General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about AD

Question about AD in General Discussion

    I have a question about ability draft. Are ALL heroes from the game available in this mode? Coz i happen to see Bloodseeker, treant, naga, skywrath, skeleton king over and over again?

    Ples Mercy

      not all but most, i dont think meepo is i there, that would be utterly broken.


        "The following heroes are unavailable: Beastmaster, Chen, Doom, Earth Spirit, Ember Spirit, Io, Invoker, Keeper of the Light, Lone Druid, Meepo, Morphling, Ogre Magi, Phoenix, Puck, Rubick, Shadow Demon, Shadow Fiend, Templar Assassin, Terrorblade, Troll Warlord."

        from the dota 2 wiki.


          I understand Meepo not being there, and SF because of hotkeys, but why not the others? Yeah Multicast would be OP but there are lots of OP stuff. Yesterday I played a game where a PL had Liquid Fire + Germinate Attack + Walrus Punch -> double ranged punch

          Quick maffs

            Wish meepo was there


              one reason is some of these heroes have 5 or more skill keys


                Yeah...but anyone with Divided We Stand would be pretty OP if they could micro it correctly...

                Dire Wolf

                  It's probably more technical limitations than op abilities, like switching between melee and ranged attacks for troll, how would that be implemented on a ranged hero?


                    Since in normal games (i believe) Rubick can steal that range/melee skill, it isnt that hard to put the effect available on every hero. Ane melee heroes can have range anways with orb effect skills or with picking sniper's range skill (or liquid fire and some more).

                    Dire Wolf

                      I don't think rubik can steal berserkers rage because it's a toggle, not a cast. Rubick can't steal orb effects for example. I know melee can become ranged with some effects but that doesn't mean in the code that there are not technical limitations with many of these excluded heroes. I suspect there are because they clearly don't care about balance so technical issues would be my guess.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        No you can steal toggle abilities like Mana Shield, Split Shot and Berserker's Rage.


                          All of the heroes that aren't in AD have a skill that requires two or more keys per skill.

                          Magi isn't in there because the Agh's upgrade gives him another spell. Not sure about TB, maybe it's because he was implemented the same time as AD came out.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!