General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do u think of ring of regen + stout shield on every single hero

what do u think of ring of regen + stout shield on every single hero in General Discussion

    as starter items?

    my friend has this standard "make everyone a tank build"

    but he still plays better than average... i just think that his stubborn refusal to play more versatile holds him back


      how about ring of basilius on every single hero
      gives armor and mana regen for 500g
      and can be upgraded to ring of aquila for extra stats on agility heroes



        King of Low Prio

          without 'burst' regen you will be pushed out of lane way too easy, Sure it can work if unpunished by that is just your opponents being bad rather than it being a good build


            to tank. just
            175 ring + 3 x branches + tango.


              if u want to regen, go secret shop. buy ring of regen. before 10 second then sell it, free regen lululul


                i remember many years ago the standard would be dont buy anything then get ring of health lol

                King of Low Prio

                  40 health for a wave of creeps :D


                    sometime when i play support i use that before up courier loool


                      oh... interesting, kind of tedious though


                        You can also buy soul ring and pop it in fountain, sell it, then tp out and cast a spell before it wears off. Free spell.

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          I like it but found it doesn't work on most heoroes. Esp. low hp heroes like enchantress or VS/CM. Cuz if you are laning vs. 2 stunners or double range. They could pick you down 100-200HP then just dive and spam spells to finish you off. There's nothing worst than being 400-500hp out of 600/700hp. Knowing in a 2v2 lane they can dive and spam 2 spells and your dead. Your ally could help but he can also risk dying himself in the process. Starting off with 1 set of tango and 1 pot is far better choice, it doesn't force you to play passive if you are under 1/2 hp early game with ror & stout shield.

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