General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion commander + dazzel

Legion commander + dazzel in General Discussion

    just think about it

    Papi Chulo

      Your opponent just won't get the bonus damage. That's all.


        Doesn't sound very strong. The ult last like 5sec and the opponent is already dead if you did well. (snowballed)

        Outside of that grave wont do much more than it would do on any other semi-carry/carry/hero?


          The best thing about LC + Dazzle is that your enemy carry won't snowball so hard with bonus damage from the numerous retarded mistakes your LC player makes.


            That seems to be the biggest issue so far. I've seen them Duel in a 1v5. That's the best.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              bit off topic but i went 2:0 LC.. got 28 bonus damage going 1v1 as dazzle vs. LC. So imagine a feeder LC.. something like 0:20 duels.

              Ples Mercy

                that happened to me a CM had like 60+ dmg :'D


                  And what are you going to do, walk with LC everywhere he farms to be sure he wont die during duel? Or just play 5-man-dota?

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