General Discussion

General DiscussionF*ck all Pudge players

F*ck all Pudge players in General Discussion

    Yes, that's right, if you play Pudge then FUCK YOU!

    harvard graduate

      Didn't play him in ages but how is he worse then Natures Prophet?



        It's hard to know the meaning of the original post. He could be unhappy that he keeps getting beaten by good pudges or unhappy because he keeps having pudges on his team that do pretty much nothing all game.


          My first impression is that he gets hooked a lot

          Penis Monkey

            Maybe, but he has a decent Invoker win rate after a lot of games, for me, Pudge is Invoker food in the mid lane. I'd expect you'd feel the same Grim.

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              Nobody thought about the rot?
              i think he got mad because he got slowed hardcore.


                Wait....pick od....never see a hook


                  I hate pudge players on my team, more often then not theyll be useless cunts all game... They also seem to think pudge is an automid hero; i pick pudge i must go mis regardless of the matchup or my team comp... Fucking assholes


                    why people think pudge is a hero at all?
                    he is free food for ANY ranged hero mid and snack for melee ones


                      well its players like you that make me go full retard and autolose games with pudge ^^


                        @Darkness, maybe your pudge is food....


                          Dendi is upset ):

                          (he's just angry at the pudge who went 5-12-0 in his last game and probably did so badly that a teammate abandoned)

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            much worse having an afk hero furi/naix who rush midas just so they can farm for 30 minute straight while their team is getting beaten to a pulp. then call out their teammates. I swear, having ai computer easy would do you more justice than having autistic people like those.

                            Woof Woof

                              starts at 1;25
                     skills of average pudge picker which most likely is from ru/ua