General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is broodmother op hero?

Why is broodmother op hero? in General Discussion

    Just why?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Because Icefrog is actually a moron and knows nothing of balance.


        I feel better now


          I dont think shes OP


            In hands of a bad players, she's a shitty hero. But in hands of a good players she's really annoying and hard to deal with. After late buff she's actually a great hero, but i hate her too if she's not in my team :D Anyway, you can always counterpick her with Bat or Storm spirit.

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              In pub game average bm player can win game solo... U need rly good counter like naga siren or 2 stuns on lane to kill bm ... But anyway u constantly need 2-3 heroes on lane to gank bm... So it's op hero


                And ofc lot of wards and dust and shit... so much money and time to spend just for 1 hero while other 4 have free farm/push or anything they want


                  totally not an OP

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                    its not an op hero, only the ignoring path is broken

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      Watched a game where almost everybody was 5k. No one can kill solo pushing spider cuz she went into cliffs. Even blink daggers and gem couldn't stop her. Was amazing to watch. But game was 4v5.. she eventually got bottom radiant rax pushing. And team won but way much more exciting to watch than furion.

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                        Not op Valve plz buff Brood.


                          ECHO SLAM


                            Brood isn't that great you just need to buy sentries early, she won't get any kills and towers, but she will rape you if you do stupid shit like let one of your ally alone on his lane early and he don't buy sentries.

                            It's like not buying counter invi vs mirana.

                            Players will learn after time what a sentries is, they learned for riki but don't with brood.

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                              Batrider = problem solved

                              Push broods lane from the start yourself = problem solved

                              Stop sitting around brood with 3+ players half of the game only cause you want to kill her somehow = problem solved



                                Just raped bm with ck on lane i feel wonderful


                                  i dno why she is a hero. she spends more time off the map in game, then in it. might as well delete it.

                                  Jorges Sanz

                                    Brood is imba. free pathing in web is just plain ridiculous

                                    1. Hardest hero to zone out from the start at lvl 1 in off-lane. There are very few duo-lanes that can zone brood out right from the start even with sentries. Even if you do zone him out, usually it means sacrificing your pulling camps/roaming/rune control.

                                    2. Committing a tri-lane and/or transitioning a push against an off-lane brood during laning phase in theory sounds nice. If you're playing against players with half a brain they'll just trade safe-lane towers with you. Even better, brood can just use web to path behind your towers to cut off your creeps to slow down tower pushes.

                                    Any thoughts on putting brood in mid? Would be even more op in mid imo... especially with all the cliffs to abuse