General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to fucking win solo que games????

How to fucking win solo que games???? in General Discussion
Hakkaghanims hakkede scepter

    How the fuck do you win solo ranked games. Lately i went form 3800 down to 3600, ive been having full retards in my team, russians and what not. Those people are so incompetent that they even can't use their spells. Actually i guess they're not even using hotkeys.

    An example: Wtf is this?. lvl 13mid?. lvl 14 solo lane. two lvl 11 supports. Every single one of em are feeding, and do not have any items at all.

    Yet another one: We won trilane big, but ofc we lost anyway. Notice me dealing more damage than our carrys on mid lane and solo. How is it fucking possible.

    Has something happend to the mmr system lately, cus it's been fucking retardet the last week. I'm getting matched with russians like every game now, that has no fucking clue about what they're doing.


      mirana and nature's prophet works for me

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        There are 77 other threads complaining about similar things, or the exact same thing in the top ten pages of Dotabuff. You can check this link for a list of different topics on improving your game play, how to win solo queue ranked and other threads.

        King of Low Prio

          I love idiots who say 'we won the trilane' the fuck do you lose a trilane?

          one and half gun

            well from my experience, solo queue is 90% trolls and 10% serious

            also everyone in solo sucks dick including yourself so theres that,

            King of Low Prio


              500 tower dmg? wtf where you doing?

              edit: I am actually going to watching this match because something is off

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Pick suporter/roamer and gank the shit out of their mid and lines , but focus mid. Buy wards, and meka ( or pipe ) if you face some heroes, with mostly magic damage. That is my secret of sucess.

                And never give up. I had like 10 games, with players who plays dota 2 for first time, and i mean first time. So don't judge them, spam gg, ff or similar. Explain them, and you will win. Trust me

                Ofc, there will be idiots, mostly russians, but don't pay too much atention, like i do. I just broke my chair, couse some asshole. Don't try that

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  Its not possible to get some solo queue rating,cus you ll lose always someone ruining on purpose just dieing like this game or ppl just go random heroes which they cant play,so that`s also where you losing. And ofc stupid picks and stupid lanes ppl don`t care about counterpicks and etc. stuff so yes its forcing 50% even if you are pro.

                  beast player

                    just pick a high impact heroe if ure good enough u win 1v5 till 5k mmr bracket

                    Hakkaghanims hakkede scepter

                      I'm not saying that im pro. But the people ive been matched with lately has been insanely horrible.
                      I don't think i only did 500tower dmg, cus i took down bot tower all on my own.


                        remind me of trilane from last game

                        they are trying trilane mirana, earth spirit and clockwerk
                        we noticed this, but unfortunately our pick was bad (jugg, sand king and dark seer(me)) all meele
                        so me and sand king decided to go jungle and farm cause we gave up even before it started
                        fortunately, earth spirit and clockwerk keep going too far to harass me and sand king and left jugg to get some level
                        we kited them to our jungle and got double kill + first blood
                        and at the same time their mid invoker went bottle,
                        I suppose these Mirana, clockwerk and earth spirit are 3 people stack, went to the same lane and fucked by 3 solo queue player
                        so hilarious


                          Play strong heroes with crazy potential early-mid game. QoP, Slark, Puck, Storm, Clock, Zeus, etc.

                          If you are good, you can reach 4500 solo, if not, reflect on where you can improve. Read guides, watch pro replays.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          King of Low Prio

                            Ok I watched the match and I can see your problem. You are blind.

                            - your supports got you a first blood with good warding

                            - your supports stacked the jungle/ancients for you

                            - they forced WR out of the lane giving you 100% free farm

                            - they smoke ganked mid and top

                            - at no point in the game did you ever hold a TP scroll

                            - you refused to help your teammates even when teamfights where happening almost 10 steps away from you

                            - the other teams supports where even with your team until you started losing all your teamfights

                            - I bet you shit talked your teammates the whole game ( I could only see the shittalking that occurred in allchat )

                            - the enemy sniper was halfway done his MKB and you decide to build a butterfly

                            TLDR: your teammates gave you a stacked jungle / ancients AND a 100% solo free farm lane and you did not take advantage with it in the mid game and lost the match. The supports did their job while you failed yours


                              Grimorum, your new avatar sucks...actually, it looks really cool but it's too big for an avatar because you have to squint in order to see the Invoker there.


                                4512mmr Solo With Only invoker
                                I Still won my games although i firstpicked and enemy team tried counterpick all the time..
                                Pick some Mid hero u are really good at and dominate game.. then snowball ganks and ez win ez life


                                  i think you win solo queue games by destroying the enemy teams ancients.

                                  I could be wrong.

                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                    Sampson will you write a bounty hunter "how to" guide for the forum?


                                      holy shit
                                      thats mah boy sampson


                                        - play whatever role your team needs (don't just pick carry)

                                        - be friendly no matter how bad the game is going (comebacks are always possible)

                                        - don't complain if you end up getting support

                                        - make sure you're comfortable with the hero (don't play visage for the first time)

                                        - try to have fun the whole game

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          give me a template and I will, I am too much of a scatterbrain to organize it well

                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                            Thanks. I'm sure the community would love to hear you give a guide, I'll get back to you.


