General Discussion

General DiscussionPost your Solo ranked match rating

Post your Solo ranked match rating in General Discussion
Woof Woof

    because calibration matches arent really calibration matches

    Rogue Gambler

      just got to 13 and played 10 matches : 3237

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      jess the goat

        everytime I play earth spirit this is what I say to people:


          ~4700. Amount of fucktards is still enormous. Sometimes there are such noobs, that I rarely saw even in normal MM. Lots of tryhard abusers. However I am randoming heroes and having fun. Totally, I dont feel any skill increase in game. Everything is almost the same...

          Retard Security Detail

            "Sometimes there are such noobs"..."I am randoming heroes"..."I dont feel any skill increase"

            Dota...what can i say...dota....


              Randoming heroes at ranked matchmaking and having fun. Please just stop playing ranked or take this seriously... since i play ranked my skill increased really fast, i adapt to new meta and stop bulding midas on everything my rate increased from 3480 to 3968


                guys im in another horor match right now, intentional feeders, updates soon

                no, il not even bother. ranked 4600 game where we need last pick support and he gets naix ---> feed on purpose, send curiers mid. and 1 15 od mid who stole gloves from chic which provoked low minded naix to feed.
                disapointed in this mmr totaly

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                  I fell you bro :( i had game where i was muted and offlaner has stolen my radiance (i was sylla) that was min 18 so i was very happy and i beg him for 8min to give it back when he finally realised i can win this game. I won it but omg... first time radiance under 20min and this happen


                    Lost 7 (with pretty damn unbalanced teams and 2 massive feeders in every game), won 3 - solo mmr 3445. Played a lot with beginner friends in the past so i think mmr is descent. But i normally play with friends who are 3.7k-4.7k nowadays, so i think it will go up for sure. First few games in solo ranked were really good and fun - balanced teams on both side and really close, like a good game should be. After that totally one sided games with people on my team who have no place to be there. But still have hope it will be better then normal matchmaking :)


                      6108, fresh french tiger goliath fish ratting :)


                        You guys are full of bullshit,you can't have a score 4K or something like that with 1w and 9 loses,or even with 7w and 3 loses,it is not possible....
                        I played 125 solo ranked matches and i have score 60-65 (going down from day to day because of idiots who want to play carries)
                        and i have ranking of 2500,so please tell me,when i had score 30-25 i had ranking 2750 ???
                        And you have :
                        1 win 9 losses
                        so not bad i guess

                        Really ???? Liar !!!

                        got 3914 now and a 3-5 win loss

                        Really ???? Liar !!!

                        Etc etc etc......


                          First i will let you know about this article, that might help you:

                          Second, ranked game are based on what you did on matchmaking, prior your first ranked game, thus, some people in making 20-0 could have 3k points, while a dude who made 0-20 could have 4k points


                            [Nick]Last Match2 hours agoRecord518 - 530Win Rate49.43% no wonder why u got 2750 point mmr. stop crying about it kid

                            the beginning is the end

                              Yeah I lost more than half of the ranked games during the calibration and i got 4.3k.


                                @ nick
                                first , winrate =/= ur rating
                                second , calling everyone else a liar when you're the one bullshitting aren't cool


                                  Finally!!! Someone has lower rank than me :D

                                  Сука Spirit

                                    Trench tier and their inability to realize how bad they are ...



                                      People giving Dragonfist a hard time on the first page are hilarious, dude is the best player I've ever played against. Not surprising at all he's approaching 6000.


                                        Sugar,i can be your dad believe me....Second,ranking or solo ranking based on what are you doing in match are also bullshit,i will post it right now like proof:
                                        Viper [Nick] [Nick] 25 22 3 24 25.4k 115 0 900 702 31.3k 0 4.8k - i got 27points,win ofc....
                                        Tidehunter [Nick] 18 10 5 16 13.9k 32 1 543 443 10.6k 707 1.3k - i got 29points,win ofc

                                        What abot rage quits when stats will be recorded ??? (4 in a row yesterday)
                                        What about all looses when you playing hard and have solid score,and others have feeding day(15+ deaths),is it fair to all have same -25 /27points???
                                        What about calibration and you have 50% wins,starting about 2700 MMR,you will need about 50 wins diference to get on 4000 MMR???
                                        It is far far away from even good system for ranking,but this is first step and i hope Ranking sistem will be better and better....
                                        For ''pro'' players who still bullshiting about ranking and how good it is,and how good they are you can try me whenever you want.


                                        Pure & Miracle + Zai

                                          4215 solo rat


                                            randoming does not lose games, it all depends on your team
                                            whoever thinks different is retarded

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                            Сука Spirit

                                              Yah 1000 games and your deny record is 5, just that tells me how good you are.


                                                [Nick] i think you have a very low mmr before the raiting came in... and the record of 4 denies cinda tells how bad you are

                                                Vape-babulya, Ebalo pitbulya

                                                  2800 solo after 106 games. Max was about 3100

                                                  Vape-babulya, Ebalo pitbulya


                                                    I don't think unranked MMR mattered in ranked calibration.


                                                      how can you have 2500 rating at 1050 games? sorry mate but this game is not for you

                                                      Feeder Chan

                                                        I have the best rank. TBD or the The Best at Dota.


                                                          i won 10 games, lost 6, why then i have 3200?


                                                            Yeah ranked games are kinda dumb. People care too much about themselves. Whenever i was mid, I got towerdived by 3 to the tier 3 tower like 4 times and not one tp.. At the end of the game they blamed me.... top 1% is a joke apparently.

