General Discussion

General Discussion2 months break: What has happened

2 months break: What has happened in General Discussion

    I havent played for the last 2 months so can anyone give me an update as to what has happened of the more important things? I can see alot of changes but hard for me to see what is important in this period and what isnt. I can see phoenix has been added?

    And a new ability mode? Whats that?


      fuark yuu meeN!!!


        Go read 6.80 changelog and thats it..


          Im just playing this new mode, it looks awesome, what u think about it? and do they count as much as regular games do?


            is it 10 random heroes?




                es nerfed, brood nerfed, 2 new heroes, you lose gold if not pick in time in all-pick, that new game mode (10 rando heroes, you choose ability as you probably figured out by now). mostly thats it.
                and new hats.

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  whats new except for Phoenix?

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Terrorblade, ES heavy nerf and some other unimportant shit. Also it's 10 heroes from the game + 2 random heroes so you have more choices.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!