General Discussion

General DiscussionThought on Treant Protector in Current patch?

Thought on Treant Protector in Current patch? in General Discussion

    ive recently fallen inlove with him again lately even tho hes definetly not at strong as he use to be but i feel he definetly good this patch as he works amazing with LC/Phoenix/TB and he can completely stop push lineups if ur team defends and pushing seems to be the most preferd playstyle now days...... altho having a 75% winrate with him everytime i pick him every1 says hes a useless hero just wanna get every1's thoughts?

    Vanity  ツ

      The hero is really strong as a solo offlane/ aggro support. He has only good and useful spells and doesn't fall of that much late either


        Hi Dizzy,

        Not a useless hero very strong support. Can't spam his heal spells and has the long 32 second cooldown instead of 16 + uses 50 mana instead of 25 mana per cast on the global heal spell was a big nerf. Had to adjust my playstyle with him.

        What's helped out in solo pub matches (or team matches) Is hitting ALT+Left click the global heal spell so everyone is aware how many seconds left on cooldown it is. Otherwise you have people overextending early on and dying because they are wanting a heal but don't realize it's dbl the cooldown now, and dbl the mana cost!

        I agree any squishy hero can really team up with him in lane or not in lane and is a good combo. My fave is having weaver on my team. He is super squishy, but can benefit from the global heal spell not in my lane while hes solo offlane or mid. I never lost with a weaver/treant combo yet. (We don't pick weaver if bloodseeker is on the board though!)

        one and half gun

          my friend went from 4.7k to 5.9k by picking it only


            Still OP, underrated.


              very underrated hero, has a global heal that works on towers, a close quarters heal that slows and deals damage, invisiblity that works on allies, and a big teamfight ultimate that roots all nearby enemies.

              also why the new profile pic wave?


                he is just boring as fuck, at least when ES was OP he was fun to play


                  his winrate even on dotabuff is quite good yet his avg KDA not only on dotabuff's list but on good players's profile is reallyyyy low, thats interesting

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                    my kd with him is 5.4 i usually dont have any kills and very few assists but i never really die with him either


                      i have been building mana boots/mek/drums/blink on him usually sometimes vlads sometimes vanguard do u guys agree with this?


                        Seems about right.

                        Vanity  ツ

                          You should consider building soul ring on him, if you have a hard game where you can't farm up mana boots. Treant is one of the few heroes where i find soul ring good


                            ive only had few games with him thus far on my new account but i havnt actually had any mana issues lately sometimes i dont even use my clarity that i bring to lane


                              Your items sounded good until I read "Vanguard"


                                vanguard is very rarely lol it allows me to stay in enemies face more and spam leech :D and good regen for myself so i dont have to waste on myself :D my winrate with vanguard is 100% tho :P


                                  Wink has something against vanguard for some reason. It must of burned down his village and turned the villagers into slaves so now he has an eternal hate for vanguard. :)

                                  Yeah vanguard is one of those rare items I would get with treant. If my farm was fantastic the first 10 minutes, I go vanguard. If not, I keep the health regen ring to build into a hood of defiance/pipe of insight. Why I like it early on is because of the 80% chance to block 40 dmg. You are going to absorb a ton of damage early on. Later game it is not as effective though.

                                  Rest of the build seems fine as long as keeping vanguard in your situational lineup, and not core.


                                    Nobody said so far that Treant Protector with his huge starting damage can deny almost every creep in a lane. I think this is most OP part of this hero.


                                      wait, let me summon avidity

                                      yuno is a slut


                                        @ soultrap

                                        Agreed! He has the highest starting dmg out the gate! EZ denies, EZ last hits if your carry is going to be out of range or whiff an enemy creep for that last hit!

                                        P.S. I have more success with Treant if he is in lane with a range hero. I have a much tougher time otherwise!



                                          and shes not even that crazy, she only killed a few dudes, ive seen crazier...

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            I tend to go soul ring > phase then blink or basi/vlads depending on the type of game. If farmings rough than vlads is better due to the build up. Also helps if pushing is possible. Blink is good if I get a big influx of gold early on. After that, Tree's pretty flexible, so it depends on how the team fights are going and what the gold is coming in. Usually support Tree, so not much control over how much gold I get. Travels are pretty common for me as well as bound eye. Shiva's, Sheep are nice if the gold is there.


                                              I have 100 games with treant. Treant + weaver = gg

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!