General Discussion

General DiscussionGyro's terrible winrate-45%

Gyro's terrible winrate-45% in General Discussion

    Why? Same thing with Lifestealer. These are carries I prefer having on my team in pub games than the opponents' team.


      Simple. They are not played by people who do actually know how to play them.


        very popular heroes, in combination with the fact that the majority portion of players of these heroes are retarded.


          you can also add lone druid

          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

            Why is 45% terrible? Is OD now underpowered hero as well?

            Quick maffs

              well 45 % winrate is kind of bad for a good hero, i dont think they are calling the hero itself bad.


                ^Thanks Dorkly, that's what I meant.

                Quick maffs

                  Any hero that requires farm will do bad in pubs.


                    not really, look at spectre's winratre, 53% and she is one of the hardest carries in the game.

                    King of Low Prio

                      .........spec is hard?


                        Winrate across whole mmr means nothing.


                          .......she isn't?


                            earth spirit had 45% winrate pre patch. I got almost double.


                              obviously you're van art....youre a fucking god

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                What they mean by Spectre being a hard carry isn't that she's hard to play, but that she scales incredibly well with farm but is nigh-useless without it.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Gryo I can see because he needs farm and has no escapes, range isn't that good. Very easy to gank someone who isn't map aware. Lifestealer I'm not sure. I can only assume a lot of lifestealers are jungling which in general pubs don't handle jungle lineups well because they can't 4v5 for the first ~15 mins. Axe jungle always loses, legion commander jungle often loses. The only jungles that seem to do decent consistently are natures, chen and enchantress sometimes if they come out to gank with creeps and doom. Maybe because doom is pretty weak in lane.


                                    Isn't there a posting about this in the blog, and not general discussion over item builds?

                                    Seems that Power treads are built on lifestealer and have a lower % win rate versus phase boots? Probably some of the problem there?

                                    What about Gyro? Same goes for him, the past month about 700,000 plays even between phase and power treads and phase comes out on top by 2%. What about butterfly versus Scepter? Its about even on plays and has a whopping 15% better win rate for 75% versus 60%.

                                    I think a big portion of this can be contributed to "DEFAULT ITEM BUILDS" by Valve, and newer pub players buying the "default" items. Such a big deal here.

                                    Again, there should be a "DOTA BUFF DEFAULT ITEM BUILD" submitted to Valve and they should use that as their default. Just a suggestion.


                                      ^ agree probably because the recommended items on these 2 heroes are terrible

                                      gyro doesnt want lothar and aghs he wants
                                      hod to stack ancients, bkb, and big damage item

                                      the best skill gyro has is that he can clear massive ancients stacks super fricken fast, like luna, and should be built the same way

                                      by the same measure you could go lothars and aganhims on luna as well, but you wont win as much either, plus ur team will be mad


                                        Who cares about WR about the hero. There's way too many variables to account for an accurate reading for how "good" a hero is.

                                        I would actually categorize hero's by "Easy/Medium/Hard"

                                        An easy hero could have as much, less or more potential than a hard hero.
                                        And vice versa.

                                        I would say gyro dies more than naix simply due to lack of escape and no free 6 second BKB.

                                        His skillbuild is also a lot more "less set in stone" and his builds require a lot more thought process because he is very item dependent.
                                        This is why I hate default builds and recommended guides, because they set up borders/limitations/barriers to the critical thinking you're suppose to have when playing Dota.

                                        GAMEPLAY CHANGES BROS. Can't always go the same items every game. #Smart


                                          You need to get Helm on Gyro and stack ancients, because he's AMAZING at clearing those stacks for ez gold. That already is beyond most pub players. They don't utilize one of his biggest strengths.

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                          kanye went to uni

                                            I think you should fight early with Gyro to take advantage of his teamfight capabilities. AFK farming in pubs usually ends in a loss but people like farming too much because apparently it's nice to just hit creeps, blissfully unaware that the rest of the team is losing because of that, so you can come out with good farm, go into a fight, be surprised at opponent teams' farm and levels, die because of that, then blame your team for feeding.

                                            Gyro is so good early, you have a nearly spammable ult that slows significantly (and damages if you're lucky), an attack which hits everything in a huge area which you don't even need to aim, and a nuke which pretty much kills early game heroes from full health. Build drums, make sure you have tp scrolls, get kills, win game. Simple as that. There are very few situations when you should afk farm him.