General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is a good KDA ratio? Share your opinions.

What is a good KDA ratio? Share your opinions. in General Discussion

    ^^ Title ^^

    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      2.5 and up on top 7 heroes. And 3.5-5 KDA on carry heroes.

      King of Low Prio

        1 as long as the throne dies



          is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


            Over 2... I'd say 2 to 3


              Decent, 2-3
              Good, 3+

              Vanity  ツ

                2-3 on most heroes, while 4+ on heroes like pl and medusa (heroes that should not die that much to reach their full potential). Besides that, maintaining a high kda is usually the wrong focus

                Quick maffs

                  Depends on the game and your role, if you are playing a free farm antimage and the enemy does not have any kind of silence you should get 3+ kda or at least 2+.

                  If you are playing necro by the other hand you are probably going to get 4+ kda even if you are playing bad :P


                    It really depends if you're a heavy stacker or a mostly solo queue player. For example, if you always play carry with a full stack, you will hardly die as much as people with random supports

                    But I'd say, in average, 3+ is good


                      Considering general statistics:

                      0.00~0.99 = Bad
                      1.00~1.99 = Poor
                      2.00~2.99 = Average
                      3.00~3.99 = Good
                      4.00~ up = Excellent


                        I have only 2 games on Abaddon with KDA 0/4/13 (lost match) and 2/0/10 (won) but my KDA ratio on is 6,25. So I really have no idea how you calculate this KDA ratio.


                          kda ratio is on your "heroes" tab, it averages out you kills, deaths and assists through all of your games as that heroes, then does kills + assists divided by your deaths


                            Then KDA ratio shows nothing.


                              What do you mean by "it shows nothing"? Obviously KDA doesn't mean much if you don't play a lot of games with one hero, but it tells you a lot on, say, your top 7


                                K/DA is completely relative based on your skill vs your opponents skill.

                                Frankly it is rather meaningless, and while it is an indicator of how well you do with a hero, it holds no meaning towards MMR.


                                  ^thats the point I was trying to make, phrased better

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                                    KDA Ratio = (K+A)/D

                                    K: kills/matches played
                                    D: deaths/matches played
                                    A: assists/matches played

                                    if D = 0, then use this formula: (K+A)/(D+1)

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                                      What I care the most about is having 0 Deaths and your team knowing you helped.


                                        It doesn't matter what your KDA is.

                                        You can go 1:4 and still be playing excellently. See: supports/roamers/gankers.

                                        Carries shouldn't be dying, but even if you are 1:1 you're still doing okay, as long as the throne goes down. For all we know, you have a ganky team and they take the last hits. Maybe every single fight you snipe their carry and your team cleans up meanwhile.

                                        TL;DR: KDA doesn't REALLY matter, as long as you aren't feeding.


                                          Yeah... I generally play carry/semi-carry so my KDA is usually 6-9.


                                            I think it depends on role.

                                            I think about 1.5 to 2 KDA is good for hard supports like CM or Venge.

                                            About 2 to 3 for carry heroes and mids is good as well.

                                            But it kind of depends, having 1 KDA on, say, CM is alot better than 1 KDA on, say, a Pudge. Not every hero is suited to getting kills or assists, and some are just very easy to kill no matter what you do.

                                            However, I think it is more important to do your job than worry about KDA. I've have games I've won where my KDA was less than 1 and we won, and some games I dominated that I still lost. Playing your role well and having good positioning will are two of the best ways to improve KDA and win games.


                                              Any KDA is good KDA doesnt matter its whoever kills ancient.....ive seen natures prophets single handedly win our games and have like 0-10 score KD doesnt mean shit and any1 that play with KDA in there mind needs to go play COD

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                                                as long as kda is more than 1, you're not feeding.

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                                                  You're more likely to be stellar if you're at 10 kda rather than 0.5 kda.

                                                  So yes, in certain scenarios, it does give some approximation of skill level, just not specific.


                                                    i have quite good KDA for spec. but the winrate is lower than average (52% < 54% for spec).
                                                    also look at my pl.

                                                    so for carry. good KDA doesn't mean good performance.


                                                      I guess for carry heroes would be better if 3+ kda
                                                      i got a decent kda with Invoker .. could be better

                                                      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                        Wins are all that matters.


                                                          See my Riki, KDA 82. What's your problem sir? :D


                                                            Probably need to factor win rate into it too. No good having a huge KDA and not winning.

                                                            My Aim Sucks(Yaong)

                                                              3 - meduim kda
                                                              4 - normal kda
                                                              5+ good kda


                                                                0-1 Okay
                                                                1-2 Good
                                                                2+ Excellent

                                                                0-1 Shouldn't play carry
                                                                1-2 Poor
                                                                2-3 Good
                                                                3+ Best


                                                                  Ganker/Initiator/Everything else:
                                                                  0-1 Play support pls
                                                                  1-2 Okay
                                                                  2-3 Good
                                                                  3+ Very Good

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                                                                    3-7 on most played heroes, get on mah level kiddos. :p




                                                                        a/b > 1.5 = great
                                                                        a/b > 1.25 = good
                                                                        a/b > 1 = ok-ish good

                                                                        a is your kda for some specific hero
                                                                        b is the average kda shows here



                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            It doesn't matter one bit. As long as you contribute and win game. Tons of carries avoid fights, die once or twice and end up with good kda but don't help win games. Carries with great escapes like mirana, AM, weaver come to mind. Other times you have a big tank who dies a lot cus other teams focus him and you win a lot of team fights after he goes down so his kda is crappy but he soaks up tons of dmg to let your team win. Undying, bristle, axe come to mind. Other times you are a pusher who doesn't team fight yet you kill all the towers and win the game so you're line is like 3/3/5 maybe and doesn't look so good. Like lycan or np. KDA really doesn't mean jack.


                                                                              like what he said.


                                                                                Then I am a god


                                                                                  that guy on top has 9.95 kda 90% ursa wtf !!???

                                                                                  WASD player

                                                                                    Dota isn't really about kills, but I aim for triple kills than my deaths. But seriously Dota isn't about kills, you can't flame someone for having less kills than you. Having high kills doesn't mean anything. It's just funny to killsteal when you're really ahead

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