General Discussion

General DiscussionRight goal for solo queue players

Right goal for solo queue players in General Discussion

    There are games you simply cannot win lol mm love to troll

    So the right goal is to kill as much enemies as you can while die as less as you can. Put it in the simplest way, what all you can achieve is high KDA

    Woof Woof

      if u play solo focus on improving wekeast parts of your dotoing playing to improve kda or winrate with valves mm can only lead to frustration for loner

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        why? mm sucks anyway lol

        Woof Woof

          true if u dont want to go competitive its pointless
          try trolling teammates pick tiny io ruin games it can be way more enjoyable than tryharding for nothing
          + to be honest before dota 2 i havent seen single game where players got punished for improving their skills

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            don't expect to win every pick up basketball game you play just sometimes you'll run into ppl who are better. mms isn't perfect and will never find a 50/50 game it only assumes that it will be 50/50 if all conditions are perfect. in order for.someone another person has to lose in real solo queue dota its like taking ten coins and asking someone to predict each outcome of each individual coin, no person can really do that so why the fuck ask a robot to? idk whenever i see these qq threads i just think that ppl should stop, think logically about how to not get trolls, proceed to achieve said goal and realize dota 2 is a afterall.


              If everyone would play one single hero, getting a perfectly balanced game would be allot easier.

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              Woof Woof

                ofc thats why hons mm is 10times better on every level but in dota 2 is just impossible skill cap is just so much higher here and so many more variables to take into account

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                  I think what's most important is to play your best every game. I solo queue half the time, and I've tanked all the way to -20, now just back past 50%. Stay positive!

                  King of Low Prio

                    I just play BH when I want to win


                      you try hard you get killed or lost then your mmr drop and you are matched with brain dead players
                      you try hard and you win, mm figured you must lose the next game, so they put trolls and leavers in your team and you suffer for your life lol

                      So the only way is build your stat

                      mm never know how to put a player in the right bracket lol


                        The right goal for solo player is to find a good stack
                        If you got a good stack, you can easily win 60% of your games.

                        For me , Win = Fun , lose = no fun , simple as that.

                        One of my rl friend is currently studying in USA.
               , sometimes he would even stack with merlini.
                        If you are good enough , you would end up playing with good people.

                        Oh i forgot to mention that he is from Myanmar (SEA region).
                        You just have to find good players to stack and good luck.


                          Hmm you guys are all babies. I have a 55% wr almost all solo q.... It is not that hard just win mid, offlane, or nut up and carry. Expect your team to have a few tards and deal with it.


                            If everyone in mm is so dumb like you guys say then winning mid should be no problem....

                            Woof Woof

                              winning mid isnt a proble mwhat is a problem is fighting for mid with some retarded russian or pudge picker on your team every fuckin game

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                              Woof Woof

                                besides id rather quit dota than play one hero 120times

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                                Woof Woof

                                  you remind me of that autistic sk player with 1k wins

                                  pls no trash picks

                                    dont stack, u will lose ur enjoyment in ur winrate if u do so. thousands of players have achieved higher than 60% winrate by the means of stacking, this is hardly an achievement. true individual skill is defined by solo queue winrate.


                                      Why are u morons talking about winrate? it is totally irrelevant because everyone has different amount of games played. The only thing that is relevant is how many more wins that losses you have.

                                      Solo queue is not balanced, deal with it. Never firstpick, always wait until few heroes are picked and then just pick a hero that will have a high impact. Then proceed to win the game, if you are lucky you don't have people who ruin the game on purpose and it wont be very hard.


                                        The right goal is to defend your ancient and destroy enemy ancient. Killing enemies along the way is a bonus.

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