General Discussion

General DiscussionBlunt wants to cast a game bcuz why not

Blunt wants to cast a game bcuz why not in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    So im bored as fuck and i watched a cast by pyrion flax and thought that i wanna do that myself. If someone wants to give me something to cast id be happy to do so, i don't care about the skilllevel, the only thing i care about is 2 things!

    -> It shouldn't be 2 long (for rendering sake)
    -> It shouldn't be a onesided stomp

    If someone wants to cast with me i would also do that since its always nice to have multiple opinions. I do however have 2 conditions for that person aswell.

    -> Has some knowledge about the game (no scrub)
    -> has to have a decent mic.


      You accept uploads? I have some cool games with some bad friends

      Luxon - partying with my 2000 mmr friend, - fuck tp doto.
        second one's kinda boring at the end. after I destroyed all the barracks we didn't push for like 10 mins and they defended from mega creeps.
        PLZ accep, wanna become famous

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          ^Those games were one-sided stomps. Just because you managed to win doesn't mean it isn't one-sided.



            One of the most exciting games I've played in a while. Nobody was winning or losing really until the end. It's expired, but I can send you the replay

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

     I guess you could use this. Pretty close game overall.


       try this one

                one throw after another was pretty funny :D

                Questo commento è stato modificato

         - very intense game playing vs some very good players (swagenteiger players, best br team), ended in a desperate base race
         - pew pew doto with some bad friends, not a good performance by me but still was a fun game full of action and feed

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                  Ples Mercy

                    yes i do accept uploads aswell. Seems that people are pretty interested in getting their games casted, love the selection i get so far =D


                        damn dude, you're a pretty good caster, I add u !<3


                          Game with a friend, we were getting stomped early game, I didnt do well mid i didnt gank enough etc but DP fed top lane Early and we come back from a 15-20 kill deficit and throne them down even though alch had like 12 minute AC

                          You would get a subscription from me If you cast this game would be cool to see again


                          Not terribly long either 37 minutes. Thanks For readin!

                          Its a testament to the power of 5 man doto LOL it was 4 man doto until DP decided we actually had a chance to win after she fed

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                            Where can i watch your stuff ?

                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                              Fun & close game: Match ID 460805475

                              A bit too long though. (1:04:33)
                              [u]Don't check[/u] who wins, if you're going to cast.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato


                                closest game I won ... ending is wild ...

                                Ples Mercy

                                  I never check who wins. =D


                                    if you're going to cast, do that rape voice pls


                                      hey Blunt, just the other day I was thinking of casting as well because I watched one stream here in SEA and I thought I could do better... wanna team up? lol

                                      Woof Woof

                                        hey Blunt, just the other day I was thinking of casting as well because I watched one stream here in EU west and I thought I could do better... wanna team up? lol


                                          hey Blunt, just the other day I was thinking of casting as well because I watched one stream here in SA and I thought I could do better... wanna team up? lol

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            hey Blunt, just the other day I was thinking of casting as well because I watched one stream here in SA and I thought I could do better... wanna team up? lol

                                            -> BlackXargon
                                            Just add me

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              stop posting that bs


                                                hey did you use Fraps? what was the setting you used?

                                                30 FPS gives me a 13GB file in 5 mins lolololol

                                                ♥ cieles†e


                                                  Try this. Try to imagine the outcome.

                                                  p.s. The net worth charts really do show something in this game

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    @ BlackXargon
                                                    It gives such a huge file because it records in 1080p real-time. Imagine it would make full hd pictures of best quality format 30 times a second, make a few of them and multiply the numbers, you'll understand why. Presonally I'm just having a lot of space in HDD and after every edit I'm deleting the footage I'm not going to use anymore.

                                                    Anyway, on topic:
                                                    Match 456744581
                                                    A decent hour-long pub match. Can't say too much about it except that we were -2 raxes at one point.


                                                      plz shoutcast games from famous bubble


                                                        i also have a lot of HDD space but can we even upload that huge of a file to youtube?


                                                          You don't upload raw video files to a streaming platform but rather compress (and edit) them beforehand.


                                                            One of the closer games i have had for a while around the 2.5 - 3k MMR bracket.


                                                            Plenty of kills, fails, and weird moments, might be fun if not too serious :)


                                                              damn. too much work

                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                ^ strong dedication

                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  What you have to do is to record everything with Fraps or an other tool which will record in proper quality. The file will usually be around 70-150GB large depending on the lenght of the match (it is better if u have a 2nd harddrive for that like i do, it will save some perfomance). Also i do record my ingame Audio & Microaudio seperatly since it will make it easier for me to edit it more and to record with decent settings, since fraps only allows that much. After that i take all my recorded footage, sync my commentary with the footage and edit it properly. When you're done with that you should install a nice codec which will decode the whole video, of course you have to find the perfect settings so you wont lose to much quality and yet have a nice size.


                                                                  The size of that video is 3,8GB and the decode took around 4 hours (i decoded it on my laptop), after that i uploaded those 3,8gb on youtube which took like 2 hours and around 20minutes.


                                                                    fraps is bullshit. srsly. that size is fucking enormous.
                                                                    2 seconds of footage are something like 40 mbs. on average settings. 2 SECONDS.


                                                                      There are much, much better ways to do it. YOu just have to play around with the settings. I need to see what I was using.

                                                                      ♥ cieles†e

                                                                        Use nvidia shadowplay if it's available for you. Hands down best game recording software ever.

                                                                        jess the goat

                                                                          very intense game, surprise ending, I think it could be worth casting


                                                                            i had a dry run.. stopped @ 15 mins.. my camera control is bad, i was missing kills left and right

                                                                            i don't know if I should still continue this lol..

                                                                            i chose Sam's game by the way


                                                                              Hey blunt in case you are interested in casting another one here's a good pitched match for you.


                                                                              Feeder Chan

                                                                                Hey blunt if you're still casting here is a pretty fail game of single draft, though it is a little on 5 he long side.


                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                  Pretty even until the 35 minute mark

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    "HL3 soon"

                                                                                    Blunt can you plz cast TI4?

                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                      LoL u watched my cast hahahahahahaha