnt believe that some people can have that kind of egoistic problems or what so ever. How will you ever improve matchmaking, when you cant get people like this in any sort of bracket...

    Anyway, look at replay, it is hilarious..

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      It's called "throwing the game", happens to everyone in some form or another. Just report him and move on!


        I am muted. heh. Dont you just adore this?


          As some asshole would state

          Ur just bad


            inb4 ure bad l2p leave trench tier noob

            Woof Woof

              its ok today i snaped few times (fuckin russians) and got all my accs in lpq for a day <>
              apparently by valve standards it isnt ok to feed couriers when your teammates pick like retards and type cyrylic with each other on eu west english

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                @lock russians on garena
                You complain about picks in pub games and feed couriers? Really? :))

                You should play only CM and CD and always be captain, lol.


                  'egoistic' problems.
                  riiiiiiight... gtfo from my rosh, care not you supported my lane, I want exp for myself. because that +1 level I'm gonna get alone clearly justifies me being a douche.
                  next time you play jakiro, see how you like it and enjoy it.

                  totally deserved it.

                  King of Low Prio

                    I would throw the game too if I had to listen to your nonsense


                      Lets find explanation of this centaur's behaviour.


                        Looks like Anonymous are best players

                        waku waku

                          i had a puck in one of my games that started feeding from the game's beginning, was on the enemy team but still not enjoyable in any way


                            I totally disagree with Xan and Sampson. Whoever believes that this Jakiro had the right to throw the game is just a milksop (just like him) and actually deserves all the hate he can get, especially in a more live situation like a lan tournament for example. When you play the support you have to be calm and listen to your carry, end of story. Apart from that, i was playing Ursa and had the same issue with a 9min Roshan but this time i had a void on my team who wanted to share the exp. He was very persistent so i decided to give him a lesson. I dragged my farming till 20min, then made the enemy team understand that we were roshing and in the end i activated lothars just before the enemy team dived and killed void and stole roshan while i was getting away. Gg, wp, fuck off retarded Jakiro/Void etc. , have fun and what could possibly be more pleasurable than this ending coroner? ;)

                            Edit: And guys please stay on topic, it's an important thread may i say.

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                            King of Low Prio

                              "When you play the support you have to be calm and listen to your carry, end of story."

                              I am a carry/offlane player and this has to be the dumbest shit I have read on these forums in a while. Carries tend to get a massively inflated ego because you cant really see a good support player on the end result screen ALL you see is what the carry did. Lianos you are one of those scumbags who "needed to teach his team a lesson" for not doing as YOU say

                              Paranoid Android

                                @ Lianos. People who act like you are the cancer of Multiplayer Games.


                                  May be u shud hve allowed him to help u rosh!! If he picked the aegies and proceeded to jungle farm his mekha,aghanims sceptre then may be u shud report him.


                                    @ Liano. It seems that you throw the game because you got bullied by a void. I think you are exactly the kind of game thrower the op is complaining about. It not about carry/support man, it is about WHY THE FUCK YOU THROW YOUR GAME.


                                      Sum ppl r so kind that they just wanna help u a bit, but if u say dont do this dont do that may b u r hurting his confidence!! In dota carries and supports shud b on par!! U r not the boss


                                        @Lianos How the supports performed during the game wins you the game. Its the hardest role to play and they make all the ground for their carry to win. U are clueless about how the game should be played. So stop saying bullshit here. Im pretty sure that you are one of the players who pick the 4th and 5th carry in a team who already picked their carries.

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                                          not necessarily the hardest role in game as the most unpopular one. especially in pubs. you only need to look at the forums to see all these dreadful people trying to form a team consisting of already 1/2 positions and only needing a dedicated support players. as if.
                                          if he already went on a tangent to play the 2nd fiddle to you, you might as well not be ungrateful about it. chances are he would benefit from exp as much, if not more by being under leveled, than you.

                                          as for the, support should su and listen to the carry, is perhaps the biggest load of bs ever uttered. carries should be the last one to bark out commands, not to mention the vast majority of mediocre ones lurking everywhere.
                                          tis not a coincidence the best team in the world has a captain who is, in fact, a support player.

                                          so next time you feel going on a rant take a look at your own actions first and see if you may have been the cause of it, just so you avoid looking stupid. should have jakiro throw the game? I don't know, I wouldn't, but it's his prerogative. just like it was yours playing that, always incredible, super high useful, Ursa, destined to carry a game.
                                          was it childish what jewkiro did? without a doubt. but you, kind sir, are no better.


                                            All of you fucking trashes, nerds etc. attacking me here are just losers who will never be on par with my level of understanding of this game. You got that, bitches? And because i always want to prove myself you will feel me when i will soon release my dota movies.

                                            Because you are a stupid and impulsive carry, unable to take on the responsibility and lead your team to a win that doens't mean everyone is like you. If this is not the case, then why did you make such a dumb comment idiot..? A good support can always be spotted and rewarded (in chat) throughout the game and you don't need the end screen to know that.

                                            I won't even bother answering to a fucking "muppet-show" and to someone who can't write appropriately in english, learn some vocabulary man.

                                            Why the fuck i throwed the game? Because i'm too old for this shit, kiddo. And before you try to justify your opinion learn that we had already 2 carries and a jungler and that Void wanted to play his game as a 5th pick. The thing is that i have played and won games with 5 carries and/or semi-carries so that's not the problem and i don't even care what are the picks most of the time, i just enjoy the game. But when someone, 1.flames the team all the time, 2.plays his own game, 3.doesn't contribute in anything for you to win (Void in my case) then i will treat him accordingly in a modern and fasionable way.

                                            Just because this Jakiro made a great early game for Ursa that doesn't mean he is a good support if he fucks it up throughout the rest of the game, xaxa. Let me ask you this now: "and what do you know about supports when none of your most played heroes is one, asshole"?

                                            You are right but sometimes supports, too, are cluelesss and arrogant as hell. In our specific case, an Ursa needs the full exp and gold from Roshan in order to fully benefit from it (if the enemy team is not nearby) and undoubtedly every good Ursa player knows that this is how it is.

                                            You can say every bullshit that comes to your mind to try and find an excuse for your dumb comments, everyone in here, but all i know is that players like me will keep banging you hard and punish you, in the way i did, when all of a sudden you become spoiled brats and you don't realize that you are not the reason for winning this game. Please keep the hatred going on, i feed on it which makes me feel even better. In conclusion, coroner don't even shed a single tear for this game and for this mentally instable Jakiro and just move on to the next bro, peace. ;)

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                                              @Lianos. You are trash. Next one plz. Thats what i can say. Now gtfo

                                              PS dont bang us so hard non factor

                                              PS2 "who will never be on par with my level of understanding of this game" You and Dendi man ahahhahaha

                                              PS3 " when i will soon release my dota movies." AHHAHAHAHAHA i mean come onnnnnn

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                                                Looks like PD disease has finally arrived with force to Dotabuff.


                                                  that definitely seems like a flame bait, so I'll pass.
                                                  if you are good you don't need to brag about it. ones mentioning their carrying abilities and 'game sense' are usually the ones that lack it the most.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    oo dear lord I laughed hard when he mentioned his movie career


                                                      right. go play pudge in your movie. u pudge picker

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