General Discussion

General DiscussionValve's MMR ~ Ranked Matchmaking is coming

Valve's MMR ~ Ranked Matchmaking is coming in General Discussion

    Just when we were sure it would never happen...

    I really cannot comprehend why they did not prioritize this over a year ago. But from the description it looks like they will finally do it right.

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        +10 for valve and hi feartheghost.

        N0tail is a flower

          Awesome. Glad they're finally doing it :)

          LOL: "Players’ appraisals of matchmaking quality are highly correlated with their recent win rate" xD

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          Ted Bundy gone but not fo...

            took only 2 years


              inb4 half the forum is bitching about teammates having lower mmr than other team
              Dibs on thread title: nice MM with MMR disband volvo



                I knew they were working on it.

                Does that mean we will have 4 MMR ratings per account?

                Ted Bundy gone but not fo...

                  also there is nothing about visible ladder

                  in the end its n gage tv in dota 2 client

                  semi srs n gage at least had visible ladder

                  2 fuckin years for nothing

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                    yay @6char


                      i bet its gonna be buggy as shit with 10000 retarded russians ruining every single game

                      and the system will be as broken as it can get


                        I understand your skepticism after all this time... but!

                        "Your ranked MMR is visible only to you and your friends. The MMR used for normal matchmaking is not visible."

                        It seems clear the Valve will make the ranked MMR visible. I guess its still not clear if there will be an API for it.


                          and this shit is gonna be good

                          Ted Bundy gone but not fo...

                            visible rating that is invisible thing like that could happen only in dota 2


                              well this is probably the most anticipated addition since the start of beta

                              im excited for this but at the same time seeing what a massive failure TMM is im afraid this can possibly be the same joke of a thing with ratings going +0/-0 for games and ending up in everybody just playing the placement games and abandoning it 2 weeks after it being implemented

                              hope not

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                                We will actually have 5 mmr per account. (the fifth being the team rank for team matchmaking)


                                  I just wonder what Dotabuff can do with this. I'd like to see graphs of my rating over time like they had with DBR Plus.

                                  I know it says only you and your friends can view your rating, but what if you have the Share History option on? Will Dotabuff be able to grab that? It'd be cool if they can.


                                    gaem = alive.


                                      Hope they don't screw with the API to the point where Dotabuff can't create a ladder.


                                        they should've done this like 6 months ago at least...but yeah this is big
                                        this will change the game for sure, this change have more effect to the game than any hero or items release


                                          Oh and if there is a ladder, hopefully it's separated by solo queue and party unlike how it is now.

                                          Ted Bundy gone but not fo...

                                            Ranked match making is going to be exactyle same shit hole as normal mm is right now:

                                            -you cant see rating of playes in your team (outside of friends) - so tards will keep calling mid instalocking retardation and so on
                                            -communication issues not adressed which means players that wont 5stack will end up with ru/br stacks of 2/3/4 regularly (just like normal mm)
                                            -no ladder ( whats the point of visible rating if i cant compare myself to best players? )
                                            -no way to report for poor plays
                                            -most important part nothing about brackets/rating divisions - inb4 2k rating difference between players :DDD
                                            -valve is behind ranked mm (keep in mind how successful tmm was/is)

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                                            Ted Bundy gone but not fo...

                                              also clan_iraq fighting good fight over at autism dev . com
                                     ( forced 50%wr)

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                                                Well, honestly I still think that you either have to 5 man stack or your rating will suck big time.

                                                waku waku

                                                  tis a blessing


                                                    you ungrateful little shits

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I think having a public ladder is worse. Can you imagine being a new player trying to practice mid and all your teammates see your rating and flame you for choosing it? You'd never get to do anything but support. Or all the carries bitch out the supports for not securing them enough farm and losing the game/all the supports bitch out the carries for not farming enough just like today only now they can throw your rating in your face and be like proof you suck. Or vice versa you can legitimately call someone out for a dumb move and they might go stfu noob I'm higher rated than you. Having public rating in an environment such as dota is just a bad, bad idea. The cons outweigh the pros by a lot imo.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        That clan_iraq guy is a retard

                                                        "So to reiterate, this is how the current MM works:
                                                        1) Find 10 players of as equal skill as possible
                                                        2) Arrange teams to be 50% winrate each via handicaps

                                                        Here is how it should work
                                                        1) Find 10 players of as equal skill as possible
                                                        2) Randomly arrange them in teams."

                                                        NO, just no. That would be the perfect pubstomp dream of any good players, but would make the game unplayable to any medium player. That its the most egoistic bullshit i have ever heard, that guy is probably mad because he always thinks that his allies are weak and he is the best.

                                                        Matchmaking works the same way it works on dota and how it works in other games; The MMR total of each team should be the same, if not would be a stomp.

                                                        Like van-art was saying: you ungrateful little shits

                                                        Edit: "To me, you know what it is? Socialism. It is winrate redistribution, punishing the best players so you can coddle to the worst. For profits and a hat store that might be the best philosophy, but you'd have to be blind not to see the flaws, even if you believe the ends are justifying the means."