                                              I m stucked at 4500-4600 mmr 5 days plz someone help to reach back my 4800-5000 this is hilarious !


                                                i can give u 5+ if u have a nyx dagon genuine
                                                u just have to wait 3 4 days until i get my new card

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  Just try to do your best... At least, even having desperate idiots in 4/10 games, you still have 6 to win. If it doesn't encourage you, remember, that sometimes you are playing against such faulty players. Your team doesn't need to be perfect, you should just play better than opponents.


                                                    I like this sampson much better than the Russian speaking one.

                                                    though to be fair, it appears he ended the game holding a TP scroll... though i have no doubt he never carried one earlier.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    Von Darkmoor

                                                      Actually i agree with Brandt af how the fuck do you win solo ques sure lately i trolled a game or two but thats just because i got frustrated.
                                                      To be totally honest it feels like its close to impossible to win unless you play your best game of the month every time you play otherwise you lose, honestly i cant possibly be expected to play my absolute best+have a bit of luck every game to be able to win. The games simply cant just depend on what i do yet it feels like it does, they changed something about this retarded matching or? Wish they just went back to good ol fashion lobby hosting/ leagus for those intresseded cause these matching alghorithms fucking blows!!!! (And yes ofc the only possible gamemode for me is Captain mode everything else is a WASTE OF TIME, i suppose this could be the problem^^)
                                                      (The worst part about it is the first picking wannabecarry and everytime i fall for the stupid idea that ooh he might be thats proberly why he picked it and close 90% of the time they fail or just afk farm untill the game is over. That could proberly add to it aswell.)

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        wow Matti dude, so much wall of text, make some paragraphs :-)

                                                        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                          Phoenix works quite well for me.

                                                          Hakkaghanims hakkede scepter

                                                            Well smaug, i also guess that ur rating is higher than mine. And ur team mates arent feeding from the very start every fking game. But is phoenix with dagon rly a legit and good pick?.

                                                            Sampson, i can't carry the game all on my own, sure i had some support. But still look at their lvl and items. Also our mid is lvl 13 with 60cs. How the fuck am i supposed to carry that?. Our solo top lane is lvl 14?. Not a single person on my team in that game has one item finished.


                                                              Sometimes you get shit teammates, sometimes you get great ones. Sometimes you carry, sometimes you get carried. Such is solo queue.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                Brandt what you do not understand is the reason why they are underlv'd is because you lost all your team fights. They are not playing a carry where they can jungle to gain levels easy. The end number is irrelevant because it was the failures the midgame that let to the end game


                                                                  My personal experience - play Captains Draft/Mode while solo-q. This way you will at least solve the problem of really poor lineups and auto-loss before the game has even begun. And the population playing CD/CM is on average a bit more serious when it comes to the game.

                                                                  Also - try to snitch the Captain's Position, if you are confident. And COMMUNICATE in any case - voice your hero preference. Or ask if you are the Captain.

                                                                  Von Darkmoor

                                                                    Sorry Yoshi :P

                                                                    I call it the wall of frustration and rage. =)

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    Hakkaghanims hakkede scepter

                                                                      8 ranked lost in a row. It just goes on and on. Solo and mid lane losing eveyr fuicking game.


                                                                        Brandt, what is your MMR?

                                                                        Win or Lose - your scores from the last 20 games are horrific!

                                                                        Only 4 out of your last 20 games do you have a positive K / D ratio...perhaps i am naive and i see much higher scores because i am in potato bracket but i would say the games you win, you are carried and the games you lose, you deserve it

                                                                        3-11 Riki and 3-11 Wraith King in games that last around 35 minutes...feed much? You are dying on average about once every 3.x minutes, taking the travel time and respawn time into consideration, that is awful!

                                                                        SWAG DRAGON

                                                                          Bradt af u are crying shit noob

                                                                          Hakkaghanims hakkede scepter

                                                                            My mmr is 3500. Well i been having teammates feeding also from the very start till the end. We have no teamplay in those games at ALL. I can get ganked in my lane at tower, by 4 from the enemy team, they can just dive without problems and theres no help comming . While everyone on my team are farming lanes or woods.

                                                                            waku waku

                                                                              you can't even if you're good enough to win on your own your game will lag and have glitches at most inappropriate moments


                                                                                I agree with Kawaii Socks. Solo queue has a better turn out in that low of mmr I should know! Do only captains mode or draft. All pick is garbage at this mmr because everyone goes carry/semi carry/nuker and never goes support, or if they do they go full retard and get dmg items instead of wards/mek/dust etc.

                                                                                I don't suggest throwing in all pick in Ranked MM. I only do all pick now to try out heroes which was my problem after mm came out and is a good portion why i'm in the trash bracket.

                                                                                Get out of the garbage, do CM/CD get over 4k mm then throw in all pick. I boosted mine this past week from 2.4k to 2.8k and won 90% of my games. 10% of the games I lost I didn't get to click "become captain" fast enough and got foreigners picking things I wasn't comfortable to play with. Experience may vary!


                                                                                  most of my games are one sided and someone abandons at least 50% of the time,

                                                                                  but the good news is that I'm going up in MMR

                                                                                  Mortimer Smith

                                                                                    invoker+necro eazy ranked


                                                                                      By playing better.