General Discussion

General DiscussionProof: MMR fixes games so that even literal feeders can win.

Proof: MMR fixes games so that even literal feeders can win. in General Discussion

    So my friend and I set up this account where we either literally AFK farm the whole game (Necro Heartstopper aura) and/or feed. Result?

    MMR makes even the most braindead of players feel good half the time.


      i think ur a disgusting person who enjoy ruining the game for other players


        near that MMR everyone is braindead player who is afk, feeding or leaver. someone has to win.

        Woof Woof

          you dont say
          after lose streaks u can literally go afk in jungle and not attack enemy once and your team will win anyway
          but its okay because they dont 'enforce 50%wr' on everyone (haha Lol)

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            100% with pudge nice one !


              How do you translate "each team has a 50% chance to win"?

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                Another interesting experiment - elasticity test if you will - would be to constantly a-click the enemy base from minute 1 for some games on a new acc. You could even go totally afk as an easy script can do it. As it would result in a death about every minute or so it would give the opponent a sizable advantage. It would be interesting to see how many wins would you get this way (it would probably bring you to the lowest depths of MM) and how long would it take to get to frontpage after you afk-feed a hundred games or so. Also that winstreak when you start playing at -100 W-L or so... would be fun. Maybe when i have the time to write a script that automates the queuing process as well, I'll do some feeding games at night with a new smurf (strictly on Russian server of course).


                  People are idiots. Topic starter and this guy above. Why would you ruin other folks game? Wasting their time? Just so you can have fun?

                  waku waku

                    if you get kills and assits while at it you have not been feeding hard enough


                      hahaha i also tried that

                      i basically a clicked charged to enemy mid lane while going afk, my team managed to win lmao.
                      while doing that i also killed courier and overall game throwing like destroying allies items and such.

                      also @masuka, thats a fun experiment to try and see how matchmaking works sometimes :D

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                      waku waku

                        that was not intentional i swear

                        Woof Woof

                          best are games where you feed whole game spawn after spawn feed couriers too yet your team is able to win then you know 4sure mm works properly


                            Make it a chen pick and send your allies home to save an enemy from ganks and it would be perfect.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              I am not surprised this game having troubles with toxic players. Some people are idiots, some people just act like idiots. Maybe it's fun to making experiments about how the matchmaking system works, but what if any people were like some of the folks in this topic? Game would not be playable.

                              I would not be surprised if you also are the guys who flame the most, when people do it to you.

                              Woof Woof

                                nah i can relate to most game ruiners


                                  I tried that too but I was proven wrong


                                    To those saying idiots: Are you even aware which bracket would these games be in? Lowest trash tier on the Russian server. A-clicking the enemy base would be less of a deviation from the average skill there than lasthitting. Also if some russians decide to quit dota because of this - well, it's for the best. You wouldn't even get to LPQ if you did that 100-game spree I suggested, they wouldn't even find the report button. It is the tier where people could be beaten by a group of trained monkeys or easy bots, 'timewasting' is an unknown expression down there I think. And those people who do this feeding don't get into my bracket, so I don't have to flame them :D. If anyone starts afk-feeding up there, it is because game is long lost and I went afk too when I realised it.


                                      Now of course if you pick Chen or Wisp and completely abuse the heck out of it there's close to no chance to win... This was more a realistic approximation of a braindead player. No, I don't feel good for ruining a couple of games, but I didn't do it for fun anyway. Trolling wasn't my intention, and I'm sorry if this offended somebody.

                                      Btw, the last game my team actually won but I accidentally got an abandon, so there should be an extra win! (My team even had one guy dc, so those guys won 3v5 with a feeder on their side.)

                                      To others: the account name & avatar is tongue in cheek. I'm not Russian.

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                                        Ur MMR on that profile is so damn low that the system counts u as a moving courier, nothing else.
                                        'nuff said


                                          Vince Masuka シ, who cares? This experiment can work only on low MMR levels. There are only retarded people just relax

                                          Woof Woof

                                            nice 16%wr when you play solo Chris



                                              Maybe it's on the lowest bracket, but on the lowest bracket there is people who just started playing the game, who are not russians.

                                              I can't see the point of doing it, but OK we all were 12 once.


                                                w/e this thread i
                                                just proves it isn't mm's fault for match making sucking ass its the ppl like you who waste others time by being idiots, literally you're wasting time because what do you learn from this imformation?


                                                  how does it improve you, and why are you willing to sit thru a game and make pointless decisions. next time you try and blame dmm , think about yourself


                                                    Looks like matchmaking doing it's job. I don't see why you'd need to test this.

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