General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Patches, New Meta, New Ideas! Lets think outside the box for supp...

New Patches, New Meta, New Ideas! Lets think outside the box for supports in General Discussion
He's Panicking

    So reason and probably the community will think this is insanity and that I am noob as fuck but just hear me out. In these times where people are playing Alch more as a support then a carry and Naga/Venge full supports now why don't we widen that pool. I just wondered what everyone thought of a Drow/Trax as full support? her harass is good with frost and has a range silence, A smoke gank just about anywhere with 2 levels in frost would almost always get kills.

    I know her Ulti leans hard towards hard carry but if her focus is on the supports in fights with the silence and extra Agi it could work???? Also if the range is a carry like a Luna (most picked carry in 6.80) that global is a bonus.

    Look its just an idea, hate or debate whatever...... I'm going to give it a try so there.

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      I've played supporting Juggernaut once. Went to safe lane and for some reason Lanaya followed me. I decided that I can do more things unfarmed than she, and left lasthitting to her. Worked out well enough.


        visage and drow ranger as a support is good. Drow ranger bonus range damage make the familiar goes wild, and I think thats now a bad idea harrashing wiith frost arrow. But he didnt have burst damage and disable and somehow that what the team need. Good burst damage and good disable skill. Which the other support have.

        He's Panicking

          I played Tiny support recently and that went pretty well.

          @Flop I see what you saying and that's why heroes with nukes and disables are the generally picked supports. That's why I'm just trying to see if its at all possible for this to work.

          The game says probably not but fuck the game, rules are meant to be broken. Shadow Shaman Carry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            The most uncommon support that i play:
            drow, sven, gyro, jugger, naga, weaver, alche(before puppey popularise it, but now it's pretty common)


              No, no, no...

              Drow Ranger is not a carry and not a support either. She is PUSHER.
              No shit.
              If you look at her matches, she is often #1 on tower damage dealt. And when she activates her third skill, every ranged creep and catapult gets bonus damage from her aura. With that she can push all 3 lanes simultaneously.


                Dunno what's so special about that. I'm playing semi-support drow since the change of her aura into global. I don't buy mek, but I buy wards / courier if needed and let the whole farm to lane partner. I usually catch up with farming after level 6 or 11.

                Edit: and btw hard carry drow sucks! Also roaming support drow sucks because she needs levels. The only "support duty" drow is good at, is winning the lane and being alive to provide the aura.

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                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  I always though support huskar could be a thing. Great lane harass, a heal, decent range, and can roam and gank well at 6.

                  My two personal favorites are Support Antimage, and Support Spectre.
                  [*] Blink or Haunt and Mek + Focused use of the item. Also you can Haunt to an enemy chasing an ally and slow them + Mek your team mate.
                  [*]Spectre can also use dagger to play wards off map. #Newmetaz


                    Or pick chen.

                    Sven is kinda' underrated as support, but is actually quite good. Morph and WK (Skeleton King) are also quite decent as supports, except they need a bit too many levels. I'd put them on the same tier with ogre.

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                      Support Drow is good if your carry is ranged and your mid is ranged and both can use your bonus. Like a shadow fiend/invoker even qop puck whatever, + luna or gyro would work.

                      I was thinking about picking Drow support instead of Venge support IF we have ranged mid, short range carry in safe-lane (so short range Venge would suck and cant even roam couse needs to be babysat), and something tanky in offlane + jungle or dual offlane, I dont like the idea of Drow trilane, at least give her levels, if not farm... Also full squishy team sucks... Frost arrow harass is lovely, high range, no creep aggro, even slows so you can hit more... If you happen to have teammates who have all have some kind of stun, + enemy has some shit that needs to be silenced...

                      tl;dr I really think there are those situations when support Drow is the best possible idea, she offers so much. But not something to first pick, its a rare situation, but then its awsome. (4 ranged in your team, some kind of stun on everyone, also have a second support, so you dont need to buy everything, enemy has something that needs to be silenced, offlaner needs to be zoned out but your carry's life is not in constant danger that only a stun could save)


                      Ive seen Sniper support in one of my games, he was pulling and building mek. That one didnt work. :D

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                        Venge vs Drow is quite situational. Drow is better babysitter during the laning stage, but Venge has a nuke/stun and an ability that goes trough bkb and also can save allies. Drow has nothing to interrupt tps.

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                          I think Tidehunter may become a carry in new meta. Built-in Vanguard and ability to remove all negative debuffs is very valuable for a carry.

                          In pro games we often see chain hexes and stuns on a carry before he can turn on his BKB.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!