General Discussion

General Discussionhelp a brutha out

help a brutha out in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    well I have been doing alot of skirms recently and I have been put as Bristle quite often and am wondering if anyone can give me some random builds they commonly use so I can test them and see if they work for my playstyle


      bristle where? off lane? 3 lane?

      whenever I play the hero (and I like him a lot) I go super rambo mode. that means vg, hood, blade mail perhaps. I also like arcs on him.
      I don't do those rod of atos shenanigans, it's crap.

      King of Low Prio

        I mostly play offlane but sometimes I put BB in the mid lane(still on the fence on if it works or not, mostly just testing it)


          well side lanes are better as you can make great use of side lane shops and just for the fact there is more room for chasing than on mid lane.
          off lane I'd guess something like boots first.


            Try play Bristleback safe lane as a carry it`s the best way

            King of Low Prio

              I am more focused on random builds to try out, I have been testing out mek but seems like I have more mana issues than I can handle


                Atos? Or is that already common....

                <font face="wide latin">N...

                  chinese often put him in offlanes cause hes generally tanky and hard to kill... they really lilke building vanguard for tankiness in some situations, magic wand is also good as its seems to provide the extra mana and health for emergencies, pipe if enemy heroes are much more of a team fight line up, heavens hallberd for evasion/strenght/for enemy hitters, shiva's guard... or just any kind of tank items depending on the situation... though i have seen some team (zenith i think) run brisstle back as carry IO+ brisstleback kombo+ kotl...

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                  Everyone loves Chibi

                    I usually play Bristle offlane and i win most of them, even with kills sometimes. As the build goes - Treads, Vanguard, then usually blade mail and heart, depends on the game. Pipe is good vs lots of magic dmg, heart is always great. If oponents have lots of normal dmg, then AC isnt bad choise too.


                      not sure there are any random builds worth investigating.
                      perhaps basher/mom combo. I dno.


                        build meks on him.