General Discussion

General Discussion800MIL DMG THEN PATCH?

800MIL DMG THEN PATCH? in General Discussion

    Ok so people got like almost 1billion dmg..... then they patched it and now we can only get like 2-3mil.... how is this fair wen the top 1%/10% get best rewards...... its not even worth doing now.... its same as diretide people glitched and abused game to get roshan..... then they patched and no 1 else could do it but glitchers still got is retarded


      I would imagine they'd do it in cycles like they did for diretide, they would take the top percentage of each patch when distributing rewards, so they'll do top 1%/10% for pre patch when ursa and Wraith King was the most common strat, but now they'll do it for post patch too, and every subsequent patch that happens

      la the yeezy

        Fucking courier is worthless. To ez to get