General Discussion

General DiscussionRegion/Language filter is good for nothing.

Region/Language filter is good for nothing. in General Discussion

    Why is there region/language filter ,which doesnt work how it should. I play on West Europe with english language only and still I get mm with russians ,who refuses to speak english and gets mad when I ask em if they could speak in english for a better cooperation. I checked West Europe + english language only ,because I wanted to avoid to be MMed with them ,cuz nearly everytime when I end up with russian(s) in the same team ,then we loose ,because he/they feeds the enemy team ,rage quits after 2 deaths ,picks always carry and no support hero or doesnt how to play with the chosen hero. And still I get matchmaked with them on west europe. For example in last match all my teammates were russians ,even with active filter.
    First 5 minutes we were doing surprisingly good ,but one teammate with riki got 2x owned and ragequited. Someone from my team paused game for nearly 2 minutes and waited if the guy with riki will reconnect ,he at the end didnt. Then the guy who paused the game started raging with rest of my team on mic insulting each others ,saying something bla bla bla suka blyat and all of em disconnected.

    For christs sake ,I want to play with normal civilized people ,who can speak english and for that Im using region/language filter and still I get MMed with those russian retards ,who feeds enemy ,ragequits in early game or if someone takes Pudge or Riki. They got their own servers ,then why they dont stay and play there? Just because of em my W/L ratio dropped from 60% down below 54%. Really ,if you cant play Dota 2 properly ,then uninstall it and go harvest wheat for the motherland or go back to LoL and stop ruining the game for the normal people.

    This is really sad ,Valve created Source Engine ,made successful and worldwide known games like a Counter Strike ,Left 4 Dead ,Half-life and yet they cant make a functional region/language filter.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Welcome to dota.


        1. You are a customer
        2. People in dotabuff also a customer
        3. You mad at other customer or you mad at valve?

        Manny Mammoth

          It does work, it cant do much if all the non English speakers choose to have English as a preference, and region filters arent a good solution


            I must since I started playing on EU west again have not encountered many only russians speaking people. It actually suprised me, but maybe you are in trash bracket (no offense), since to me it seems how higher my mmr is the less non speaking russians I encounter.


              I play around 3k on EU west, havent seen non-english speakers for a while. Sometimes they start to speak russian to each other, but as long as Im asking them KINDLY!! to use english when talking to me couse I unfortunately cant understand them, they use english to communicate with me. Most of them even change completly to english and only say 1-2 fast words in russian (or whatever) if its in a fight and needs to be fast.

              Whe I played in even lower bracket and EU east, it was a lot worse, every second game some people not even understanding engilsh...

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              King of Low Prio

                use the chat wheel. This is one of valves best tools they have added to the game yet people are too dumb to learn how to use it


                  ^ true. Just dont forget to set it up with more useful commands, I cant imagine anything more annoying then spamming we need wards when we HAVE observers on the map especially when you mean sentry. There is an option to pls buy detection... Ive even seen "we need wards" spam + pinging chicken.. there is option to "someone pls upgrade the courier" so just fuck.

                  Also, set up either "I immediatly regret my decision" or "that just happened", for fun. :D Maybe even "game is hard" but that can be annoying.


                    It works. People are abusing it to get into a stack while solo queuing. But if russians/whatever select English as a language no one can do much about it.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!