General Discussion

General Discussionwtf matchmaking? volvo sux

wtf matchmaking? volvo sux in General Discussion

    look at the fucking ember
    2-14 with lowest hero damage below abbadon
    fucking noob feeder worst player ever
    5.3k my ass


      lalala so bad so sad such an attention whore


        I'm just parodying all the idiots who keep blaming matchmaking. My point here is that a perfectly decent player can screw up one game so badly that all 4 of his teammates would post threads about it if they were active on Dotabuff, even if he was normally competent on that hero. In this game I was the highest MMR in the five-man stack by a large margin too.

        It all boils down to the situations you end up facing. My team had a jungler and the only support went to help the offlane for some reason (had I known he would, I would obviously pick a hero with stronger lane presence), leaving me solo against Earth Spirit and CM. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that lane is? The first time I showed my face in lane a stone - nova combo put me down at 150 hp from 600. At level 2 they dive me at the tower and both get level 3, and we all know what happens when Earth Spirit reaches level 3. Abbadon did eventually come top, but the damage was done - those two could freely dive behind T1 and kill BOTH of us.

        There are many possible reasons for one person performing exceptionally bad. He could be drunk, he could be deliberately throwing as a result of his real life mood, he could be an asshole ruining games on purpose like a certain someone else on this forums, or he could be simply forced into a situation where he was basically helpless as a result of the team composition and laning. Did my teammates have every right to blame me? Most definitely. But are they partially responsible for the disaster that occurred? Yes, they did play a part through their picks and laning decision. It is only too easy to point fingers at one person, push the blame on him and fault matchmaking for being put with such an idiot.

        To prove my point I played the same hero the next game, ending up solo-ing a much easier lane against Clockwerk and easily carried the game with top GPM and Hero Damage.

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          lol nub feeder gg
          earth spirit is balanced. why you complain

          just wait for terrorfeed to come...

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            No, Zenoth it was a forced loss. Valve forced you to play terrible so you would go down in rating.


              yes omg volvo sux
              sees i'm on a win streak and forces me to lose
              they made me play bad
              jussi knows where its at


                a perfectly good player? ok


                  Fine. Not necessarily perfectly good, but decent enough to win 4/6 of my previous ember spirit games. Mechanically competent on that hero at a level not inferior to the average performance of any other player I would meet.


                    well your point is true but loa is one of the worst safe lane supporters, esp against the expected slark or es offlane


                      You shouldnt cry :(

                      My team going 2-16 in 5min, then the opponents snowballer DC and my team keep resuming = abandon. I managed to snowball myself and farm up, so when the abandon player came back I was pretty big and my ult more or less 1hitted him (Night Stalker)

                      Do _NEVER_ cry about your team-mates. Play on and do your best!

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                        LoA is actually decent in a contested safe lane. The main problem is that Ember is a terrible hero in lane until at least level 3, whereas Earth starts the game with a 1000 range stun + nuke with more damage than level 1 shockwave at an absurdly low mana cost. 125 damage + stun for 75 mana versus 75 damage for 90 mana. The first level of his shield only blocks 50 magical damage, and you're forced to get it at level 1 or 2. Bolas aren't enough against the monstrosity that is Earth Spirit.

                        Against a competent Earth that gets ahead, I bid you good luck. Everywhere in lane is out of position, even behind your t1 tower.

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                          just stup1d fk carry who doesn't have skill to farm


                            ITT: people missing the sarcasm of the post and actually posting their own matches where they blame mm

                            la the yeezy

                              Zenoth marry me


                                To be fair, a lot of people hate supporting Ember Spirit :P


                                  people who use sarcasm in the internet and expect people to understand is the clueless one


                                    Yes, on a forum meant to promote some level of discussion, people who post mindlessly without reading anything in the thread and eschew any displays of basic cognitive ability are precisely the kind of people who love to complain about matchmaking. There was a fucking long post right below the top clarifying what I was trying to say.

                                    Thank you for making my point.

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                                      I totally agree. *:)


                                        No matter what you write Zenoth someone is sure to totally misunderstand it and vehemently disagree, even if they really agree with you. Communication in any form requires both the sender and the receiver to succeed. Sometimes receivers just fail and there is nothing you can do about it on your end.

                                        I find sarcasm is particularly unlikely to translate in writing on the internet. People rely heavily on tone of voice to detect sarcasm.

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                                          why not talking about weaver 2-12 ember had 15 assists



                                            Doom auto-attacked from start to finish. 45 last hits in 52 minutes. Finishes game with boots of travel, a shadow blade and observer wards.



                                              Support doom next lvl.


                                                Omfg Zenoth has such a butthurt he created his own thread?

                                                Chill, kiddo.