                                                            ABH SteeL_BiH - Karic

                                                              I had one of my best game streaks, even in one of three that I lost. 7 out of 10 won
                                                              Ranked: 2752

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                [Nick] You are just noob, who thinks is good. You are really bad player and you need to start be real if you want to improve.
                                                                Second read this
                                                                And guys don`t lie. I had 3 wins 7 losses solo queue first 10 matches and I had 4600 rating. Now I m 4800+


                                                                  .. Denie in pub is underrated,because i play on side line mostly and focus on harass if i play support or LH if i play carry so don't bulshit,in 3 line which is really rare in pub i can denie...

                                                                  To_Selemene,you played 5 matches ??? Start with new nick??? Old nick is to bad for you???

                                                                  nogger you can see my stats,i'm always around 49-50% win-loose so ranking before calibration??? Don't be stupid....

                                                                  BogiDotO,than something is wrong with mekanisam who Valve created,you can see all my ranking matches from calibration,right now is about 45-50% win-loose ratio,and right now my rating is 2500,explain pls how is diference is that high,btw im started with 26** MMR based on 6 - 4 win ratio.

                                                                  I don't want to say i'm pro player or even really good player but i'm trying to understand how game works on high levels,watching,reading etc etc....
                                                                  Main problem is calibration when you start with rating based on that,and after that it is really hard to move forward based on 25+ win points.
                                                                  And we all now how bad team game is in pub,4 carries and one CM with SB and BKB.......
                                                                  I just trying to compensate on picks and make some balance and when we loose because of idiot PA or LC (which i support and have 0 LH till 15min,spending money on wards,dust,Pipe,Mek) i wonder wtf i'm doing......

                                                                  Сука Spirit

                                                                    Mmr has been there for a long time. When ranked mm is implemented this number is used for the calibrarion matches.
                                                                    Of course it is hard to improve your rating. You can't suddenly jump from trench tier to gold overnight, it happens after months, years.
                                                                    If you really care about your mmr play earth spirit.
                                                                    Ps: If you think deny is overated then you know nothing about laning stage.

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      If you're as good as you say Nick, you should be able to obliterate anyone at your skill level.


                                                                        my mmr after losing my first game was already at 4033 (back when u can check with the console command), so....


                                                                          4090, moved from 3900 I got after calibration games.


                                                                            2243. Thought I would be better than 50% of DotA players. I'm not.

                                                                            HANNI 하니

                                                                              How come they have more loss than win and they got 4k? Are they lying or what? I got 8-2 in the first 10 games and I got 3743. And after 9 consecutive solo win it was now 3973.


                                                                                Solo rating : 3754
                                                                                Party rating : 4015

                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                  atm 4350 from 3800 on this acc i ve never seen worse players in my life like 4200/300 mid players on my team are worst players that ever played dota 2 in very high bracket 3rd game in a row my mid literally gets destroyed 1v1 despite huge match up advantage Lol did i mention lack of wards?
                                                                                  my rus mid necro went for dagon and shadow blade legit 4300rated player

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    Nick. You need to understand that you have always had a rating, just it's been hidden. The rating you have from the games before you play ranked decides your starting position.

                                                                                    A good player has a non ranked mmr of 5000 before he starts on the ranked games so he can lose 9 and still be over 4000. If you had a ranking of 2000 and win 9 you'll still only have 2500 or whatever.

                                                                                    No one is a liar, you really are that bad. Sorry. Even I'm up to nearly 3100 now and I'm terrible.

                                                                                    Good luck.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                      5700 something.. trying to get 6K :(


                                                                                        [Nick] I think you're just butthurt over your terrible rating. It just means that you're a terrible player lol... if you win a few games in a row your account will enter a new calibration period where you can gain alot more than " 25/-25 " rating per match. Which means you're in the bracket you're supposed to be in.

                                                                                        LL Poroksi

                                                                                          I won 14 in a row but there wasn't any "new calibration period", just FYI


                                                                                            Lol,i'm don't have a desire to arguing no more,i'm such a bad player with 50% win ratio,i don't have a habit to feed,don't have habit to pick carry after already 3 picked,maybe that is the problem,mid or feed also....
                                                                                            Right now i'm playing CM-CD and things move on,just one question,my friend have worst level than me (26) have worst win rate (about 2%) only thing where is better was calibration 7-3 against 6-4,he start with 3250 i start with 2650.
                                                                                            Like i sad before, bullshit........


                                                                                              111 total wins, 9-1 in calibration - 2890 rating


                                                                                                I can't understand how you can win a team-game based game by your own at 3k rating. I actually feel nicks pain.

                                                                                                I played before captain mode with friends around 3.5k - 4k (current) and I'm always doing moderate, I'm not the star or the feeder...

                                                                                                Solo play mmr is just impossible, 2 games ago I was against a global play setup ( zeus, np, bs, spectral and AP ), we were losing before my team even realised (this was captain mode solo mmr )

                                                                                                And when i play good, I lose the game, when I play bad I lose the game faster... I really don't think this system counts the personal progress at all... This is not solo mmr, this is just random team party mmr...

                                                                                                I always get arround 20 denies until the 16th minute or even faster, I always buy wards and sentrys for deward, i always get middas in the first 7th minute (at most ) and I still lose the game and I still don't get rating... This really feels like a hoax...

                                                                                                And when you want to play better to learn to play better it's impossible since you cannot exit this low mmr bracket, at this stage people just smash buttons have no coordination have no sense, you cannot solo even if you are good, I am not a skilled player but I really think better of myself then 3k mmr ( and dropping ).


                                                                                                  quote from

                                                                                                  " Each of the two ranked MMRs has its own calibration period. Under certain circumstances, we may need to reactivate calibration, if we think the MMR is inaccurate "

                                                                                                  I guess valve is lying then ?


                                                                                                    Finally got my mmr, it is 2180..

                                                                                                    I guess that is lowest in this thread.. lol

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!