General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the fuss over stacking?

What's the fuss over stacking? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I have a worse record when stacking vs solo que. I stacked with one guy last night and we lost 4 games in a row. Most of the time we were stacked with another 3 vs a full 5. Our supports never warded, the opposing 5 stacks did and were very coordinated in comparision. One game we had a nature's who didn't know how to push. We won kills 35 - 30 and still lost.

    I just don't get why people hate solo queue and assume stacking is so much better. We get stuck with TONS of noobs if we don't 5 stack. And with the new option to not queue vs parties when solo you never get inferior competition anymore. Going mid stacking is way harder, you can expect wards to counter easy ganks and a battle for runes. Solo queue I can roll mid cus there's no wards and the mids are usually much worse.

    I still prefer stacking as long as the rest of our team doesn't suck because the games are more competitive but they are in no way easier or free wins as the forum posters here would lead you to believe.


      Stack with friends u know in real life, so u can flame them when they feed


        I guess he plays in higher level games where you could not keep up with him.


          quote: One game we had a nature's who didn't know how to push. We won kills 35 - 30 and still lost.

          1. It's DotA, kills doesn't mean anything at all. I've won games where the opposite team had 70 kills yet my team had 20kills. And the other way, lost games where we were far ahead in kills. Keep in mind that you have more kills doesnt even mean you got more gold than the opposite team. kd is just a number..

          2. I'd rather have a Nature who was in fights than a nature who just push the whole game dying and shiz. Aka not being useful in fights yet building DPS items.

          On the other hand, I find it easier to with with stacks (if I stack with people with same skill-level, dotalevel, playtime, etc) otherwise it'd be harder obviously.

          Also it's more fun to play with stacks as you talk with them. I guess?

          Dire Wolf

            I don't think he's much higher, if at all, than me. I have 4% better win rate (~52 vs ~48) and close to same games played (690 vs 828), similar kdas and farm. He plays carries more often than I do though.

            It just seems like overall in a solo vs a group my pub teammates are about the same level of bad, but the competition in groups is way higher and we don't carry well enough. I'm not saying I had good games during those 4 losses, I didn't, I lose mid really bad in one, but our teams were very shitty all around.

            King of Low Prio

              Just fought it was a 4man stack

              I find the best way to take down a stack is just find out whoever isnt part of the stack and abuse him all game. I could dive into the tier 3 to gank invoker and there would never be a TP. Most of the time if its not a full 5man they completely ignore their last teammate. All I had to do was casually walk mid (their trilane bought out all the sentries bot so I knew I couldnt be seen) and farm away :P


                Stacking and solo queue is usually equally as balanced for me. Rune wards is pretty basic stuff which you should be able to deal with, if supports aren't buying them when you're solo-queue, then there's a good chance you aren't that high in terms of brackets.

                Two days ago while queuing as 3, we actually met two guys who were so nice that we decided to re-queue with them for another 4 games. If you're playing with friends who are all equally skilled, then stuff like that shouldn't be an issue in most cases.

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                  FUCK YOU VALVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    ^^^What? That Invoker being the alone guy is not possible because Dota party system puts party members in the team from blue to orange. I mean you can't have blue teal yellow and orange as your colors as a 4 man stack. You gotta be blue teal purple and yellow.

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                    King of Low Prio



                        > I have a worse record when stacking vs solo que. I stacked with one guy last night and we lost 4 games in a row. Most of the time we were stacked with another 3 vs a full 5. Our supports never warded, the opposing 5 stacks did and were very coordinated in comparision.

                        You pointed out exactly what the fuss about it is. If you stack with 1 dude and you get a 221vs5 stack, there will be less communication. Most of the time the 1 is not using his mic anyway and the other 2 sometimes too. Just played a 221vs41 and the enemy was able to let a doom free farm while our furion didn't gank and was afk farming. bh in our team asked him to gank doom (who was farming in enemy woods and being followed by bh) but nothing happened. Good old 0 contribution furion afk wood farming.

                        If I play in my usual 5 stack, 3 of us have mics, the other 2 at least listen to what we say and do exactly what we say and there are always wards, mostly because I play support .

                        So, to put it in one sentence, the problem is that if your team stack is more fragmented then the chances are higher that your team looses.

                        They should do some statistics tracking of stacks on dotabuff (if valve is actually publishing these kind of statistics).



                          post like a sir.


                            2 stacks barely > solo queue cuz there's still the potential of 3 retards (maybe more than 3 if u or ur friend are also awful) instead of 4. And usually those retards are worse if you or your friend have high MMR because the system tries to balance it out for both teams.

                            Honestly, I don't expect to win more than 70% of the time with any person i duo queue with after 10 games cuz it's just not likely to happen, even if you are really good. Either find more people or live with it.

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                              sometimes i feel the same thing. better go solo que.

                              I think i might have higher solo winrate than stack.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Well when we 3-5 stack it's even worse because our 3rd player I know is high rated and our 4th and 5th are not at all so there's a huge disparity in skills then. Idk, duo stack used to work all the time cus we would just own a lane together or he'd go mid and I'd support or vice versa, but ever since valve introduced the no parties solo option my win rates with a 2-3 stack are significantly lower, like 45% vs 60%.

                                I was just wondering if other people experience this too.


                                  I understand your frustration so let me explain something.

                                  Let's say you duo queue, and that both of you are average or slightly above average. Chances are, you will win more games together than if you both opted to solo queue. The question is: how often?

                                  Whenever I duo queue, my general rule of thumb is to pick the hard lane carry cuz I actually know how to click creeps during lane phase and come out with items that are respectable by 20 min. I tell my friend to go mid. Chances are, the scrubs that mm matches you with suck at carrying (or are at least worse than you) so letting them on hard carry is a definite no-no. If that isn't the case then the problem lies with your own skill level.

                                  Secondly, you have to pick wisely. Picking PL against timber/gyro or AM against Riki/BS will make your game 10x harder. Of course, the trade off is that your scrub pubs might FP the carry, so you have to insist on a specific position.

                                  lastly, given how strong Lich is this version, you can opt for Lich + some carry on the offlane. lich will keep the creep wave near your tower so you can farm safely, if some random takes safe lane farm. That way you won't get completely screwed by some shitty pub who picks Jugg/Razor and doesn't know how to capitalize on their early/mid game strength and thinks they're still useful late game against something like Morph.

                                  Otherwise, find decent ppl.

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                                  -apm 400 player

                                    LOOKING FOR STACK ADD ME PLOX I GIFF MANA