                                                        Ok this guy is high.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          resorting to ad hominem to insult clan_iraq, wtf?

                                                          what he said about how matchmaking should work is 100% accurate but since u have 52% winrate, you've already been poisoned by valves matchmaking

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            ^How would a totally ramdon matchmaking benefit all players ? That would probably benefit only the better players and that its really egoistic.

                                                            You dont even give a argument to suport your idea.

                                                            You, and every other who thinks they are the best should probably just quit this game, but since you are just trolling ( what a kid activity ) write any bullshit you want.


                                                              better players should win more, hows that egoistic

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                atum that system would make games totally ramdon, if you think matchmaking is bad now you should see how games would be if it was totally ramdon.

                                                                Lets say this is how matchmaking works now:




                                                                On total this would be a : 12,4k MMR team vs 12,3k MMR team.

                                                                If the system was ramdon things like this could happen:




                                                                How would the last example be fair ?

                                                                The actual matchmaking only would be unfair if you are literally the BEST player in the queue.


                                                                  hmm i think what he meant was that the system now works like this:



                                                                  and he wants it to work like this:




                                                                  so he gets teammates that can play on his skill level

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    This is what he wrote:

                                                                    "So to reiterate, this is how the current MM works:
                                                                    1) Find 10 players of as equal skill as possible
                                                                    2) Arrange teams to be 50% winrate each via handicaps

                                                                    Here is how it should work
                                                                    1) Find 10 players of as equal skill as possible
                                                                    2) Randomly arrange them in teams."

                                                                    "To me, you know what it is? Socialism. It is winrate redistribution, punishing the best players so you can coddle to the worst. For profits and a hat store that might be the best philosophy, but you'd have to be blind not to see the flaws, even if you believe the ends are justifying the means."

                                                                    I think the guy was losing the argument so he was just desperate.

                                                                    atum what you wrote its how perfectly should matchmaking work, but the thing is valve devs already explained, to get that kind of perfect match the queue time would be really long, and they decided that its better short queue times.

                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                      lets hold hands and sing
                                                                      remember guys there are no better or worse players we are all equal 500%

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        i think its gonna be dumb, how does rating validate you are a good player? this is just to appease the masses of players who raped in dotacash and thought they were good. now that ppl play vs others according to their relative skill lvl they complain that the mms is fucked up because they don't stomp every game or they get tards for teammates. its still gonna be the same shit story you already hear about on the forums of some fucker ruining a game because they didn't know how to not feed or some shit like that. in dota one team has to win in order for one to lose, more than likely a lot of games are stomps because ppl give up so easily and just want to move onto the next game, ranked will be no different

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          "lets hold hands and sing
                                                                          remember guys there are no better or worse players we are all equal 500%"

                                                                          What its the problem of being the best of your team sometimes ? Someone needs to be the best player on your team and someone needs to be the worst player. There is no solution to that.

                                                                          In theory if you are always the best on your team your MMR will go higher and you will face better opponents.

                                                                          I think the problem is, why its so hard to go up in MMR ? Its like if you are not detected by the antismurf system it will be forever until you actually go up in MMR.


                                                                            stfu u fucking noobs
                                                                            MM rating is the best that could happen
                                                                            rest who complain are just useless trash


                                                                              wait, I thought trash was based on player skill rather than player opinion.
                                                                              Trash for opinion and scrub for skill maybe?
                                                                              And yea, This was a ridiculously long time coming. Hopefully they included ranking brackets as well.

                                                                              The issue with being the best on your team in an MMR ranking system is that your rating suffers the most if you lose. If i'm pink and i win, i may earn 1 point, but if i lose i may lose 10. If i'm orange and i win i may earn 10, but if i lose I only lose 1 point.

                                                                              That shit can be annoying. i have no idea how its going to actually work, but that is why people typical get annoyed at being the best. You gain little or lose alot, and suffer through playing with people who are in theory worse than you.

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                50% wr doesn't exist if it.does its meant to keep you at a comfortable skill lvl then. games can never be 50/50 because a machine will never take into account human nature, some ppl try harder than others and vice versa ppl give up easier. all ranked is gonna do is give us an idea on how their mms works and what stats they take into account.


                                                                                  It's good we'll have an idea where we're standing.

                                                                                  Matches will most likely be as balanced as are now, unless everyone plays only their best heroes, which is very unlikely.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Actually the 50% win ratio isn't gaming socialism at all, it's closer to gaming capitalism. When you win the skill of your competition goes up, and up more, until you lose again, and then it comes down slowly but you might still lose. It's like supply and demand. You win games, your supply of skill goes up so the skill demand to beat the opposing team grows til they're in equilibrium, just like a free market, but like a free market there's tiny adjustments happening all the time to so the skill demand passes your skill supply and you lose games and it comes down again. But the market always rules and that's why you end up around 50% win rate.

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!