General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips to get past 3700 mmr solo queue in CM?

Any tips to get past 3700 mmr solo queue in CM? in General Discussion

    I still get ranked with 1-2k mmr and euro throwers who feed couriers like whiny c*nts.

    Besides being nicer - which heroes do you recommend, or do you think it's entirely up to skill?


      Dont play captains mode at 3.7 k LOL

      Woof Woof

        dont play cm think about how many players can play more than 5heroes at your rarting? CM is last thing you should play

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          I see... lmao ok f*ck yeah I keep getting people who cry that they can't play because they didn't get the hero they wanted.


            Just play ap and when you get 4.5k maybe you can play some `ok` cm games at solo queue but still you ll get there retards. Cm is not for pub if you don`t have freindly 5 stack to play with.. Cm is for teams thats why competetive dota teams at tournaments play that mode. If you solo queue play ap ..


              you can play cm but just pick ez teamfight and push heroes like venomancer and gyro


                pick bh.
                track enemy.
                get some kills.


                  CM is for coordinated teams. Play AP lose some gold and counter dem noobs.

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                    The only thing I prefer about CM is the time I can have to fool around with other things during the pick phase most of the time, and having couriers bought 99% of the time.

                    3.8k Solo queue for cm mode ain't bad though right? ):


                      You can do what you want... but my advice is don't use CM in pubs at all. If you want pseudo organization play Captain's Draft.

                      Don't play Captain's Mode unless you have an actual team. Maybe a 5 stack would be ok, but usually its not. The captain needs to know who is good at what heroes or he cannot make rational draft choices.

                      Captain's Draft's is nice variation on pickings heroes that can reward versatility and keep things interesting so you don't constantly face the same pub heroes.


                        CM 3.7k ? huehuehuehuehue this is autolose


                          Guess what? The other team is also playing CM ;-)


                            i mean when hes solo Q... i reccomend playing CM only when full party at this MMR..
                            there are so many rusko foko doto outa there :)

                            one and half gun

                              i went from 5022 to 5700 by doing this

                              go mid/offlane
                              mute your entire team
                              fight near your towers

                              surely going from 3700 to 4500~ shouldnt be a problem, or you can abuse broken ass heroes and search for obscure languages like "Europe West/Korean" to stack in Solo Ranked and pretend you're good at the game like van art, bogidota etc did

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                                not by playing against your friend?

                                mr dee

                                  by not playing CM


                                    I haven't had many issues playing CM down in the trench (3.1k). Sure I get idiots sometimes, but you get idiots in every gametype...

                                    EDIT: Just went back and counted. 24-12 for ranked solo CM games.

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                                      That's not bad but not a lot of games to show an accurate score. Most people end up around 45-60% win rate imo.

                                      I'm at 3.8k now, I tried AP but it's meh...


                                        I'm just saying that solo ranked CM matches aren't as much of a clusterfuck as people make them out to be. If you draft a decent lineup (spamming the captain button is a vital skill) and play well it's not that hard to win solo CM matches. At the very least it's not significantly harder to win than ranked AP.

                                        EDIT: At the very least you'll get a team composition that makes some sense playing CM as long as you draft. You can't say that about AP.

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